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Is this normal?

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  • Is this normal?

    First off, hope this is the right forum

    ok Ive been picking up cell phone conversations on my ATC radio, not a scanner i didnt have enough cash, Is this normal??

    I think this is an invasion of privacy, but it is certainly interesting when there are no tower and aircraft communications going on.
    UNITED-You're not just flying, you're flying the friendly skies.

  • #2
    Is this normal?

    I don't know if it's normal, but if you get to listen to some secret conversation that is not supposed to come into public (like, say, DEN's mayor taking a bribe to built an airfiled in a residental area), you could blackmail 'em and make some pocket money .



    • #3
      Doesnt seem normal, but I am sure there are ways to use it to your advantage
      You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


      • #4
        I dont think its normal I hear it on mine also! On various channels! One time I tried talking ot the guy asking him where he is and he said he was in the next town!
        BTW whats the range on your radios?
        Only the dead have seen the end of the war-Plato


        • #5
          I would love to know how you're going up to the 900 range when ATC broadcasts in the 100s.

          Anyways, my scanner can do that too...once, I heard someone talking about a hit...that was hilarious. Found the frequencies by accident of course, trying to find my friend's cordless phone

          Oh, and the order boxes at McDonalds operate at 30MHz and up...


          • #6
            When i first heard it i was like WHAT DID HE SAY?!?!? lol First guy was talking about how hes going for a job interview and another guy was in an arguement with his boss
            UNITED-You're not just flying, you're flying the friendly skies.


            • #7
              Well as posted by Colin, he comes an interesting weapon to use for making big bucks !
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              • #8
                I found out something similar when I had my scanner and was listening to Sheriff's Department calls. One of the frequencies also picked up cell phone conversations. I asked someone about it and he said that these signals can be picked up when the frequency you are on is exactly 1/2 of the signal that is transmitting. For example, the Sheriff's Department used something in the range of 452 MHz at that time, so it would pick up signals in the 904 MHz range.


                • #9
                  I hear something similar on mine, when I am at SFO I sometimes hear airport police tagging cars on over the radio while listing to the SF tower. But I hear phone calls on walkie talkies a lot, once i heard a neighbor having phonesex

                  How does an airline thats going bankrupt sign new regional carriers, launch a discount airline, purchase new planes, AND repaint their fleet? I dunno, ask United.

                  Fly1346 wrote: we have a SXM rite here at LGA!!! All you got to do is add the topless chicks

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                  • #10
                    My friend's scanner was picking up some calls - Certain handheld scanners can, because old analog cell-phones use a VHF band I believe. Other scanners have the police, emergency, civil (etc) bands included.

                    From time to time I will hear an aircraft check on "with departure" when I am listening to a radio station on my boom-box, which I find funny!

                    For some reason I was picking up emergency and ambulance dispatch on my scanner - Weirdest part was that it is a specifically airband scanner, and they were transmitting on existing air traffic frequencies. Even heard one overridding Toronto approach. Guess I was sitting underneath the transmitter or something?


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