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The correct registrations into "TP's" planes of Mexican Air Force
I use scramble too, but is not 100% actualiced, but in this case you are telling me that a page what is not actualiced as well is more reliable than a bulletin of the mexican aviation authorities? it sounds ilogic being that in other DB's the registration are the XC-XXX, keeping the code as TP-XX.
For Mexican military regs ..............Is your bible for reference.
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Unfortunately I donīt think they will change it.
I had a discussion with the screeners last year with the same topic and they didnīt seem interested in changing it.
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The correct registrations into "TP's" planes of Mexican Air Force
Recently into a mexican aviation group starts the discussion about the registration in this DB of the presidential transports (easy to find as TP-XX planes Example: TP-01) with one rejected picture of XC-MEX plane, and I agree with those guys that the correct registration (the real reg.) is XC-XXX (example: XC-MEX) not "TP-XX", I made an investigation at SEDENA & DGAC and I found that XC registrations are defined to military and government agencies, those registrations can be combined with a special code (example: PF-XXX for Federal Police, TP-XX for units that are designed to be presidential transports, etc.). And the real function of TP planes are for government use (Major state visits of mexican president or high command secretaries of the country to another place of the world). I'll put here the link of the full info (PDF page #3 section: 2.6 & 2.6.3)
I hope that with this info the registrations can be fixed at DB to avoid confussion to all the aviation enthusiasts & avoid more rejections in a near future.Tags: None
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