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Syria is next!

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  • #31
    Chris, and others, I try to give a reply in only one post .

    I have himself heard Mr. Bush saying in a television speach that Syria is now being warned, and that he expects co-operation. That's about how the Iraq thing started a good year ago. First some verbal attacks, and then war. So my post was just an evolution of what has happened before, and certainly not a lie. Mr. Powell mentioned himself on television that Syria is suspected to have WMDs, and that now co-operation was required. Again very similiar accusations than were made to Iraq last year. I guess for all people of average intelligence in the world it is clear what this means.

    The world is not war-crazy, the USA is. The world is against war.

    I can only hope that Bush is not being re-elected, because he is not only wrecking his very own country (economywise), but the whole world. Economic upturn requests another president. The sooner, the better.



    • #32
      Chris, thanks for bad mouthing the Muslim faith and any other Muslims in this world. Your pitiful arrogance disgusts me to the very core. Need I say more, you are not worthy.

      Conservative nation? Yeah America is, and that's what makes them shortisghted. Their conservativity gives them a very adamant mentality. Clinton was not a conservative yet he respected the sovreignty of all because he was open minded, need I say more, America was at peace. Conservatives are not, they have this pitiful tunnel vision.

      And aerpix is right. That was how the Iraq conflict started a year ago with strong words.

      Look, you can foolishly attack PK246 for watching Al-Jazeera. But you get your news from the distorted US media, much worse. And where's your proof that Al-Jazeera supports terrorists? Good one....


      • #33
        First of all, 3,000 + Americans weren't killed in a terrorist attack when Clinton was President. If he had done the right thing when the embassies were bombed, 9/11 may never have happened. But he was to worried about what was going on in his bedroom than what was going on in the world.

        Also, we are threatening SANCTIONSm not war, against Syria.

        WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is demanding that Syria stop sponsoring terrorism and harboring remnants of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s Iraqi regime or face diplomatic or economic sanctions.

        It is time to sign on to a different kind of Middle East," national security adviser Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) said Monday as Syria took another public pasting from the administration.

        Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) said Iraqis who have knowledge of weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi political leaders "are the kinds of individuals who should not be allowed to find safe haven in Syria."

        And this is a point we have made to the Syrians directly and will continue to make to the Syrians," he said at a news conference.

        "They should review their actions and their behavior, not only with respect to who gets haven in Syria and weapons of mass destruction, but especially the support of terrorist activity," Powell declared. Raising the threat of punishment, he said, "We will examine possible measures of a diplomatic, economic or other nature as we move forward. ... We'll see how things unfold."

        In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) said he was "concerned that recent statements directed at Syria should not contribute to a wider destabilization in a region already affected heavily by the war in Iraq (news - web sites)."

        Syrian officials denied having chemical weapons and said the United States has yet to prove similar charges against Iraq. They also accused Israel of spreading misinformation about Syria.

        White House spokesman Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) rejected those denials, calling Syria a rogue nation and saying it is "well corroborated" that Iraq's neighbor has a chemical weapons program. "Syria needs to cooperate," he said.

        Rice, in a parallel thrust at Damascus, said Syria's support for terrorism and "harboring the remnants of the Iraqi regime" were unacceptable.

        But she indicated the administration was not contemplating military action.

        Using the same formula the administration has applied to North Korea (news - web sites) and its aggressive nuclear weapons program, Rice said at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The president has made clear every problem in the Middle East cannot be dealt with the same way."

        And Powell signaled President Bashar Assad that the administration still would like to include Syria in the Mideast peacemaking it intends to accelerate between Israel and the Palestinians.

        "As we go down the road to peace, we want it to be a comprehensive peace, and ultimately, of course, that would have to include finding a way to settle the outstanding issues with Syria, as well," Powell said at a State Department news conference.

        Army Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, was asked Tuesday if the administration has instructed the joint chiefs to draw up plans to capture former Iraqi government leaders now believed to be in Syria and to destroy chemical weapons in that country.

        "The joint chiefs right now are very much focused on our current mission inside of Iraq," Pace said on CBS's "The Early Show." What Syria does is important, he said. But Pace also said "that's a policy issue between the governments."

        Syria seeks to recover the Golan Heights, a strategic area it lost to Israel in the 1967 Mideast War.

        Although it long has been listed by the State Department as a sponsor of terrorism, ever since Richard Nixon's presidency 30 years ago the United States has sought to interest Syria in peacemaking with Israel.

        Itamar Rabinovich, who was Israel's chief negotiator with Syria from 1992 to 1995, said its government wanted to please a radical constituency inside Syria but also would like to protect Syria's relationship with the United States.

        In a telephone interview, Rabinovich, now president of Tel Aviv University, said that over the years "the United States has been fascinated with the possibility of getting Syria to switch sides and become an ally of the United States."

        The administration's strategy was to apply diplomatic pressure, he said, but "the bottom line is that I don't think the United States plans to go to war with Syria."

        Assad met with British and Saudi envoys Monday in Damascus as his government denied U.S. charges that Syria has weapons of mass destruction and is sheltering Iraqi leaders.

        Powell noted that Syria had said its border with Iraq was closed. However, he said, "it might mean the main roads are closed but whether or not others are able to get across the border is something that I can't speak to."

        "But once they get into Syria and start heading to Damascus I would expect that Syrian authorities would do everything they could not to provide these people safe haven," he said.

        U.S. commanders said volunteers from Syria were among the foreigners helping Iraqis put up resistance against U.S. troops in Baghdad. Navy Capt. Frank Thorp, a Central Command spokesman, said the fighters were often working alone or in small clusters.
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        • #34
          You should be aware that sanctions are the first step only. After that it is UN weapons inspectors, more verbal attacks, troop buildup and finally a war.

          I firmly believe the US and the UK that there are no plans right now to invade Syria. They simply can't, as they first have to regroup their forces. But next year, probably, the coalition forces would be ready for the next strike.

          But in order that a war with Syria does not come as a surprise, some cautious members of the Bush administration have started to threat Syria already now. History repeats.



          • #35
            Clinton also had open pants...


            • #36
              Guess it's better to have open pants than open wars! I highly respect Mr. Clinton as the last reasonable president in US history.



              • #37
                Originally posted by Richard
                Chris, thanks for bad mouthing the Muslim faith and any other Muslims in this world. Your pitiful arrogance disgusts me to the very core. Need I say more, you are not worthy.
                I'll be more than happy to badmouth any other faith which feels that killing is the only way to resolve things, when and if that faith arises. Last time I checked, only the Koran instructed its members to "kill the nonbelievers."

                I'm not worthy? Of what? Your time and attention? Why don't you ignore me then, and go try to avoid catching SARS or do something else constructive?

                Originally posted by Richard
                Conservative nation? Yeah America is, and that's what makes them shortisghted. Their conservativity gives them a very adamant mentality. Clinton was not a conservative yet he respected the sovreignty of all because he was open minded, need I say more, America was at peace. Conservatives are not, they have this pitiful tunnel vision.
                Clinton launched 550 cruise missiles into Iraq over one weekend in 1998, and also built up a significant force in the region at that time, before he chickened out. Need I mention Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, and others (all of which I supported, btw)?

                Originally posted by Richard
                And aerpix is right. That was how the Iraq conflict started a year ago with strong words.
                The Iraq conflict started 12 years ago when Saddam Hussein signed on the dotted line, agreeing to rid the country of all proscribed Weapons of Mass Destruction, after getting his ass kicked the first time, after invading a sovereign country and murdering thousands of innocent people.

                It didn't start last year.

                Originally posted by Richard
                Look, you can foolishly attack PK246 for watching Al-Jazeera. But you get your news from the distorted US media, much worse. And where's your proof that Al-Jazeera supports terrorists? Good one....
                I get my news from a variety of sources, liberal and conservative, U.S. and non-U.S. Unfortunately for PK246, he has no choice -- he hears what is spoonfed to him by the radical, murderous Muslims.

                Perhaps he is jealous that two Arab nations are no longer safe harbors for terrorists, while his country still is (despite the US' idiotic policy on Pakistan). Perhaps he's scared of the 500 nukes India has pointed at his country.

                But one thing's for sure.

                You, and him, blinded by your absolute, seething hatred for the United States, will continue to bash this country no matter what happens.

                In the last two years, the United States has liberated two countries from oppressive, murderous, tyranical regimes.

                None of the absolute bullshit you people post as certainties, like the U.S. annexing these countries, putting our own government into place, large numbers of casualties, stealing oil, etc. etc. etc. has happened.

                When Afghanistan was freed, the people danced in the streets. They now live in relative peace (I doubt that total peace is ever possible in a Muslim country -- you will always have the suicidal manics). Women work, girls go to school, human rights are upheld, the country is being rebuilt.

                When Iraq was freed, people danced in the streets. The U.S. forces, along with the Iraqis, are working quickly, and have succeeded in restoring normalcy to the streets of Iraqi cities less than a month after the campaign started. Iraqis cheered the U.S. troops by the thousands. They tore down statues and other renderings of their once murderous, tyrranical leader. The country will be rebuilt.

                Meanwhile, while the very people who live and work in these countries, who raise their families there, celebrated their new freedom in the streets, you sat there, in your 600 square foot apartment in Hong Kong and bitched about that freedom. What gives you the right to complain about something that has nothing to do with you, and that the people of both countries involved wanted?

                Like I said, in two years, we've freed two countries.

                If you hate the U.S. for that, and feel that it warrants more terrorist attacks against our people, maybe my view of Muslims is more spot on than even I thought. Maybe you don't want peace, and instead take pleasure in seeing the continuous slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

                After all, that's what the Muslim faith seems to be all about.
                Trump is an idiot!
                Vote Democrats!!


                • #38
                  I'm not worthy? Of what? Your time and attention? Why don't you ignore me then, and go try to avoid catching SARS or do something else constructive?
                  Dear Chris, let's hope that you won't get SARS. SARS is nothing to joke around on.

                  The Iraq conflict started 12 years ago when Saddam Hussein signed on the dotted line, agreeing to rid the country of all proscribed Weapons of Mass Destruction, after getting his ass kicked the first time, after invading a sovereign country and murdering thousands of innocent people. It didn't start last year.
                  So far we have no proof that Iraq DID not destroy those weapons. As of now there is no proof that Iraq has violated the ceasefire agreement it signed 12 years ago.

                  I get my news from a variety of sources, liberal and conservative, U.S. and non-U.S. Unfortunately for PK246, he has no choice -- he hears what is spoonfed to him by the radical, murderous Muslims.
                  This is just ridiculous. How dare can you name all muslims in this world as radical and murderous? This is an offence to the millions of peaceful muslims around this planet. And do not forget, not all Pakistanis support the course of their government, like not all Iraqis supported their leader, inofficially at least. Officially the couldn't speak against Saddam. You are condemning a whole religion. This is inacceptable. Unfortunately there are many thinking like you, and these are responsible for the anti-Americanism in the Arab world.

                  Meanwhile, while the very people who live and work in these countries, who raise their families there, celebrated their new freedom in the streets, you sat there, in your 600 square foot apartment in Hong Kong and bitched about that freedom. What gives you the right to complain about something that has nothing to do with you, and that the people of both countries involved wanted?
                  You are wrong when you think that the US foreign policy has nothing to do with the rest of the world. As long as your country, your politics and your forces are guided by a wild cowboy, it does affect us in the rest of the world.

                  Chris, you suck!



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by aerpix
                    Guess it's better to have open pants than open wars! I highly respect Mr. Clinton as the last reasonable president in US history.

                    Haha, yeah right, Clinton was anything but reasonable. How can you respect a person who cheats on his wife and then lies under oath about it? And how can you respect only the second president in our history that has been impeached? Now you are probably going to turn this around a try and insult GWB again, but don'. I'm asking you about Clinton, not Bush.
                    Fly Raleigh-Durham International, with direct flights on Air Canada, AirTran, American Airlines, American Eagle, America West, Continental Airlines, Continental Express, Delta Airlines, Delta Connection, jetBlue, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Express and US Airways to:



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by aerpix
                      Dear Chris, let's hope that you won't get SARS. SARS is nothing to joke around on.
                      You're right. That was in bad taste, and I shouldn't have said it.

                      Originally posted by aerpix
                      So far we have no proof that Iraq DID not destroy those weapons. As of now there is no proof that Iraq has violated the ceasefire agreement it signed 12 years ago.
                      Nor do we have proof that they DID, which Iraq was charged with providing in the ceasefire agreement Hussein himself signed.

                      Originally posted by aerpix
                      This is just ridiculous. How dare can you name all muslims in this world as radical and murderous? This is an offence to the millions of peaceful muslims around this planet. And do not forget, not all Pakistanis support the course of their government, like not all Iraqis supported their leader, inofficially at least. Officially the couldn't speak against Saddam. You are condemning a whole religion. This is inacceptable. Unfortunately there are many thinking like you, and these are responsible for the anti-Americanism in the Arab world.
                      1. I didn't. I named many of the extremist Muslim journalists in Pakistan as radical and murderous.

                      2. You attack an entire nation of people in the same vein in almost every one of your posts, calling the American people brainwashed, stupid, and bloodthirsty. How is this any f'ing different than what you accuse me of doing??

                      Originally posted by aerpix
                      You are wrong when you think that the US foreign policy has nothing to do with the rest of the world. As long as your country, your politics and your forces are guided by a wild cowboy, it does affect us in the rest of the world.
                      Wow! Way to spin that one!

                      You're right, the US policy on Iraq does affect you. It makes you safer, along with everyone else in the world. Meanwhile, it has freed a nation of people who desperately wanted to be freed -- a point you won't, or can't, even address.

                      Originally posted by aerpix
                      Chris, you suck!
                      Thanks, you too!
                      Trump is an idiot!
                      Vote Democrats!!


                      • #41
                        Haha, yeah right, Clinton was anything but reasonable. How can you respect a person who cheats on his wife and then lies under oath about it? And how can you respect only the second president in our history that has been impeached? Now you are probably going to turn this around a try and insult GWB again, but don'. I'm asking you about Clinton, not Bush.
                        No, I'm not. I find it better when a president, if he has to cheat on someone, does so on his wife, than on the world. Yes, he was impeached, but you also know that this came to nothing, and he was not removed from office. And, we do not know yet if there will not be an impeachment for GWB, after all he has done. Still I respect William Jefferson Clinton as a great president, at the end of whose term many of you Americans were far better off than at the end of Bush senior's term. That's both, for welfare and money in the pocket.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Chris Kilroy
                          Nor do we have proof that they DID, which Iraq was charged with providing in the ceasefire agreement Hussein himself signed.
                          That's what I am saying, yet the US have started a war that was based on suspected WMDs. I had preferred the UN inspectors to continue their job and proof whether they were destroyed or not. After that you could still have started your war.

                          I didn't. I named many of the extremist Muslim journalists in Pakistan as radical and murderous.
                          Let me remind you what you typed above: "I get my news from a variety of sources, liberal and conservative, U.S. and non-U.S. Unfortunately for PK246, he has no choice -- he hears what is spoonfed to him by the radical, murderous Muslims. "

                          This was typed on a reply that Abbas should stop watching Al Jazeera, and implies that all muslims are simply radical and murderous. There are radical and murderous people in every nation, including the USA. But you condemned a whole religion.

                          You attack an entire nation of people in the same vein in almost every one of your posts, calling the American people brainwashed, stupid, and bloodthirsty. How is this any f'ing different than what you accuse me of doing??
                          Because 76% of you Americans are indeed brainwashed, stupid and bloodthirsty, or how else could you support this president and his politics? However, most muslims in the world are just peaceful people, neither bloodthirsty, nor murderous. Some are radical, but not all. The Koran indeed is way different from our Bible, and expressively allows the killing of giaurs. But honestly, who is doing this? The Bible also says that if you are smacked on one cheek, offer your other one for another smack. Or after 9/11, offer the Golden Gate Bridge for bombing. The USA have not waited for the Golden Gate to be rubbled, merely they have started two wars, so I could call your country just as radical as you call the muslims.

                          You're right, the US policy on Iraq does affect you. It makes you safer, along with everyone else in the world. Meanwhile, it has freed a nation of people who desperately wanted to be freed -- a point you won't, or can't, even address.
                          In fact I now feel less safe than before the war. The reply of the terroists will not wait, and we do not know where it will hit. While it is most unlikely that it hits here, there is a slight percentage that it will. And I am fed up with paying tax money to specially guard US and UK embassies and other institutions, which may be a target for further terrorist attacks.



                          • #43

                            So when you attack an entire nation of people, it's okay, because they disagree with you? Okay...

                            Meanwhile, you still won't discuss the new freedom of the Iraqis and Afghans.

                            The fact is, people like you are much more dangerous than anything GWB could do, or even come up with.

                            Your blind, seething hatred of America has caused your mind to go wild, and consciously or otherwise, actually support the actions of terrorists and other fundamentalist Muslims.

                            You see the groups, organizations, and governments who would support and execute such attacks systematically being weeded out, and this upsets you, because you feel that the stupid, brainwashed, bloodthirsty people of America deserve to endure 1, 2, 5, or 10 more terrorist attacks in the future.

                            Your idea of rightness is to allow these terrorist organizations, and murderous regimes, to continue to operate without intervention, until such time as they can inflict massive casulaties on the U.S. You'll then post a thinly veiled message saying "I told you so," where you really say "you deserved it," while sitting back privately enjoying every moment of it.

                            Like I said, this forum will no longer be a pulpit for your sick, twisted, hateful, insulting, and dangerous views. Find someone else to spew your filth.
                            Trump is an idiot!
                            Vote Democrats!!


                            • #44
                              You know guys this is a "War with Syria" post not a "Aerpix and Chris hate each other" post. Just a reminder. If you are going to argue do it via AIM, e-mail ,or not at all.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Chris Kilroy
                                Meanwhile, you still won't discuss the new freedom of the Iraqis and Afghans.
                                I have never objected the freeing of the people in Iraq or Afghanistan, only the way this was done. Certainly the Afghans today enjoy much greater freedom than they did under the Taliban regime. Sometime in the future I hope for the Iraqi people that they can enjoy a greater freedom than in the past, albeit it is still a long way to go. Again I do not object this, only the way this was reached.

                                The fact is, people like you are much more dangerous than anything GWB could do, or even come up with.
                                I do not consider myself to be a danger to anyone. Also because I am not in a position to commandeer armies and start wars.

                                Your blind, seething hatred of America has caused your mind to go wild, and consciously or otherwise, actually support the actions of terrorists and other fundamentalist Muslims.
                                I am neither blind nor wild nor weird, just realistic. And I openly speak out my opinion. And, I have never supported any action by the terrorists. My comparison with 9/11 and the Golden Gate was entirely to show you how differently the Bible and the Koran tell their religions to act, and how absurd it was to call muslims radical, and Americans not.

                                You see the groups, organizations, and governments who would support and execute such attacks systematically being weeded out, and this upsets you, because you feel that the stupid, brainwashed, bloodthirsty people of America deserve to endure 1, 2, 5, or 10 more terrorist attacks in the future.
                                No, this does not upset me. I have never said that Saddam should not be removed, or Osama, I was again only criticizing the way this was done, or at least attempted to be done, as both presumably still enjoy freedom.

                                Your idea of rightness is to allow these terrorist organizations, and murderous regimes, to continue to operate without intervention, until such time as they can inflict massive casulaties on the U.S. You'll then post a thinly veiled message saying "I told you so," where you really say "you deserved it," while sitting back privately enjoying every moment of it.
                                Wrong, I have never supported and/or welcomed any terrorist attack, anywhere in teh world. I have always clearly expressed that this is the business of the United Nations, but not of one nation alone.

                                Like I said, this forum will no longer be a pulpit for your sick, twisted, hateful, insulting, and dangerous views. Find someone else to spew your filth.
                                And now, are you going to ban me just because I am telling the truth?


