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  • Parents

    OK. Hi all- I'm looking for some help in persuading parents to give me a little more freedom. The main thing that's on my mind is I'm 16 and still don't have my drivers permit (can get it @ 15yr 7mos in the US). It kinda hurts me since all my friends have theirs, and I think I could really use it since I have a little brother, which really doesn't work out with swim team, school, taekwondo, a student government program, trying to do things w/ friends, and only 1 parent able to give rides at one time.

    I'm a straight A student with a 4.5 GPA, and am ranked 4th in my class of 632. I'm open-minded, respectful of the risks and dangers of driving, and always play 'copilot' when I'm being driven somewhere (i.e. checking blindspots/mirrors when turning, etc.) so I can further prepare myself for when I start driving. Ironically (in my opinion), I've been flying since I was 13, and my last three instructors were going to write me off to solo last year (although my parents didn't let me do that either).

    So my question is, how can I cut some of the strings my parents have tied to me and get a little more room. I'm not a bad kid, and they know that. If you've had the same problem, advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks much.
    Click below.


  • #2
    move out, but if your living under there house you play by there rules, and you say your mindful of the road, i've been driving for 12 years and i can tell you as soon as you get your license those mindful thoughts disappear.

    next trips
    USA/DXB August.


    • #3
      make a deal with them that you can do that stuff if you do something they want you to do

      start telling them about the bad stuff other kids have done to put it in perspective


      • #4
        Originally posted by Longreach747
        as soon as you get your license those mindful thoughts disappear.
        Not if my insurance will skyrocket (and therefore leading to me not driving at all) if I make the slightest mistake...

        Originally posted by FlyCharlestonSC
        make a deal with them that you can do that stuff if you do something they want you to do
        Tried. I'm already doing everything they want me to do and more for myself...

        Originally posted by FlyCharlestonSC
        start telling them about the bad stuff other kids have done to put it in perspective
        Click below.



        • #5
          Just be careful with that last one...don't use it too much or they might think that you could get involved in that stuff. (depends on your relationship with your parents) Just make sure they know and you treat it as if those things are foreign concepts and you would never want to have anything to do with them.

          That usually works for me


          • #6
            Originally posted by FlyCharlestonSC
            Just be careful with that last one...don't use it too much or they might think that you could get involved in that stuff. (depends on your relationship with your parents) Just make sure they know and you treat it as if those things are foreign concepts and you would never want to have anything to do with them.

            That usually works for me
            Yeah... tricky game, huh?
            Click below.



            • #7
              What's their reason for not letting you do all this stuff? That's one important bit you left out...
              "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

              -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


              • #8
                Originally posted by indian airlines
                What's their reason for not letting you do all this stuff? That's one important bit you left out...
                To be completely out of the box honest, they haven't given me a reason. My mom has been dangling it in front of my nose for weeks, and 'taking it away' if I make a mistake i.e. snapping at her once in the morning (it's the last week of the quarter, had gotten 5 hours of sleep everynight the entire week, really stressed, have an editor deadline for school newspaper- which I explained to her and asked her if she could realize that and cut me a little slack, but she didn't). It's not like I want to snap at her though, since it results in these kinds of consequences.
                Click below.



                • #9
                  Justin, when you are a bit older you'll suddenly realize "holy parents WERE right". It sounds like they may be a little bit over protective, but its nothing catastrophic and you'll live. As Monty said, their house, their rules. Just respect them and they'll let you do things when they think you're ready.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by screaming_emu
                    Justin, when you are a bit older you'll suddenly realize "holy parents WERE right". It sounds like they may be a little bit over protective, but its nothing catastrophic and you'll live. As Monty said, their house, their rules. Just respect them and they'll let you do things when they think you're ready.
                    I know I will realize they were right on many things- I've realized it myself just progressing through the grades. Just like how I'll realize what a fool I'll make out of myself by the end of this thread. The thing that has me really upset is just that I feel like I have nothing to relate to my friends with besides just being in the same classes. And coming from a wealthy private school where I wasn't included in anything, I don't want to go through being the one not able to do things w/ friends or have nothing in common w/ them again...
                    Click below.



                    • #11
                      I do have to add that you do seem a lot more mature than most 16 year olds. Most 16 year olds are getting upset that thier parents get mad at them when they find them drinking or smoking pot. Keep that up man, it'll get you far.


                      • #12
                        Longreach747 nice photo


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by expoITHscohen
                          Longreach747 nice photo
                          You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by screaming_emu
                            I do have to add that you do seem a lot more mature than most 16 year olds. Most 16 year olds are getting upset that thier parents get mad at them when they find them drinking or smoking pot. Keep that up man, it'll get you far.
                            Thanks Joe. That's nice of you to say.
                            Click below.



                            • #15
                              1 ff

