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Russians are flying to the Moon...and want to stay there

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  • Russians are flying to the Moon...and want to stay there

    Russia is planning to send the first humans to the Moon in year 2025 and also wants to build the first base on the Moon between the year 2027 and 2032 according to the head or Russian Space Agancy - Anatolij Perminow. He also said that after the year 2035 Russian astronauts will also fly to the Mars. But there are still many problems that need to be solved before that happens. "Currents spaceships do not provide radiation protection, so the crew would die before reaching the Mars" - Perminow said is one of the problems. Russian plans to build a new Spaceship before the year 2015. Perminow said that there is no space rivalization between Russian and the US. "US have over $16.8 billion to spend on Space programs, when Russia has only $1.2billion." said Perminow.
    Source (in Polish):

    Well looks like we'r back to "we'r gonna be first there" competition. Moon's taken, time for Mars.

  • #2
    ....And I guess in 2025, we'll see those allegations about US not having been on the moon in the first place, being put to shame - or will we??
    If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough!


    • #3
      thats because we never landed on the moon in the first place!! duh! it's all just a conspiracy. call me and idiot but 20 years from now can't say i didn't tell you so. on a more serious note i'm sure the U.S. of A will beat the Russians to Mars. Sorry Patryk!



      • #4
        Hmm...well I'd suppose any country has a right to build on the moon...


        • #5
          Doesn't surprise me, with Russia already supposedly laying claim to the North Pole :rolleyes: . Of course, if this were to mean that all Russkis would be shot to the moon and we wouldn't have to deal with them on Earth anymore ...


          • #6
            2025, haha, well the US space program is trying to do that long before that again. I was just down at Kennedy Space center and they talked about it, hopefully within the next 10-12 years they want to go back again.


            • #7
              Originally posted by z740
              thats because we never landed on the moon in the first place!! duh! it's all just a conspiracy. call me and idiot but 20 years from now can't say i didn't tell you so. on a more serious note i'm sure the U.S. of A will beat the Russians to Mars. Sorry Patryk!

              Ok. I'll jump at the bait. You're an idiot. To think that literally thousands of people working in the Apollo project have been able to and more importantly, willing to, keep this supposed "conspiracy" a secret for close to 40 years is unbelievable. Yesterday a B-52 mistakenly had nukes loaded onto it. It took less than 3 hours for someone, who is almost always speaking "on conditions of animosity" to start blabbing about it. There is no way some one wouldn't start talking about it.
              Wayne Dippold


              • #8
                what does it take to make people understand that something is just a joke!! for those who thought i was serious you need serious help!!



                • #9
                  My opinion is that the Americans did land on the moon and I will never change it. it's just like some fantics saying that the whole 9/11 was a one huge conspiracy. Use logic thinking...will somebody kill tousands of people that are just like you, living in the same coutry that you do, having families like you, just to achieve something ? No. Now let's ask a question: why wouldn't Americans fly to the moon ?


                  • #10
                    That's a long time from now... given the shrinking Russian population, by that time there may not be enough eligible people to fly up there

