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Cable? or DSL? your ISP

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  • #16
    Mine is satilite and DSL. I'm using DSL right now because it's cheaper only 10 $ per month. 510k acces both of them the satilite is 78 $ per month so i prefer the DSL . Using a laptop and WinXp wow thats cool!
    Irfan Faiz Nazerollnizam. Computer geek and gamer


    • #17
      8Mbit DSL right now but getting 100Mbit fibre-optic this weekend. US$25 a month


      • #18
        Comcast High-Speed (Broadband)

        our only other options SBC Yahoo! DSL but we don't have SBC phone service. Comcast kicks ass. Enough said.

        Next Flights:

        October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
        October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW


        • #19
          Currently using Earthlink DSL for $49.99 before the various fees. I have another 6 months on my original Earthlink contract, and when it is up, I'll probably switch to either Comcast High Speed if they run a decent deal on it, if not, I'll stick with my DSL connection.


          • #20
            not sure who i'm using, but we have wireless offered free of charge through our apartment complex. over course, they are charging us an arm and a leg for rent, though.....
            Work Right, Fly Hard.


            • #21
              Cable rocks, but the price sucks, $49.99 a month!!!


              • #22
                Roadrunner Broadband Cable.......$40 a month

                Pete Ganabathi
                Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

                Fly Frontier Airlines - A Whole Different Animal


                • #23
                  Whatever we have here at Riddle is pretty awesome!


                  • #24
                    SBC DSL for me.


                    • #25
                      Shaw Cable here in Calgary. I've used it for years and years and have never once had any problems.
                      My Images


                      • #26
                        332, i used to have Shaw, before Eastlink bougt out the atlantic provences. now all i pay is 60 a month for digital cable, and cable internet!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by assghanistan
                          over course, they are charging us an arm and a leg for rent, though.....

                          Mine is ADSL which is supposed to cost an exorbitant $128 (about HK$1000) a month! Luckily we got this as part of a special deal, so the fees are about one third of the quoted price.

                          Cathay Pacific - The Heart of Asia


                          • #28
                            I have Qwest DSL. It plus the basic home phone service comes to just shy of $80 per month. But I split it with my brother so I only pay like $40. I'm not sure how much the DSL service is extra. I have a router and we ran the cable through the house. It's on 4 different computers.

                            We pay for a higher connection speed than the standard DSL service Qwest offers. According to the CNET bandwidth meter test (, we're at 706.1 kbps. Which is about 88 kilobytes per second.

                            According to, it is 838.9 kbps, or almost 105 kilobytes per second.

                            We're pretty happy with it. It's faster than our local cable company's product, especially since they tend to limit upload speed a lot.

                            (1 kilobyte = 8 kilobits)

                            Van Hoolio's Photos

