So, it is official already since my birthday (in March)? Wow. I confess, sometimes I'm a bit slow in my head, and this time it's not an error in my connection, which last time I tested with 47 Mbit.
And my friend in Chile also has been part of this topic quite early...
I had to see the William Ellis Miniwagon (and the subtitle when I posted the link) tonight since I also believe that...........
Wow. And I really believe it, I'm part of it since more than 15 years. From Tullamarine Intl 1979 with the LH 747-230B passage jet to the William Ellis Miniwagon. We have it all.
And my friend in Chile also has been part of this topic quite early...
I had to see the William Ellis Miniwagon (and the subtitle when I posted the link) tonight since I also believe that........... is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!