ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The average resident of Minnesota stands a better chance of avoiding smoking, car accidents and obesity than a friend living 900 miles to the south in Tennessee.
That is among the findings of a study released on Monday by the United Health Foundation, which has been tracking the nation's health for the past 15 years.
Minnesota, New Hampshire and Vermont are considered the healthiest states in the country, followed by Hawaii (4), Utah (5) and Massachusetts (6).
Southern states, which have consistently ranked near the bottom of the rankings, accounted for the bottom 11 states in the 2004 survey including Tennessee (4
, Mississippi (49) and Louisiana (50).
That is among the findings of a study released on Monday by the United Health Foundation, which has been tracking the nation's health for the past 15 years.
Minnesota, New Hampshire and Vermont are considered the healthiest states in the country, followed by Hawaii (4), Utah (5) and Massachusetts (6).
Southern states, which have consistently ranked near the bottom of the rankings, accounted for the bottom 11 states in the 2004 survey including Tennessee (4
