Originally posted by ADG
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Terrorist Attack In Jakarta, 'UNFORTUNATELY' I'm Still Alive
"The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."
-- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'
Originally posted by ADGYou're more likely to be killed in a car accident than a terrorist attack., salah2 putera/puteri bapak yg tewas dlm kemalangan jln raya nanti. Braengsek.
Alitalia > Always Late In Take-off Always Late In Arrival
American Airlines > Always Awful
PAL - phillippine airlines > Plane Always Late
BWIA > But Will It Arrives
CAAC > Crash All Around China / Chinese Airliners Always Crash
JAL - Japan Airlines > Just Another Loser
QANTAS > Quick And Nasty Transport Australian Style
TWA - Trans World Airlines > Terrorist Welcome Aboard / The Worst Airline
UTA > Unlikely To Arrive
MAS - Malaysia Airlines > Money And Sex
SIA - Singapore Airlines > Stupid Idiots Aboard
Aufganza mīntīdok orija zuedkaj upps'shaff fīnstrok dīr dcuber sakundar.
Originally posted by fjki98Too many terorist atack in jakarta that kills thoasands of people. I hate to see people killed but the first that i know is the mariot hotel bombing in jakarta. Scared to visit jakarta, the country you are currently living in is not a safe place too
. There are 4 countries are VERY DANGEROUS now.
& there are :
Thailand (south)
- Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim country.
- Malaysia is a Muslim country too but only 60% people live in Malaysia are Muslim, the rest are either Buddhist, Hindu, Chriatian or have no religion at all.
- Singapore, according to Ghibli, has no national religion. Even though most people in that small island are Chinese (Buddhist), we still CANNOT change the fact that the island belongs to the Malay. If you look back at the history, Malays are the "orang asli" aka "people originally from there & already live there looooooooooooong time ago before the Chinese came to the island.
- Thailand is a Buddhist country, but there have been some attacks in Southern Thailandrecently.
**By the way, J-Bird_MD11, still remember we got some private chat about Singapore & Malaysia last month thru PM ???? Those Malays living in Malaysia & Singapore ARE NOT immigrant as you claimed. There already live in the Malaysia (peninsular Malaysia) & Singapore LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG TIME ago before the Chinese came to Malaysia & Singapore around in the 15th century. Malays are the "Orang Asli" of Peninsular malaysia too. Yeah, some Malays came from Indonesia but Malay is just a SMALL etchnic group in Indonesia now. Beside, these 4 countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei) are sharing a similar cultures & may be you guys didn't know that these 4 countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei) have the SAME national language.
Alitalia > Always Late In Take-off Always Late In Arrival
American Airlines > Always Awful
PAL - phillippine airlines > Plane Always Late
BWIA > But Will It Arrives
CAAC > Crash All Around China / Chinese Airliners Always Crash
JAL - Japan Airlines > Just Another Loser
QANTAS > Quick And Nasty Transport Australian Style
TWA - Trans World Airlines > Terrorist Welcome Aboard / The Worst Airline
UTA > Unlikely To Arrive
MAS - Malaysia Airlines > Money And Sex
SIA - Singapore Airlines > Stupid Idiots Aboard
Aufganza mīntīdok orija zuedkaj upps'shaff fīnstrok dīr dcuber sakundar.