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Any UND Guys

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  • #16
    7:00 p.m. here 8:00p.m. there. Sioux have one guy that is from here in the springs, I think they will be fine, even though Denver is used to the altitude, Colorado Springs is almost 1000 ft higher then parts of Denver, not sure about the WA, I am a little over 1000 feet higher then Denver here at my house. It has been VERY warm lately here in COS which is not usual, lately in the 70's but today it is about 38. So the Ice which was likely soft yesterday should be in better shape. I don't really care for the main rink at the WA ice anyway, I have had several practices on that ice and since the building is much warmer then the ice hall next door the ice takes a lot out of you with it being so soft. Especially right after when CC practices. Those @ss's really screw up the ice.


    • #17
      By the way, what are you? Freshman, So., Junior, Senior.

      I am trying to get my dad to change his trips so I can make it to Boston to see UND take the title. I might be coming up to GFK for the night on April 15, my dad has a layover that night. Well see


      • #18
        Originally posted by chrisburns
        By the way, what are you? Freshman, So., Junior, Senior.

        I am trying to get my dad to change his trips so I can make it to Boston to see UND take the title. I might be coming up to GFK for the night on April 15, my dad has a layover that night. Well see
        I'm a Junior. Let me know if you're up at GFK at all, I'll show you around the school. Though if you're only around for the night not much will be open, but we'll see. I dont have a car though .


        • #19
          That would be great, I took a tour of the Aviation part (sort of) in October and got to go to the BC and UND game. If I were to get off school and get lucky enough to fly with my dad, his flight is

          1458 which arrives at 12:51 p.m.

          My dad is a 9 capt. But I will let you know, last time I was there we tried to go to the Blue Moose but it was packed so we settled for The Grand Junction which was pretty good.


          • #20
            I've never actually been to the blue moose, grand junction is pretty good though. Thats cool that you got to tour a bit of UND, how did you like it? I really like the school, but the rest of ND is a bit lacking. But we cost about half as much as riddle, so its worth it.


            • #21
              I liked the school, especially the all you can eat food. Anyway I hate when teams that don't deserve to win, win.

              I.E. Denver beat UND tonight on a flutter shot, oh and UND only outshot DU 40-17.

              SCREW DU. The only reason they are there is because their damn goalie.

              My dad says that the Blue Moose is pretty good, I don't know about you, but once I crossed the river into Minnesota, it felt like I was 1000 miles away from ND. Weird.


              • #22
                Originally posted by chrisburns
                I liked the school, especially the all you can eat food. Anyway I hate when teams that don't deserve to win, win.

                I.E. Denver beat UND tonight on a flutter shot, oh and UND only outshot DU 40-17.

                SCREW DU. The only reason they are there is because their damn goalie.

                My dad says that the Blue Moose is pretty good, I don't know about you, but once I crossed the river into Minnesota, it felt like I was 1000 miles away from ND. Weird.
                Yeah, it was all because of their goalie, but as a goalie that's what you try to do. He did have an outstanding game and UND really should have converted on a few chances. That's what is great about hockey though.. Thats why I love being a goalie. If you really bring your A game, you can singlehandedly win it for your team. But on the other hand, if you have a rough game, you can lose it for your team. Always next year. Good to hear you liked the campus, the all you can eat food would be cool if the food didn't suck. Its absolutely horrible.

