Since nobody has replied to the other thread since Monday, I thought to start a general discussion thread for news/info on the possibility that Mount St. Helens may erupt or have an explosion in the coming few days.
Link to the Volcano Cam (if it's up)
From the US Geological Survey (USGS) Mount St. Helens Daily Update 9/28/04 6:30 PM PDT
Link to the Volcano Cam (if it's up)
From the US Geological Survey (USGS) Mount St. Helens Daily Update 9/28/04 6:30 PM PDT
Throughout the day seismic activity has remained at a fairly constant, but high, rate of about 2 small (less than magnitude 2) earthquakes per minute.
All earthquake locations are still shallow and in or below the lava dome. A USGS field crew continued their deployment of GPS equipment today in order to monitor any ground movement on the lava dome, crater floor, or lower slopes of the volcano. Tomorrow’s field work includes continued GPS deployments and another gas flight. USGS and PNSN personnel held a teleconference to discuss scientific issues and future needs. USGS and PNSN personnel also participated in a teleconference with Washington State and County emergency-management officials to discuss hazard and response issues.
For past updates and September 26 Notice of Volcanic Unrest see past updates at:

For past updates and September 26 Notice of Volcanic Unrest see past updates at: