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Crazy Neighbors...

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  • Crazy Neighbors...

    Do you live next to someone you wish you didn't? We do.

    It all started this past Sunday. My little sister (6) went out to get the mail and was chased in by their dog... No reason to be angry since it is only a poodle. So a few minutes later, we're out on the back porch playing with our puppies and here comes that dog again. Barking loud as hell. So we get it to go away and my mom calls the lady next door to ask her to call her dog and bring it inside. The response she got was yelled at her. "Well maybe if your little brat didn't throw rocks at my dog, it wouldn't do stuff like that! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" *slam* and that was that. Extremely rude...

    SO my mom goes out on the front porch, and sees the lady pulling down the string we had held up by two stakes that seperates our property. My mom yells (it is a fairly long distance from the front door to the edge of the property) "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and the lady goes on about how it's illegal to have a string up... blah blah blah. So my stepdad comes out and tries to smooth things over. Then my mom shouts "You're going to have another lawsuit on your hands, Lori." and she yells back "OH you're really scary Debby!"

    Some background you should know about this lady is that she has 3 dogs, NEVER on a leash or chained up. They don't have a fenced in yard, and they let them run rampant. Our neighborhood is fairly nice, by no means is it a place for trash like them. They also have a french drain pointing towards our front yard, and their sewage runs all over the east end of our lot. We've filed numerous complaints with the Health Dept. and they continue to do nothing about it.

    Back to the story. So my stepdad asks for the string back and the man replies "It's on my property, it's my string."
    My stepdad says "Well if your dogs ever come on my property again, they're our dogs."
    "You do that and I've got something for ya."

    I'm not sure what else was said, but they both ended up walking away from each other SCREAMING "F*ck you a**hole. F*ck off."..

    So they called the police. They came to our house and said that nearly everybody in the neighborhood has filed a complaint about them and that if we ever see their dogs out again to call them and that they'll send Animal Control over.

    A few days later they then commenced to pouring gas at the base of two saplings we just planted, killing them both. Lori flagged down a police officer on Hwy. 129 and went on for 2 hours about how scared she was of us. That lady is absolutely insane. We sent a certified letter the other day stating that we are suing her..... She deserves it. Maybe she'll leave this time

    grrr... now i'm done my venting. Let's hear your stories
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  • #2
    Yes... the house next door to me, people just moved in. Last week I met them outside and talked to them for a while. They are a young couple, maybe late 20's, and very Italian. They moved from Brooklyn. After talking for about 10 minutes, Tony (the guy's) phone rang, and he goes "Excuse me. I've got some business to attend to. Nice to meet you" And then ran inside. Then his wife said, "Tony's always got buiness. Don't mind him. He's a umm, umm... traveling salesman."

    Also, the people down at the end of the block always wear sunglasses and black overcoats. Everytime somebody goes near their house they come out and scream, "Get the hell away from my house now! Go! Go!" in a heavy Russian accent.

    Near my dad's house (my old house) in Philadelphia, the neighbor is extremely irate. Since my grandmother, who used to live in the house that my father lived in, used to yell at his wife (whom he allegedly killed) for going on her property, he will come out with a stick and scream (he has one arm as well) GET OFF MY PROPERTY! I WILL POISON YOU! I WILL BREAK INTO YOUR HOUSE!!


    • #3
      The house next door to us was being remodled. The man who lived in it was an Irish contractor. The workers had bee working on this house (which was under 4000 square feet...big, but not huge) for about 2 years. One morning, one of the workers walks out of the house...HE WAS SLEEPING THERE OVERNIGHT!!! He falls face flat on the lawn and is lying there for more than an hour until someone notices him and calls the police. It turns out the worker guy was mentally duranged.
      Also, the same neighbor sued a guy who wanted to build a dock 50 feet into the marsh, running paralell to the edge of his lot. He proposed a community dock for the three houses (including mine) that the dock would have to run paralell to, in order to reach the river/creek. During the court hearing, he mentioned that he could have his men build the dock in one afternoon with some boards and a staple gun. Also, he tried to have a dock built to what he called a "deep water" creek that flows into the larger creek. Just to dive you an idea of the "deep water," during high tide, I was trying to kayak through it and got stuck!!! Now, the house is rented out.


      • #4

        Your neighbors suck. Sue them for every thing they have got. They sound like real assholes. By some muzzels and put them on their dogs if they come on your property and don't shut up. If your neighbourghs don't shut up then by somemore muzzels and strap those to your neighbourghs face .


        • #5
          Originally posted by KBOS

          Your neighbors suck. Sue them for every thing they have got. They sound like real assholes. By some muzzels and put them on their dogs if they come on your property and don't shut up. If your neighbourghs don't shut up then by somemore muzzels and strap those to your neighbourghs face .

          I'll keep that in mind next time there's a confrontation
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          • #6
            I've got to live with this guy named Michael Costigliola.. he's a real ass...



            • #7
              My relationship with my neighbors is rather average.
              We are really different regarding musical tastes, and they even now and then put that shitty music they like at really high volumes at high hours, so I reply with my music and a midnight musical war starts, it often ends with next-day discussions...


              • #8
                Originally posted by DeltaASA16
                I've got to live with this guy named Michael Costigliola.. he's a real ass...
                That name sounds kind of familiar. Anyway, our neighbors are pretty nice at least the ones that live right accross the street from us. As far as your situation goes, I don't think sueing someone else is gonna solve the problem. Just send a letter saying the next time you see their dog on your property that your calling animal control to take them away. I mean the whole court thing is a big waste of time to you and your family as well as your neighbors. What do you expect to get from them???


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Eagle_Driver
                  Originally posted by DeltaASA16
                  I've got to live with this guy named Michael Costigliola
                  That name sounds kind of familiar.
                  Is should, he's a member of these here forums


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Avianca 757
                    My relationship with my neighbors is rather average.
                    We are really different regarding musical tastes, and they even now and then put that shitty music they like at really high volumes at high hours, so I reply with my music and a midnight musical war starts, it often ends with next-day discussions...
                    Hehe, yea. When I went to Panama it was the same way. There weren't any "musical wars" but my family got invited to this get together at a house and the musica was going at like midnight at full blast. It was pretty cool.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Eagle_Driver
                      Originally posted by DeltaASA16
                      I've got to live with this guy named Michael Costigliola.. he's a real ass...
                      That name sounds kind of familiar. Anyway, our neighbors are pretty nice at least the ones that live right accross the street from us. As far as your situation goes, I don't think sueing someone else is gonna solve the problem. Just send a letter saying the next time you see their dog on your property that your calling animal control to take them away. I mean the whole court thing is a big waste of time to you and your family as well as your neighbors. What do you expect to get from them???
                      Hey, it isn't me who filed the lawsuit. Trust me, we've tried the letter. They're completely unreasonable. They know we'll call the police because we had to the other day when we saw one of their dogs out... I think the lawsuit is also involved with the sewage issue... I won't go into detail for you guys' sakes, but it's VERY bad. Hopefully this lawsuit will be like a smack in the face thatl tells them they need to do something about their problem, or move. I'd prefer the latter
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                      Click Here to view my aircraft photos...over there!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DeltaASA16
                        I've got to live with this guy named Michael Costigliola.. he's a real ass...

                        Man I feel sorry for you. He is a real ass. I even heard he kicked the shit out of you getting his instrument rating.
                        Try to catch me flyin dirty...


                        • #13
                          Not any longer they have become normal, a while back their son used to be a member of the Blood's, well one night there was a huge drug search, dogs on the roof and about 10 police cars, this was all at like 11:00 p.m.

                          Oh and because a tennis ball hit the side of their house a couple times, the mom said that her house was falling apart with the siding and all, her son didn't care, he was like my mom is full of S**T. After looking at her house, nothing was wrong. CRAZY WORLD!


                          • #14
                            My response to the dog problem: "Sorry ma'am, but your dog appears to have run under the wheels of my car"

                            In Australia the killing of a tree can bring with it a $10,000 fine. Recently my hubby was visiting his brother in Brisbane and after a hard morning with his camera at the airport returned to his brothers house for lunch. whilst whizzing he noticed (as only a man can) out the window behind the toilet that the neighbour was doing something odd with one of his brothers trees ..

                            Turned out that he was drilling a hole in the base and pouring something into it. Well of course, hubby has a fairly hefty lense on his camera (good for airplanes) so we now have some very impressive shots of this bloke damaging this tree which we duly forwarded to the Real Estate Agent ... now there's a bloke looking at a MINIMUM of $10,000 fine (as other trees have mysteriously died along the same fenceline he could be looking at a fair whack more).

                            We have skanky neighbours, but not anywhere near as bad as yours ... ours just party all fecking night and leave most of the rubber from their tyres up and down the street. One morning I got up and I had 5 letterboxes on my front lawn! and of course, every teenager in the place has his car radio up so loud it's like listening to my own stereo .. what are we breeding? a whole generation of deaf kids?

                            Ps: I'd sue too if someone was putting shit on my lawn!

                            No makeovers please .....


                            • #15
                              Crazy Neighbors...

                              Oh man, I can tell you stories about my neighboring house, but I definitely won't. First, it would take me an eternity to sum all the storie up, and second, you'd probably all start thinking I'm a racist. But to say one thing: After all these years, I have trouble calling Afghans "humans".


