Eigentlich müsste ich das auf deutsch machen, aber dann meckert die KI wieder. So, as we all can show at least basic skills of the English language, I like to give
a little bit late, for more than 65 years with overboarding Snooker enthusiasm, a title.
Grande master of ceremonies since 1989, for Mr Rolf Kalb.
That's more than only a commentator. That includes qualities as an entertainer.
You can't learn this. You either own this talent or you are not Rolf .
No announcement yet.
Ich vermisse den Hückelhovener Humor. Der ist teilweise so unfassbar trocken, den kann selbst ich (gebürtig vom rechten Niederrhein) nicht nachmachen. Oh Rolf. Die Lücke nach Dir wurde wirklich noch nicht geschlossen, insbesondere was das TEMPERAMENT in eher ruhigen Passagen angeht.
And now back on topic. Where is Higgins in the Nanjing event? Robertson recently achieved 6:0 .
O'Sullivan seems to be in good shape, although he's not quite 3 years older than me...
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Oh, somebody has tidied up here, and he has not deleted the whole thing.
I would probably have tried to shorten this topic to a rather reasonable size from today on, but I'll never be as good as the youngest administrator you've ever seen, so,
#DankeAlex .
Back on topic. Legendary German voices.
Rolf Kalb (*1959), known as THE former voice of Snooker since 1989 . He retired a few weeks before his 65th birthday, in May 2024, directly after the Snooker World Championships 2024,
which was won by Kyren Wilson. Rolf Kalb was the voice of snooker for clearly more than 3 decades, and so far,
I don't see another man who is so kind to always give the (TV) audience the Kalbsche Pause, which is a (coffee) break after he has introduced you to the venue and to the two opponents.
#DankeRolf .
Eric Schäffler (*1961), known as the German voice of Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear. But let's be honest, Top Gear is not Top Gear without Clarkson Hammond and May.
Peter Reichert (*1965), known as the voice of DTM and still, after how many years, the voice of the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Since 1996 he works for RTL and for Nitro.
With Mr Reichert, even dense fog has a voice, @ Nordschleife 2024 . In the Fahrerlager he is often referred as 'Ritschie', especially by the drivers and the younger colleagues.
Legendary voices.
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Wenner bei mir über die Rampe geht, dann geht er fast noch für 50 durch. Les Holt.
So what do I learn from that. A Live microphone (not necessarily in a LH-B744) makes me 15 years younger!
Great, fantastic, a fountain of youth, such a Live microphone.
Not that I've ever needed such a microphone.. Would you like to be 30 again?
My answer definitely is No.
1912 entries in one of the very Best aviation forums do not come from nothing. And to see Les Holt on my home airport must appear like an incredible dream. Without the former
regular DL-B763ER flights. Or whatever his favorite airline is.
One or two experienced men say, you'll have to dream until it becomes true.
PS: DankeRolf.
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Les Holt, cp Les Abend.
And I'd definitely know how distinguish the two of them. By age. Les Holt is the younger one. Only a rough guess..
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I am happy to say that Lester is not only less than 19 years older than me (mental arithmetic mangelhaft..) , but he's also a little bit older than Rolf.
And I hope that Lester enjoys his professional microphone at least until the end of this year.
I enjoy Nightly News with Lester Holt, mostly with Lester Holt, and I could swear since more than 8 years almost only with Lester Holt!
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The man who I think of tonight is Mr Lester Holt (*March 8 1959) . During the last 8 or 12 weeks I was not really able to watch Mr Holt
and his NBC Nightly News,
because of technical difficulties, which until today seem to have been repaired.
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Every day since I know that Rolf has dropped his professional microphone forever and for always, I have to think of men who not really exactly drop the mic
at the age of 64,7 .
That doesn't mean that I doesn't grant Rolf his (Un)Ruhestand...
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[...] Deleted by the author.
It is really a funny and very nice video, but this morning I thought, I really like Rolf, and I respect him. So let me delete not so very much respectful videos.
Alles Gute Rolf. We (i.e. all snooker fans and me) will enjoy the Crucible with you. And then you're free, e.g. to walk in Bademantel through your house,
at 11:00 in the morning. Or whatever you like.
Very dear greetings from Düsseldorf to Hückelhoven!
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Well, Rolf. I don't know what your music taste is like. But my father was born in the year 1945. So, that normally is the year when I start to look for music which I probably shared with my father (if he were still alive..).
1. Mitch Miller - The River Kwai March 1957 - Also in sounding remembrance of Jeremy Clarkson (*1960) who between 1988 and 2021 was an infamous moderator of the BBC's 'Top Gear',
after 1998 together with Richard Hammond (*1969) and James May (*1963). Again, you can't buy men and their voices, not for good and much money. The only exception is Clarkson May and Hammond who since 2016 sell their voices on Amazon. The only sad thing is, I've never paid Amazon for one of these voices.
I've never in my life been a fan of Pay TV, although Clarkson's voice and his German voice Eric Schäffler (*1961) could be a reason to sign a Pay TV customer contract.
But as I since more than 15 years provide words and self made pictures here on this aviation platform, and all that without payment, I do not see a reason to pay for Clarkson, who
until 2016 was part of Free TV, together with Hammond and May.
But let's come back on topic, #DankeRolf . I don't know why, and as I've almost had seen the upcoming farewell of Mr Rolf Kalb, during the past 4 weeks I was lookin for good music,
who I know probably from my father's vinyl cabinet...
2. Lawrence Welk - Calcutta 1960 - Welk (1903-1992) was a big band leader and professional accordionist and between 1951 and 1982 a TV show host. And since the past 2 weeks he is responsible for this melody that doesn't get out of my head..
3. Jerry Murad's Harmonicats Live 1989 at the Harmonica Festival in Trossingen, video from the Dror-Adler Archive, 29:39 minutes, with J. Murad (1918-1996)
on the lead tenor harmonica, Dick Gardner on the bass harmonica, and Bob Bauer on the large chord harmonica .
The large chord harmonica, only 2 meters shorter than a LH-B744 ...
[...]Last edited by LH-B744; 2024-04-23, 01:00. Reason: 1989..., also the beginning of a very humble a/c type, which is the LH-B744 .
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And now the sensation for this Monday night, Rolf calls Dominic Dale 'an oldie' . Now I suddenly feel old. Dominic is not 7 years older than me... But I can almost smell what Rolf means...
In the year of the lord 1995, there a movie was brandnew, and this movie is called 'Con Air'. And I can almost say the dialogues in this movies by heart, because that's one of my favorite movies.
'Ich kann es fast riechen..'. The pilot said before they almost escaped to freedom, from Wendover airfield to the Las Vegas Strip, in a Fairchild C-123 twin propeller.
So. Obviously, 'an oldie' applies for everyone who is ... HA, older than... 45?
Then I like to welcome Rolf Kalb, Dominic Dale, Seahawk and me to the 'an oldie' club.
PS: I like Mr Kalb so very much. Was machen wir in 3 Wochen nur ohne Rolf? Let me wonder another 2 or 5 hours about Mr Kalbs early retirement ...,
together with Mr Mick Fleetwood (*1947) who since 1963 is the drummer of the rock band who since more than 60 years wears his name:
Fleetwood Mac - Sara 1979 .
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And always Rolf gives us the kind of info, which is not to be found in wikipedia. During the last 30 minutes, I was lookin for the referee between Milkins and Pang. But Rolf was faster.
Paul Collier (*1970) is a Welsh Snooker referee since 1992. And if you today see him, I wonder what I look like in 8 years... as good as him, with silver hair, and a very professional standing..
PS: Collier was the youngest Snooker World Championship final referee in the year 2004.
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Stuart Bingham (*1976) has reached the next round in the Crucible. Who somehow makes me happy, ... also with 40 years and more you are good for the next round.
And now we switch to table #2, where Robert Milkins (*1976) is able to achieve 3:3 in frames.
PS: Sometimes these very young Chinese seem as if they were only 16. Or what would you say, Rolf.
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Gary Wilson braucht zwei Snooker.
That also nobody of the other German Snooker moderators don't say it like that. Mostly they say, der Gegner benötigt Foul Punkte.
And what I'll also miss, die Kalbsche Pause.
[...] [...]
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Well, after more than 15 years here on this platform, now I have a little problem. I am not able to participate in this very very very very very great hashtag, because I've never in my life been a
member of twitter.
For 35 years he is the German voice of Snooker, and you really can't buy such a voice again, not for good and much money. His name is Mr Rolf Kalb (*1959), and for me it will be very hard to no longer hear him on the microphone, because Hückelhoven here on this airport is a well known area. He speaks German, but with a sound which very much reminds people with my home airport
of home. Der spricht so wie wir.
With Rolf Kalb as a good teacher, I was able to learn the basic rules of Snooker. So, what can I say. Was machen wir denn jetzt ohne Rolf Kalb? First of all, we can enjoy him, he again is with us
during the 2024 World Snooker Championship in the Crucible. But then, comparable to President Obama, he will do his final Mic Drop:
Rolf Kalb obviously is 'auf Du und Du' also with Ronnie O'Sullivan, who is less than 3 years older than me. So, I assume that I'm not too young so that Rolf can call me by my first name.
Thank You Rolf, I can say that I'll miss this typical Rheinland Humor, which probably only in the area between Aachen and Düsseldorf is given from fathers to sons.
PS: Son bißchen is really what we say here. Son bißchen hats aber geregnet, dammt nochmal. As I said, you can't buy such a man, not with good and much money.
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