Well atleast if Kerry wins, they airlines will most likely get back to where they were a few years ago. I have a feeling that Kerry is going to win, he has one if not the largest group supporting him- ALPA.
As for what i got out of my Political Science Class, my teacher is Tim Buchanan, he used to work for Colin Powell.
John Kerry- Wants National Healthcare- Disagree, lets not F**K up like Canada and all did
Wants to repeal tax cuts- SO/SO lets get out of national debt.
Pull out of middle east- Agree, once Iraq is done, lets get out of there.
George Bush- Wants to esentually take over the world- Disagree-Hitler
Keep tax cuts- SO/SO, nice to have more money, but our economy was better with Clinton
Keep healthcare as it is- Agree, screw this everyone gets healthcare, because in reality its not true, because then everyone will go to the doctor for a cold or what not, and that means, nobody gets healthcare with overcrowding and a lot lower quality of doctors, much like Canada and a few other countries that have this.
So therefore since either way, the United States is screwed, im not voting.
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Why John Kerry Can Lose
Bush and Cheney made a great point during the convention. Kerry voted for the use of force in this war, yet he voted against $87 Billion to buy bullets and body armor. I support our troops therefore I can't support Kerry.
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Why John Kerry Can Lose
He's smart & good-looking. He's both patrician, Jewish, Irish, Oxymoronic in American establishment circles. He's rich, my, he's rich! If you include his wife's BILLION, they would be, by ten times, the richest presidential couple in history.
He hasn't enunciated any particularly novel proposals in foreign policy - certainly none affecting us in Asia - but, if only because he would sweep the White House clean of its scallywags, he would stop the rot.
He may claim to have only trivial differences with Bush on Iraq; but everyone knows he's a julti-litararist & would never have gone almost alone into the present war, as hte neo-conservatives surrounding Bush demanded.
Economic policy would go back to fundamentals, & at least, huge handouts to the rich would end. Yet even with the polls showing at a tight race, most pros, including those around Kerry, still seem to believe that Bush can win.Tags: None
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