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Getting Out of a D.U.I.
best way to get out of a DUI is to not drive at all if your drinking, pretty simple solution!
driving drunk is one of the most selfish careless things you can do. I dont care if you put yourself at risk, but when you drive drunk you put everyone else at risk too. I think that if you get a DUI you should have your license taken away forever as you are obviously not responsible enough to drive a car. I get sick of people up here in ND who say stupid things like "driving drunk is fun" or "People just dont know how to drive drunk". I almost kicked a guy's ass last year because he was telling my roomate how he drives drunk all the time and thinks its fun.
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Re: Getting Out of a D.U.I.
Originally posted by Legend_AirlinesOriginally posted by Van Hoolioget a lawyer right away
Not in the USA! Average cost of a DUI is in the thousands.
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Re: Getting Out of a D.U.I.
Originally posted by Van Hooliobefore the police can do anything, the guy hops out of his car
Originally posted by Van Hoolioget a lawyer right away
One real case I've heard the cruiser, or at the station, or some where along the line...the DUI suspect shreds his underwear into pieces and eats it, believing that the material will soak the alcohol in his stomach.
For whatever reason, at the time of his secondary breathalyzer tests, his BAC is below the legal limit and he gets away (with just a 12 hour suspension, or so it would be here in Ontario).
The funny thing is, unless the material was INSIDE his bloodstream, it wouldn't have done anything
Guess the time between when he was pulled over and his final breathalyzer sample allowed his body to deminish the BAC!
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Getting Out of a D.U.I.
Don't worry, I haven't been picked up
I've heard a couple stories explaining methods of how people have gotten out of D.U.I.s and I wanted to run them by the crew here. Not necessarily THE crew, but you know.
The first one makes sense to me. Someone's driving drunk and they get stopped by the po'. They pull over and before the police can do anything, the guy hops out of his car and opens a brand new bottle of vodka or any other hard liquor and starts chugging it in view of the cops. The idea being that it could not be proven when the alcohol entered the guys system since the cops and their dashboard camera (public record) saw the guy chugging the large amount of alcohol after he left his driver's seat. Of course they are going to throw the book a the guy for the other offenses (public intox, open container) but that would be a lot better than a DUI. If you try this, get a lawyer right away and subpoena the dashboard camera tape as well as the officers' audio recorders! And refuse to answer any questions or comply with any requests made by the police officers without a lawyer present. Ask the officers, "Do I have the right to have a lawyer present before deciding/doing ........xxxx." If they don't give you the proper answer, there goes the people's case.
The second method I've heard sounds less plausible since I've never heard of urine analysis used to determine blood alcohol content in a DUI case, but the story goes that the suspect demands that a urinalysis be performed in lieu of a breathalyzer test. On the way to the police station he deliberately pisses his pants in the squad car, getting rid of the evidence. A couple hours pass, as the story goes, before he pees again and the sample comes back with a lower BAC than the original sample would have had.
What do you all think? Any other methods you all have heard about?
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