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Luckiest thing that ever happened to you?

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  • Luckiest thing that ever happened to you?

    What is the luckiest thing which ever happened to you?

    For me:

    . Back in 1992-1993, I was in Karachi, Pakistan. Back then, there was a huge political turmoil with total meltdown of Government control and drugs and guns running free with a lot of gang fighting everywhere.

    Anyways, so as I was riding my bicycle to my uncle's shop, something dropped out of my hand and I ducked down to pick it up. During that time, I heard a gun shot and a felt a 'woosh' of air over my head. I stood up and nearby, my cousin was in total astonishment and told me that 'if my head was a little higher, I would be dead now'.

    This happened to my friend:

    . He was in a taxi and as he got out, his wallet and keys dropped out. But the next day, he received a call from the taxi driver and got it back. This is what happened: later on in the same day he lost his items, his other friend boarded the same taxi and identified his picture in the wallet. He gave the taxi driver the contact number and the taxi driver was kind enough to hand the wallet and keys back to my friend.
    You only have one life...

    Make wise decisions and live freely.

  • #2
    not quite as lucky as you were, but I really think the luckiest thing that has happened to me is having the opportunity to travel all over the world and see different cultures. It really makes you into a different and more open minded person.


    • #3
      Originally posted by screaming_emu
      not quite as lucky as you were, but I really think the luckiest thing that has happened to me is having the opportunity to travel all over the world and see different cultures. It really makes you into a different and more open minded person.
      Thats what Japans all about.

      For me, probably managing to ride a quad bike on two wheels doing a corner at about 50kmph (30miles per hour) less than 10cm away from a cliff with a 50m drop and not going over the edge.
      Sam Rudge
      A 5D3, some Canon lenses, the Sigma L and a flash


      • #4
        Originally posted by Simpleboy
        Thats what Japans all about.
        Yeah, that and England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Canada (yeah, I guess), and China.


        • #5
          Originally posted by screaming_emu
          Canada (yeah, I guess)
          I guess to, Canada has some of its own little "cultuaral" differences from Jesusland... errr a... USA .


          • #6
            Originally posted by ACman
            I guess to, Canada has some of its own little "cultuaral" differences from Jesusland... errr a... USA .
            yeah, I got no problem with canada, the cities are where its at though. I'm not much into the rural scene. I really need to make it out ot Vancouver


            • #7
              Originally posted by screaming_emu
              I'm not much into the rural scene.
              Yeah, you want to saty away from there unless you have a cottage and a wod of cash to spend it on recreational stuff. Speaking of staying away from rural one horse towns, I had to drive theu windsor NS to get to Martock to go skiing, god that place is a shithole.
              I really need to make it out ot Vancouver
              I have been to Vancouver multiple times, and Always want to go back infact I have a Vancouver craving right now. My dad's putting in a transfer for it. Vancouver is a lovely, diverse city.


              • #8
                Won $120 on a slot machine.
                My photos on


                • #9
                  Met Kevin and nicked his staff travel benifits .......long may it continue lol


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ACman
                    Yeah, you want to saty away from there unless you have a cottage and a wod of cash to spend it on recreational stuff. Speaking of staying away from rural one horse towns, I had to drive theu windsor NS to get to Martock to go skiing, god that place is a shithole.

                    I have been to Vancouver multiple times, and Always want to go back infact I have a Vancouver craving right now. My dad's putting in a transfer for it. Vancouver is a lovely, diverse city.
                    Yea Vancouver is the best!


                    • #11
                      Well, last year there were major works going on, they had a choice to either go through next door or my garden. Next door told them to work in our garden, and put a new pipe through there. Of course, we weren't happy about this, but we didn't have much choice, at the end though, we got a load of compensation, new fences, new shed and a few other things! Thanks neighbours!!
                      [ MattC ]



                      • #12
                        Survived a car crash, in one piece and unscathed in the middle of nowhere in Cameroon years ago...
                        Thanks for visiting
                        *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


                        • #13
                          I was quite lucky to escape an avalanche last winter.


                          • #14
                            This may not be the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me, but I think it's one of the most recent luckiest things which happened to me, which was being bought a cover for my passport last Christmas...

                            Just before I started to board my flight in Frankfurt to Manchester last month, I went to the to take a pi$$. Anyway I was stood up doing my business and I had my passport with my ticket inside, pressed tight in between my chin and my chest so hopefully I wouldn't drop it. After I finished I flushed/pulled the chain on the toilet and then went to grab my passport from my chin and before I knew it, I'd accidently dropped it in the toilet! Luckily it fell into the new water rather than the old. I quickly took it out of there and noticed the cover was soaked wet through, although I took a look at my passport inside and thanks to the cover it was bone dry and the boarding pass was just damp around the edges. I dried the cover and boarding pass as much as possible with tissue and prayed it would still go through the ticket machine at the gate when I would actually start to board the aircraft. Although luckily it was fine

                            On the flight I sat and thought to myself just actually how lucky I was to have been bought the cover because it really was soaked wet through and if it hadn't of been for the cover it would of been my actual passport which would of got wet, and I think it would of been too wet for me to travel meaning I'd of been absolutely screwed.

                            All I can say is a big thanks to my Grandma and Grandad for buying me the cover!



                            • #15
                              When I was 19 working on the Ramp in Peterborough an "unchocked" airplane rolled down an incline and hit me. The antennae hit me going through my left eye, went through my nose (breaking it), went behind my right eye and came out by my right temple.

                              I worked with my younger brother (he was 15) and he helped get me off the airplane (he bent the antennae and pulled it out) and got another guy to rush me to the hospital.

                              Lucky thing was I was working with my brother who knew what to do and got me off to the hospital.

