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Syria is next!

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  • #46
    Re: Syria is next!

    Originally posted by Chris Kilroy
    Originally posted by aerpix
    Today president George W. Bush jp. openly threatened to "deal" with the Syrian government in Damascus next! Once more suspected WMDs are given as reason. The USA expect co-operation from Syria, whatever this means.

    This latest uncontained advance by the USA was heavily criticized by most European nationals, including - notably - the British!
    What the hell is wrong with you?

    1. Bush didn't say a thing, Powell did.

    2. You must know how to read minds, because you'd have to in order to infer that "deal" means "invade."

    3. WMDs were not given as a reason -- harboring of terrorists was.

    4. How in God's name is this an "advance?"

    You have twisted so many facts in such a short post. It's hard to imagine how you continue to do it, over and over and over again.

    Having an opinion is fine -- posting outright lies in this forum to support your position is not. Should you continue your incessant, unprovoked, and undeserved attacking of America, and its citizens, you will find your perfect, unflawed, infallable, and overly intelligent Swiss ass banned from this forum, permanantly.

    I've had enough. Find somewhere else to spew your anti-American, elitist bullshit.
    Thank you Chris! That was very well said!!!

    Remember Pix: There is another website that loves and caters to your "types"....nuff said!


    • #47
      And which other website is this?



      • #48
        Pix: With all respect, I would of thought that you would of known what site I am loosely referring to.....(of course you could already be in there!) :P

        OK, before this gets more , I am signing off of this thread


        • #49
          He means this site


          • #50
            Honestly, if I knew I would not ask. So please give me hint, and no, if you mean the OTHER site, I am not there.



            • #51
              Murderous extremist Muslims? so have you met any Muslims or are you basing this on your piss-poor knowledge? Are you aware that 85% of all Muslims sympathized with America in 9-11 and condemned terrorism? Yet you badmouth a beautiful faith you know nothing about. You want murderous? Look at what some of the Jews have done in biblical times. Look at the Crusades, a bunch of fundamentalist Christians killing all non-muslims in the Middle East. Look at the KKK, killed blacks, jews, and catholics along with sympathizers. Yep, you know nothing about Muslims, keep your mouth shut if you got nothing worthy to say!

              Yeah, it's hilarious to make fun of SARS isn't it until you or someone close contracts the disease. Yeah, it's always great to find something that kills people amusing isn't it?

              Discuss freedom with Afghans and Iraqis. Interesting, many Afghans still live under tribal warlords and Afghanistan still doesnt have a democratically elected government. Let's not forget that the opium business is growing as you direct your funds away from Afghanistan and towards your weapons. Iraq, well don't speak too early. It's easy to enjoy freedom, if you have the necessities to live. Many Iraqis are without water and electricity. Hmmm, why? Americans bombed those! I was watching the news today and an Iraqi man said "electricity and water first, freedom later". It seems to be the other way round right now. Now I don't condemn America emancipating these people, but word of warning, if America messes up, they will never forgive you.

              Maybe if people like Bush wouldn't do such stupid things heavily affecting the world and fueling more anti-American hatred, then the terrorists won't have any reason to attack you!

              Syria is a good country. They've been of considerable help in the war on terrorism. Even Powell has acknowledged that. Same deal with Iran. The good will of the Khatami govt. has and will continue to ensure cooperation and action in the war against terrorism. Yet unkind words are coming from the US administrations about them. Who's the traitor now huh?

              Yeah, a website for people with our views? Heck, we don't need one. Most of the world shares the same view! I know enough people as is who agree...

              And I don't think you know enough about me to brand me as posessing a vehement hatred of America. My closest friends are American, I go to an American school. I have no beef with Americans, just with idiots like Bush and those foolish individuals who make such arrogant, insulting, and unsubstantiated statements against the world who might I add, form only a small minority of Americans. I think highly of America and Americans but a very small group of arrogant and unwise people continue to stigmatize a great country.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Richard
                Murderous extremist Muslims? so have you met any Muslims or are you basing this on your piss-poor knowledge? Are you aware that 85% of all Muslims sympathized with America in 9-11 and condemned terrorism? Yet you badmouth a beautiful faith you know nothing about. You want murderous? Look at what some of the Jews have done in biblical times. Look at the Crusades, a bunch of fundamentalist Christians killing all non-muslims in the Middle East. Look at the KKK, killed blacks, jews, and catholics along with sympathizers. Yep, you know nothing about Muslims, keep your mouth shut if you got nothing worthy to say!
                Well they (Islam extremists) are not making it any better for their faith with what they are doing! Go into an American chruch, and the pastor will not preach about killing muslims, or hindus, or athiests, etc. But some muslim leaders, notice how I said some, are telling their people to kill westerners for no reason at all! The Crusades were a war, not terrorism. The KKK is no longer a problem. But Islam extremists are! Most Muslims are great people, but there are some that, well...
                Fly Raleigh-Durham International, with direct flights on Air Canada, AirTran, American Airlines, American Eagle, America West, Continental Airlines, Continental Express, Delta Airlines, Delta Connection, jetBlue, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Express and US Airways to:



                • #53
                  Herpa2003,Thank you for acknowledging that Muslims are not ALL bad and for your understanding of religion. Like it or not, every religion has its fanatics and there are some clerics in other faiths aside from Islam who preach about killing what they see as infidels. Eg some Hindu extremists in India attack Muslims. I understand that the Crusades and KKK are in the past, but no religion is truly angelic and I realize that Islam has it's stigmatas.

                  Herpa, will you change your screename when 2004 comes about?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Richard
                    Herpa2003,Thank you for acknowledging that Muslims are not ALL bad and for your understanding of religion. Like it or not, every religion has its fanatics and there are some clerics in other faiths aside from Islam who preach about killing what they see as infidels. Eg some Hindu extremists in India attack Muslims. I understand that the Crusades and KKK are in the past, but no religion is truly angelic and I realize that Islam has it's stigmatas.

                    Herpa, will you change your screename when 2004 comes about?
                    I agree, I hate to admit it, but there are some unusual protestants as well. Every religion has its fanatics.

                    As for the nick, I am thinking of something like "GeminiJets" when 2004 comes.
                    Fly Raleigh-Durham International, with direct flights on Air Canada, AirTran, American Airlines, American Eagle, America West, Continental Airlines, Continental Express, Delta Airlines, Delta Connection, jetBlue, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Express and US Airways to:



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Murderous extremist Muslims? so have you met any Muslims or are you basing this on your piss-poor knowledge? Are you aware that 85% of all Muslims sympathized with America in 9-11 and condemned terrorism? Yet you badmouth a beautiful faith you know nothing about. You want murderous? Look at what some of the Jews have done in biblical times. Look at the Crusades, a bunch of fundamentalist Christians killing all non-muslims in the Middle East. Look at the KKK, killed blacks, jews, and catholics along with sympathizers. Yep, you know nothing about Muslims, keep your mouth shut if you got nothing worthy to say!
                      As I told Peter, I said "murderous extremist Muslims" to differentiate this group from all other Muslims. I don't think Muslim is a violent religion -- only for the people who take the Koran literally.

                      And I've certainly never said that any of the other groups you mention are without blood on their hands. You may be interested to know that I do not support Israel (or Palestine) in that matter -- both have blood on their hands and neither are blameless, and if they want to continue to kill each other, I say let them.

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Yeah, it's hilarious to make fun of SARS isn't it until you or someone close contracts the disease. Yeah, it's always great to find something that kills people amusing isn't it?
                      I already said that was in bad taste, and I shouldn't have said it.

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Discuss freedom with Afghans and Iraqis. Interesting, many Afghans still live under tribal warlords and Afghanistan still doesnt have a democratically elected government. Let's not forget that the opium business is growing as you direct your funds away from Afghanistan and towards your weapons.
                      You're right, but they're a hell of a lot better off than many other people in that area of the world.

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Iraq, well don't speak too early. It's easy to enjoy freedom, if you have the necessities to live. Many Iraqis are without water and electricity. Hmmm, why? Americans bombed those! I was watching the news today and an Iraqi man said "electricity and water first, freedom later". It seems to be the other way round right now. Now I don't condemn America emancipating these people, but word of warning, if America messes up, they will never forgive you.
                      You have absolutely no idea what caused water and electricity supplies to be interrupted. Could've been the coalition, or could have been the Hussein regime taking it out. So please refrain from making such grossly unsubstantiated statements as "Americans bombed those!"

                      We are working as fast as we can to bring food, water, medicine, and other necessities into the area. All while being shot at by remaining pockets of Hussein's hardliners. The delivery of humanitarian aid was delayed by mines placed by the former Iraqi regime.

                      Why don't you condemn the former Iraqi regime for starving its own people, blowing the Food for Oil program, mining ports used for the delivery of humanitarian aid, etc., instead of bitching that the U.S. can't get supplies in quick enough?

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Maybe if people like Bush wouldn't do such stupid things heavily affecting the world and fueling more anti-American hatred, then the terrorists won't have any reason to attack you!
                      And just what did Bush do to invite the 9.11 attacks? I'd like you to name one thing the current President did to inflame Muslims before 9.11. I'll tell you now, you can't.

                      Terrorists attack because they are bloodthirsty, sadistic individuals with no regard for human life. In short, they are f'ed in the head. They have been brainwashed into believing that they'll go to everlasting paradise with however many virgins if they blow up innocent people, along with themselves.

                      So they don't like U.S. policy? Boo f'ing hoo! U.S. policy isn't designed to protect and serve the interests of Mohammed living in a cave in Afghanistan; it's purpose is to protect and serve the interests of the United States.

                      I don't like the foreign policies of France. Does that give me the right to hook up with 12 of my friends and fly airplanes full of French passengers into buildings containing people of 70+ nationalities on French soil? Are you going to blame the French for that, like you blame the U.S. for our being attacked?

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Syria is a good country. They've been of considerable help in the war on terrorism. Even Powell has acknowledged that. Same deal with Iran. The good will of the Khatami govt. has and will continue to ensure cooperation and action in the war against terrorism. Yet unkind words are coming from the US administrations about them. Who's the traitor now huh?
                      I don't think anyone here has said that Syria is a bad country. I've also stated that, under current conditions, I would not support military action in Syria.

                      Nations say "unkind" things, as you put it, about each other all the time. We liberated France, twice, in World Wars I and II, and now they say "unkind" things about my country. You don't see me crying about it.

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      Yeah, a website for people with our views? Heck, we don't need one. Most of the world shares the same view! I know enough people as is who agree...
                      Most Americans don't, which may be why America is the world's only superpower. Our economy may be down at the moment, but I can assure you that it's still 100x better than that of the country you live in.

                      Then again, it's countries like yours which allow me to buy Gemini Jets for US$15, because it costs the company only 8 cents, labor included, to produce them in China! I guess I do owe your country a debt of gratitude for that.

                      Originally posted by Richard
                      And I don't think you know enough about me to brand me as posessing a vehement hatred of America. My closest friends are American, I go to an American school. I have no beef with Americans, just with idiots like Bush and those foolish individuals who make such arrogant, insulting, and unsubstantiated statements against the world who might I add, form only a small minority of Americans. I think highly of America and Americans but a very small group of stupid people continue to stigmatize a great country.
                      Note to Richard: 80+% of Americans agree with how Bush has conducted this operation, and nearly that high a number rank his Presidency to this point as Very Satisfactory. He has the highest approval numbers in modern history, and has maintained them.

                      He won back the U.S. Senate, and picked up seats in the House, in a midterm election after the first two years of his Presidency, something never accomplished before.

                      He has the support of a vast majority of Americans, and like I've said 1000 times before, that's his charge. It's not to appease the world's greatest photographer in Zurich, Switzerland, it's not to appease you in Hong Kong, it's not to appease Jean living in Paris, and it's certainly not to appease some crazy person with a bomb hidden under the towel wrapped around his head in the Middle East.
                      Trump is an idiot!
                      Vote Democrats!!


                      • #56
                        And I don't think you know enough about me to brand me as posessing a vehement hatred of America. My closest friends are American, I go to an American school. I have no beef with Americans, just with idiots like Bush and those foolish individuals who make such arrogant, insulting, and unsubstantiated statements against the world who might I add, form only a small minority of Americans. I think highly of America and Americans but a very small group of arrogant and unwise people continue to stigmatize a great country.
                        Unfortunately, Richard, it is not a very small group, it's the majority of Americans. Chris himself says it's 80%.



                        • #57
                          I never said the minority of Americans support this war. I'm just saying that most Americans are not fiercely anti-rest of the world.


                          • #58
                            First Bush attacks Afghanistan to go after Osama BinLaden. While he is still hiding somewhere (possibly planning another attack), Bush goes after Saddam Hussein and Iraq. With Saddam still alive, Bush is thinking about going into another middle eastern nation? When will this end?
                            Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                            • #59
                              As I told Peter, I said "murderous extremist Muslims" to differentiate this group from all other Muslims. I don't think Muslim is a violent religion -- only for the people who take the Koran literally.
                              Aha, sounds much more moderate than your post before. Almost the long overdue apology to the muslims of this world.

                              And I've certainly never said that any of the other groups you mention are without blood on their hands. You may be interested to know that I do not support Israel (or Palestine) in that matter -- both have blood on their hands and neither are blameless, and if they want to continue to kill each other, I say let them.
                              Aha, here it is okay to continue killing, but Saddam had to be stopped. Headshaking, you keep on contradicting.

                              You have absolutely no idea what caused water and electricity supplies to be interrupted. Could've been the coalition, or could have been the Hussein regime taking it out. So please refrain from making such grossly unsubstantiated statements as "Americans bombed those!"
                              Could be, but I think to remember that some US commander admitted, on TV, having bombed water and electrictiy supplies. I can't remember in which town this was. I also remember embedded reportes talking about coalition bombing of of water and electricity resources, but do not take me down on that, there were so many contradicting reports that I am not sure.

                              We are working as fast as we can to bring food, water, medicine, and other necessities into the area. All while being shot at by remaining pockets of Hussein's hardliners. The delivery of humanitarian aid was delayed by mines placed by the former Iraqi regime.
                              Only partially true. Right now huge depots of UN WFP goods are waiting to be distributed to those in urgent need. Yet, the goods can not be distributed because the USA are hindering the UN. One more kick in the back of the UN. They are hindered in that the transport routes are not yet safe, and the US do not do anything to improve that.

                              Why don't you condemn the former Iraqi regime for starving its own people, blowing the Food for Oil program, mining ports used for the delivery of humanitarian aid, etc., instead of bitching that the U.S. can't get supplies in quick enough?
                              Well, some blame has to go to the USA. After seizing much of Iraq, anarchy and looting broke out. This is a clear sign that the USA had no real concept of how to reign past-Saddam Iraq. All efforts and thoughts were concentrated on how to battle the country, but not really on how to manage it afterwards.

                              And just what did Bush do to invite the 9.11 attacks? I'd like you to name one thing the current President did to inflame Muslims before 9.11. I'll tell you now, you can't.
                              Remeber the 'Axis of Evil' that Bush created shortly after he took office? this was an offence to each and every country included in this axis.

                              Terrorists attack because they are bloodthirsty, sadistic individuals with no regard for human life. In short, they are f'ed in the head. They have been brainwashed into believing that they'll go to everlasting paradise with however many virgins if they blow up innocent people, along with themselves.
                              Terrorists attack because they believe in something, especially muslim terrorists. They were not brainwashed, it is the Koran that promises the martyrs a lovely life after death. It's not brainwash, it's religion, a religion most Americans do not know a cent about. Please understand me correctly, Chris, I do not support terrorism, but I can understand it. the poor and unheard have not many means to speak up.

                              So they don't like U.S. policy? Boo f'ing hoo! U.S. policy isn't designed to protect and serve the interests of Mohammed living in a cave in Afghanistan; it's purpose is to protect and serve the interests of the United States.
                              Right, and that's exactly the arrogance of the USA that is criticized worldwide, not only by muslims.

                              I don't like the foreign policies of France. Does that give me the right to hook up with 12 of my friends and fly airplanes full of French passengers into buildings containing people of 70+ nationalities on French soil? Are you going to blame the French for that, like you blame the U.S. for our being attacked?
                              I bet you do not know much about France and its policy. At least not enough to judge about whether you like its politics or not. All you know is the recent anti-war decision of France, and that's enough to condemn a whole country, a great country that has achieved a lot. Rejecting Chablis and Perrier water is not really politics, it's just stupidity.

                              I don't think anyone here has said that Syria is a bad country. I've also stated that, under current conditions, I would not support military action in Syria.
                              Are Bush and Powell nobodies? They have expressively warned Syria, which comes close to call them bad guys. And what are your 'current conditions'?. Suspected WMDs?

                              Most Americans don't, which may be why America is the world's only superpower. Our economy may be down at the moment, but I can assure you that it's still 100x better than that of the country you live in.
                              While this was meant at HK, I doubt that the US economy is 100x better. Not to speak of Switzerland.

                              Then again, it's countries like yours which allow me to buy Gemini Jets for US$15, because it costs the company only 8 cents, labor included, to produce them in China! I guess I do owe your country a debt of gratitude for that.
                              Right, Swiss Gemini Jets would cost you 30 bucks at least!

                              Note to Richard: 80+% of Americans agree with how Bush has conducted this operation, and nearly that high a number rank his Presidency to this point as Very Satisfactory. He has the highest approval numbers in modern history, and has maintained them.

                              He won back the U.S. Senate, and picked up seats in the House, in a midterm election after the first two years of his Presidency, something never accomplished before.

                              He has the support of a vast majority of Americans, and like I've said 1000 times before, that's his charge. It's not to appease the world's greatest photographer in Zurich, Switzerland, it's not to appease you in Hong Kong, it's not to appease Jean living in Paris, and it's certainly not to appease some crazy person with a bomb hidden under the towel wrapped around his head in the Middle East.
                              That's what we all don't understand. How can so many people be so fond of this president? Headshaking.



                              • #60
                                The U.S. thinks badly of other countries at sometimes because other countries complain about it. People think about the U..S. as a "great evil" because it is large and in the news. Do you see small countries being called "evil" except countries which obviously are. And 9-11, after that my opinion was bomb the hell out of anything that moves. Why? I had many friends who are suffering depression and othe problems relating to the fact that they were in the pentagon when it was attacked. Hussein has clearly shown his support morally for the actions of the hijackers.I hope that makes sense. And I can say as I was at the WTC on Sept. 8, 2001 this was more than a small thing for me.

