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Stuck between a rock and hard place. Need advice.

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  • Stuck between a rock and hard place. Need advice.

    Howdy everybody. Despite my last thread (the wrightflyer petition) this is in all seriousness.
    I need advice on how to help a friend. About a couple of months ago my friend started to get really depressed and thought that no one cared about him and he said (on msn) he was going to cut himself for every mistake he's made in his life. I wasn't doubting it for a second and I tried my hardest to get him to get the thought out of his mind, because I know how addicting cutting can get (been there done that, came back with scars instead of a t-shirt).
    About 2 weeks later he told me he went through with it, I felt like crap because I felt there was more I could've done to stop him (unfortuently he lives in another part of town). When the school found out they wouldn't let him come back so I told him he should do the same distance education program I was doing, and he listened.
    His mother found out that he sliced himself and he was put on 'watch' and he's bitching that people won't leave him alone (they're offering help) I still can't get through to him that he should be gratefull he was found out early, I went through 2 years without anyone noticing, without getting help or even meds and it destroyed me.

    I know this is long but I needed to get it off of my chest. It's easy talking to you here because I don't know any of you personally. I need advice on how to help him He thinks that I shouldn't care about him but he knows I do (i've been friends with him since kindergarden (11 years).
    I'm taking him to a concert in November and hopefully that'll help him feel better.

  • #2
    I suggest that you take this up with an counsler or some other type of an adult that can help. Counsling would help also....Phsychoanalysis would help also....Group therapy would also help.
    ***My Blog***


    • #3
      Does your school have a good counseling program.

      If so, I wouldn't hesitate to go to someone.


      • #4
        The school I go to isn't a school itself, it's home schooling but they send you the books, assignments etc. But when he DID go to the school and went to the counseller, the counseller knew what he did and he wouldn't allow him back to school, so they basically booted him from the school. The counseller was a real a**hole. The thing is, I WANT him to go to a counseller of some sort but he feels people won't leave him alone. I've been through the cutting addiction (in november it'll be 1 year since my last 'relapse') and i'm kicking myself in the ass for not getting help and he IS getting help and not realizing he should be thanful he's getting help early on. That's what i'm trying to make him understand is that he should seek more help.

        Thanks for not critizing A LOT of people do, if you start cutting yourself your automatically psycho and suicidal, it's pathetic.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wj_737_200
          The school I go to isn't a school itself, it's home schooling but they send you the books, assignments etc. But when he DID go to the school and went to the counseller, the counseller knew what he did and he wouldn't allow him back to school, so they basically booted him from the school. The counseller was a real a**hole. The thing is, I WANT him to go to a counseller of some sort but he feels people won't leave him alone. I've been through the cutting addiction (in november it'll be 1 year since my last 'relapse') and i'm kicking myself in the ass for not getting help and he IS getting help and not realizing he should be thanful he's getting help early on. That's what i'm trying to make him understand is that he should seek more help.

          Thanks for not critizing A LOT of people do, if you start cutting yourself your automatically psycho and suicidal, it's pathetic.

          Technically your not a Psycho ( at all) but you are still not mentally stable and need to seek help before you hurt your self or others....
          ***My Blog***


          • #6
            cutting yourself.... ouch


            • #7
              Technically your not a Psycho ( at all) but you are still not mentally stable and need to seek help before you hurt your self or others....
              Mentally unstable....I'll show YOU who's mentally unstable *goes off grabs a knife hunts down PIAA330, prozac kicks in, starts waltzing with the knife* :P

              I've had in under control for about a year now (yay me) with the help of good ol' prozac every morning. But having Obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder and "bi-polar tendencies" don't make it very easy, but i'm getting there. Yea I admit I was more unstable a year ago, hell even six months ago but now since i've been planning on what i'm going to be doin after I turn 16 (goin into the air force) i've been a hell of a lot better.

              Although...i'm still psycho, but a 'good' psycho


              • #8
                what i'm going to be doin after I turn 16 (goin into the air force)
                You can go into the Air Force at 16


                • #9
                  Yup well 16 with parental permission, 18 without. I don't have to worry about the parent permission thing, they're behind me all of the way...and they just want me out of the house.

