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Idiotic Wannabe Gangsta (Video)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MaDbOy
    if only the guy in the car had a gun.... or another weapon, like a baseballbat...will do fine
    LOL...then that guy would be someone did that to my car, (and that person did not have a gun) i would get out there and beat the shit out of him.
    ***My Blog***


    • #17
      Originally posted by Airbus_A320
      Does that guy know how to say anything else becides "mother fuka" and "nigga"
      At times when hosts of serious people want moving to the US, those wasters, pr*cks or whichever do not even deserve to be born and let alone live in a "good" country.

      My recommendations

      Get them, together with some French counterparts
      Offer them a (one-way) trip to part of Africa from where the forebears were originally moved from
      Get them to the care of locals for mending the roads and restoring the bridges washed away by the last rain season
      Hand over separately to welcome comitee his file with the mention "Return not wanted / Retour non souhaité".

      Thanks for visiting
      *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


      • #18
        Originally posted by uy707
        Originally posted by Airbus_A320
        Does that guy know how to say anything else becides "mother fuka" and "nigga"
        At times when hosts of serious people want moving to the US, those wasters, pr*cks or whichever do not even deserve to be born and let alone live in a "good" country.

        My recommendations

        Get them, together with some French counterparts
        Offer them a (one-way) trip to part of Africa from where the forebears were originally moved from
        Get them to the care of locals for mending the roads and restoring the bridges washed away by the last rain season
        Hand over separately to welcome comitee his file with the mention "Return not wanted / Retour non souhaité".

        Ship em off to good ol' Liberia?? (not meant to be a racist remark)
        ***My Blog***


        • #19
          Liberia, yes, but also in Gambia / Benin / Togo / Nigeria / Ghana / Cameroon and more....
          Depending to where family roots start.
          Thanks for visiting
          *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


          • #20
            one time a guy came up to the window demanding money with a knife..... A KNIFE!!!! ha ha ha.... anyway I got him away from the car when I put it in reverse and dumped the clutch while truning the wheel to try to swipe him with the front of the car (front wheel drive for you physicists out there) ..... Scarry people, (if you can call them that) in the world.....


            • #21

              If he had done something like that to my car, I would've got out and beat the motherf***ing s*** out of him.

              But then, if I had something like a .38 in the glove compartment... man, he'd look like Swiss cheese after I'd done my stuff...

              A Colombian guy moved by the winds of fate to St. Louis, MO


              • #22
                I actually laughed in a twisted sort of way.
                My Images


                • #23
                  if i see that dude in Las Vegas he's gettin run over. then run over some more!

                  next trips
                  USA/DXB August.


                  • #24
                    What a complete and fuc*ing @$$hole!!!

                    Next Flights:

                    October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
                    October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW


                    • #25
                      is this sh!t for real or what?

                      next trips
                      USA/DXB August.


                      • #26
                        I seriously doubt that it'd be wise to open the door with a baseball bat in your hand. Before you could stand up you'd be smacked in the head with that crowbar. That happens and you're an invalid for the rest of your life.

                        You'd be wiser to use the car as a weapon.

                        Surely this video is enough for him to be ID'd, arrested and convicted. These punks are not that smart.
                        YBBN - James


                        • #27
                          it's from bumfights 3, it is legit and thats no shit!

                          next trips
                          USA/DXB August.


                          • #28
                            you know its a fact that his behaviour is all down to the society in which they live in.
                            It is getting more common in todays society than rabbits.
                            Some people in today's society are so thick!

