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Bird Part 2

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  • Bird Part 2

    Post your "new" pictures of a cool looking bird. .

    Not manipulated in anyway or fake, just sharpened

    Found all these on Maderia Beach in Florida.
    Ryan Davis
    Admin, FlyerGuide.Net

  • #2
    Those are excellent. I like the second and last one the best.
    "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

    -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


    • #3
      Nice wingflex on the third one


      • #4
        this is the bastard that was eyeing my frappuchino in SFO


        • #5

          Last one taken at SXM at Maho beach while waiting for the Air France flight


          • #6
            'Pyrrhocorax graculus' is what this one is called, found it on one of those Austrian Alps last summer..


            • #7
              Originally posted by pdeboer
              'Pyrrhocorax graculus' is what this one is called, found it on one of those Austrian Alps last summer..

              In America we call those crow's


              • #8
                In America we call those crow's
                So you generalize all the planes by calling them either Boeing, Airbus, Fokker or.. It's indeed a crow, spcial Alp Crow as I understand, it's in the colour of the beak. In the Netherlands they all have orange* beaks, none yellow. Just some extra information for those bird watching enthousiast..

                *EDIT: sorry I meant black


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pdeboer
                  So you generalize all the planes by calling them either Boeing, Airbus, Fokker or.. It's indeed a crow, spcial Alp Crow as I understand, it's in the colour of the beak. In the Netherlands they all have orange* beaks, none yellow. Just some extra information for those bird watching enthousiast..

                  *EDIT: sorry I meant black

                  Still is a crow and still shits on my car. LOL


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kcmh
                    Still is a crow and still shits on my car. LOL
                    Be happy that you don't have doves that crap on your car. The amount of a single crap, but since they always seem to do their business at the same time, it can get very nasty. And I speak from experience *yuck*.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
                      Be happy that you don't have doves that crapon your car. The amount of a single crap, but since they always seem to do their business at the same time, it can get very nasty. And I speak from experience *yuck*.
                      speaking of that, i was on my way home from work today, went from the track 8-9, and walking up in the central station of Copenhagen, then suddenly i hear this "SPLASH" right behind me, what the faq.. i look up and two more incomiing shit is on the way,,i jumped away, ..some of the other people were just staring at me, i pointed at the bird-droppings, and they laughed..its so not funny, but lucky enuff to jump away !!
                      Inactive from May 1 2009.


                      • #12
                        One of the many roosters on Kauai
                        You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven

