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French Foreign Affairs Secretary under fire in Haiti

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  • French Foreign Affairs Secretary under fire in Haiti

    Last Monday, while conducting a fact finding official trip to see how french humanitarian organizations are faring in Haiti, Foreign Affairs Secretary (and Deputy Minister) Renaud Muselier and his party were visiting the Cité-Soleil hospital in Port au Prince. The poorest district of Haiti's capital city, Cité Soleil (Sun City) hosts approx 300,000 inhabitants. Within the next 20 minutes or so after their arrivals, a very well demonstration flared and soon therafter 50/60 persons drew firearms and started peppering to where Mr Muselier and party were. Firing lasted an hour and half before the UNO blue helmets came to rescue and evacuate the delegation. According to Mr Muselier, the attackers are part of the "Chimères", former President Aristide's death squads who wanted to show the world they are still around. Undeterred, Mr Muselier resumed the programm on his agenda !
    Aged 46, Mr Muselier is the grand son of Rear Admiral René Muselier, one of the very first officers to join the French Free on June 18th 1940.
    Accustomed himself to a risky life, Renaud Muselier was on board the AF A.330-200 which overan Libreville Airport runway earlier this year.
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  • #2
    no offense to you UY707...........

    but they did not send up a white flag and surrender?? WOW suprises me


    • #3
      Apparently no, otherwise they would not have waited for the blue helmets.
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