What is the luckiest thing which ever happened to you?
For me:
. Back in 1992-1993, I was in Karachi, Pakistan. Back then, there was a huge political turmoil with total meltdown of Government control and drugs and guns running free with a lot of gang fighting everywhere.
Anyways, so as I was riding my bicycle to my uncle's shop, something dropped out of my hand and I ducked down to pick it up. During that time, I heard a gun shot and a felt a 'woosh' of air over my head. I stood up and nearby, my cousin was in total astonishment and told me that 'if my head was a little higher, I would be dead now'.
This happened to my friend:
. He was in a taxi and as he got out, his wallet and keys dropped out. But the next day, he received a call from the taxi driver and got it back. This is what happened: later on in the same day he lost his items, his other friend boarded the same taxi and identified his picture in the wallet. He gave the taxi driver the contact number and the taxi driver was kind enough to hand the wallet and keys back to my friend.
For me:
. Back in 1992-1993, I was in Karachi, Pakistan. Back then, there was a huge political turmoil with total meltdown of Government control and drugs and guns running free with a lot of gang fighting everywhere.
Anyways, so as I was riding my bicycle to my uncle's shop, something dropped out of my hand and I ducked down to pick it up. During that time, I heard a gun shot and a felt a 'woosh' of air over my head. I stood up and nearby, my cousin was in total astonishment and told me that 'if my head was a little higher, I would be dead now'.
This happened to my friend:
. He was in a taxi and as he got out, his wallet and keys dropped out. But the next day, he received a call from the taxi driver and got it back. This is what happened: later on in the same day he lost his items, his other friend boarded the same taxi and identified his picture in the wallet. He gave the taxi driver the contact number and the taxi driver was kind enough to hand the wallet and keys back to my friend.