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Tomcat Scrapping

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  • Tomcat Scrapping

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  • #2
    Sad to hear but certainly not unexpected. Though at least there'll quite a few Tomcats surviving at places like the NASM, Wright-Patterson AFB, or Pima A&S Museum.


    • #3
      All good things eventually come to an end - remember Spitfires and Mustangs got scrapped as well.....


      • #4
        is there any chance that some very rich collector will have a Tomcat flying in airshows like we see with F-86, F-104, Mig-21 and so on ? I guess not but that would be great...



        • #5
          Who knows, Mr Mateschitz (the owne of Red Bull) would certainly be an interesting candidate. IIRC, his Hangar 7 at Salzburg is already home to an F-86, along with other planes. A Tomcat would make quite a nice addition to his collection, obviously depending on the price.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Omar Alex Saffe
            is there any chance that some very rich collector will have a Tomcat flying in airshows like we see with F-86, F-104, Mig-21 and so on ? I guess not but that would be great...

            The government probably wouldn't let that happen. They'd probably be too worried about someone selling the parts.


            • #7
              Goose must be rolling over in his grave.


              • #8
                Mostly BS, didnt we sell them a bunch of parts in the 80's? I'm sure between them, russia, and china they could make enough parts to keep them in the air. And even then, a 1970's vintage F-14A with poorly trained pilots cant be that much of a threat against an F-22.


                • #9
                  Don't forget there's a Tomcat at the New England Air Museum. Hopefully more museums will be able to get these birds before they're scrapped.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
                    Who knows, Mr Mateschitz (the owne of Red Bull) would certainly be an interesting candidate. IIRC, his Hangar 7 at Salzburg is already home to an F-86, along with other planes. A Tomcat would make quite a nice addition to his collection, obviously depending on the price.
                    Would also depend of what would the local aviation authorities say. Integrating a former combat aircraft either prop or jet into some airshow circuits is not simple. It would not come as a surprise to me, should the Austrian CAA would require the TomCat to stay static !
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                    • #11
                      Perhaps, but better to have the Tomcat as "just" a static aircraft than having it ripped apart .


                      • #12
                        Good point for you, but even as static display, monitoring the development on the officialdom side should provide for some interesting reading as this would be a first of a kind.
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