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World Cup Hockey + Pics!!!!!!! WOW

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  • World Cup Hockey + Pics!!!!!!! WOW

    If some of you did not know the Hockey World Cup is this year, KCMH was a warm up city for Team Canada, Team USA, and Team Russia, I had the honor of going to the Team USA vs Team Russia on Friday night. Here are several photo's of the event all of these were shot using my 10D with either my Sigma 18mm to 125mm or my 75mm-300mm EFII lens I was five rows up in Section 101 so sorry if the glass is seen in some of the pictures. :P :P :P

    Warmup just before the game

    Even the goalie got a shot in warm ups

    having fun

    You looking at me punk?

    One of the best US players ever



    Puck drop


    face off

    this might help with your spine adjustment

    its at your feet, noooooo its at your feet

    taking the shot

    I see the puck how bout you?

    stupid bar

    I think the goalie sees it

    Where am I? Moscow or Ohio?

    my new girlfriend. Sorry Robyn


    Save............... Its in the glove

    Eric Weinwrich checks the helpless Nationwide arena worker. The most intense and focused player I have ever seen

    The Save...................................................

    I love this photo......... I am printing this one

    I'll get it

    The End and a Win for the US

    Good time was had by all.

    P.S 95% of these were shot with just the action mode on the camera since I really have not photo'ed anything this fast this close. But it looks like everything came out fine with that mode on.


  • #2
    Holy damn that's awesome.
    My photos on


    • #3
      nice pics!!
      ***My Blog***


      • #4
        awesome shots, I really like the goalie ones (cause I'm a goalie). Glad you had a good tiime.


        • #5
          great pics
          He who expected nothin......aint gonna be deceived-JR


          • #6
            Great shots. Good to know hockey season is just around the corner. If there even is one...


            • #7

              Why were you taking a picture of Ilya Kovalchuck's (#71) butt? I know it's Kovy because he has that pad on his lower back that causes the bottom of his jersey to be higher in the back than on the sides. You go to and watch enough Thrashers games, you notice this.


              • #8
                Originally posted by srbmod

                Why were you taking a picture of Ilya Kovalchuck's (#71) butt? I know it's Kovy because he has that pad on his lower back that causes the bottom of his jersey to be higher in the back than on the sides. You go to and watch enough Thrashers games, you notice this.
                his ass got in the way........ the other guy was knocked out by a left elbow.....


                • #9
         can I pass up a chance to plug.


                  This was the aircraft that flew Team Canada to Columbus. It also flew Team Canada, Team USA, and Team Russia (not all on the same flight) back to Ottawa for some games at the Corel Centre.
                  Will F.
                  Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography


                  • #10
                    Ah! I had noticed on Flytecomm twice last week a 727 arriving in CMH at 12:30am. Thanks for that Crazy764.
                    My photos on


                    • #11
                      Nice photos! What shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings did you use? When ECHL hockey season starts, I will be watching Columbia Inferno play and hope to get some shots with my D30. Here's one I shot with my C-730 last season:

                      Looks like you didn't need a fast lens though your arena might be better lit than the rink used by the Inferno.
                      Click Here for my aviation photographs.
                      No Frontiers


                      • #12
                        I can't wait for tomorrow night. US vs. Canada. Gonna be one hell of a game!


                        • #13

                          Starjet, eh? I guess our wonderful Liberal government made the charter arrangements again


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Legend_Airlines

                            Starjet, eh? I guess our wonderful Liberal government made the charter arrangements again
                            What's with the rolling eye emoticon? Is there some background to this that I'm not aware of? (I know that it was PM PM's election campaign jet...but is there anything else?)
                            Will F.
                            Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography

