Ive taken the liberty to go through someones posts. Since most of us have at least one quote from him at one point in time, for everyone else, here are some.
Its Ironic he didnt even post a picture in that post.
Doesnt bush have air force 1
1 point is all you deserve for guessing who it is.
Think thats all of them, post some more if you see them.
hey, do u ppl always do a perfect landing, i mean i can never do a perfect landing, something always has to mess up, and i can never do a cross atlantic perfectly, I DUNNO y,
I recently purchased a 2.0 MP Kodak w/ 2x zoom. However that camera is making me depressed. None of my pics come out perfect, and all get rejected. What should i do
Thanks people for your advice
Ive heard this term before "messing around with your camera"
What does literally translate into?
Ive heard this term before "messing around with your camera"
What does literally translate into?
How can i resize picture so it can be accepted, because mine is always too large
is it possible to take good photos with a 2 mp camera
they come out with 2 much grain... anyway to reduce that, would a tripod help?
damn where to kids get this kind of money from! I cant manage to save 25 DOLLARS!!!
Hey, post a picture of your room. Messy or Clean.!!
WOW those pics have a lot of grain. Even mine dont have that much and im using a 2MP camera with no pics accepted. You might wanna switch over to digital... and invest in a good camera
Hi i was wondering if I should stop photography for a while. You know how the FBI is with there homeland security crap
It got rejected!!
I understand the foreground clutter.. but how close do you want me to get!!!!!!!!!!
I understand the foreground clutter.. but how close do you want me to get!!!!!!!!!!
I dunno if I was flying first international then i wouldnt give up my seat. And if I payed 2000 for a domestic ticket I prob. still wouldnt give it up!
I always ponder this question. What was so special. I know that the plane would make a sharp turn on the checkerboard or even after but why? why couldnt it be straight from way back
looks like the photographer doesnt matter when u have such a good camera!!!
Anyway, arent there programs that reduce the heat haze, i forgot what the name was but there is 1!!!
wouldnt sandpaper scratch ur lcd?
damn! u got me. I guess I wasnt thinking. I was doing some SAT practice problems while I was on this forum
Damn all of you guys have nice cameras!!!
and we got 2 airports within 15 min of each other, and we have to concorde,
Simpleboy: how come your trees dont have any leaves?
we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks
i dont know how this game works
when i first joined this site I didnt think there would be a lot of teens but old men who were retired and had nothing better do no. Looks like I was wrong
guess ill be at JFK alone watching all the heavies passing about 30 ft over my head from a secret spot, and you losers will be like DAMN we shudda gone
LOL i wanted to know where I can get that program without Buying it!
NYC is the greatest for all the problems mentioned.
A. The fares wouldnt be so high for people coming from the west and Europe
B. NYC has more to offer then planes. Its the greatest city in the world
C. NYC has TWO good airports VERY close to each other.
D. NYC has some of the BEST photographers around!!!!
E. NYC spotting really doesnt require a rental car, all airports are accesible by a train or bus ride
F. NYC is also close to EWR!
G. NYC will definately have a huge turnout rate. Definately more then 9 ppl!!
Think about it people THINK!!!!
A. The fares wouldnt be so high for people coming from the west and Europe
B. NYC has more to offer then planes. Its the greatest city in the world
C. NYC has TWO good airports VERY close to each other.
D. NYC has some of the BEST photographers around!!!!
E. NYC spotting really doesnt require a rental car, all airports are accesible by a train or bus ride
F. NYC is also close to EWR!
G. NYC will definately have a huge turnout rate. Definately more then 9 ppl!!
Think about it people THINK!!!!
hey checksix wats ur user id, i would like to see your equip.
Wow these people had lots of fun! The best part is lookin at their nice equipment!!!!
BTW isnt there any cops around
BTW isnt there any cops around
Oh and Crazy764 I hope you never come down to NYC cuz you wont be going back happy
w/e Im going to be the Smart one here and not say anything further!
w/e Im going to be the Smart one here and not say anything further!
oh wait before u correct my english grammar let me fix that sentence
I dont come here to get liked by people! Its a place where I can enjoy my hobby which is aviation.
I dont come here to get liked by people! Its a place where I can enjoy my hobby which is aviation.
LOL howd u get my name! Infact I have never dropped a camera but accidents DO HAPPEN!BTW is that how low you guys will go! Stalk me on another site and then come and post what I post on A.net over here! WOW !!
Well its not plastic? Compared to the 10D, if you drop both the 10D has more chances of surviving because the 10D is stronger!!
Bush gets a bus...
Doesnt bush have air force 1
Think thats all of them, post some more if you see them.