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dont you just hate it when.......

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  • dont you just hate it when.......

    Dont you just hate it when you go to a strip joint and get a lap dance and you see the package up close and personal...yet you cant touch...but the strippers can....and the thing is....they turn you on like a freaking rabbit....

    This is the last time I will be getting a lap dance....thats it......I just cant resist...but if I try I will be fuxxxx up so bad!!!! lol

    What are ur inputs.....

  • #2
    I dont have to go to a strip club to get a lap dance...and I can touch.
    Ryan Davis
    Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


    • #3
      Get a girlfriend...
      YBBN - James


      • #4
        I will....soon....very soon....


        • #5
          But at the moment I'd say your looking in the wrong places.
          YBBN - James


          • #6
            I woulden't get a lap dance full stop. You see it's not my hands i'd lose control over.


            • #7
              Get a Girlfriend bro....
              ***My Blog***


              • #8
                Go to a party and get a girl drunk. Plain and simple.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Crunk415balla
                  Go to a party and get a girl drunk. Plain and simple.

                  That is considered RAPE, as$wipe.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JeffinDEN
                    That is considered RAPE, as$wipe.
                    Mm... not really if she consents...

                    It ain't against the law to have sex with a woman if she consents, even if she is drunk. But if you FORCE her, that's another story


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jannichan
                      Mm... not really if she consents...

                      It ain't against the law to have sex with a woman if she consents, even if she is drunk. But if you FORCE her, that's another story

                      I would never do that...get a girl drunk just so you can have sex with her (unless if she is incredibly hot )....if she doesn't want to do it when she is not drunk..too bad, move onto the next one
                      ***My Blog***


                      • #12
                        dont get a chick drunk and then take advantage of the would be VERY LOW and you must feel bad!!!!

                        The thing is....find the girls weak spot....

                        I was with this girl....just a friend...and I was like...yea...blah blah blah and I dont know what made me kiss her on her neck.....but oh boy! that turned her so horny....she quickly undressed and wanted to have sex!

                        Thats the best method! lol


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jannichan
                          Mm... not really if she consents...

                          It ain't against the law to have sex with a woman if she consents, even if she is drunk. But if you FORCE her, that's another story
                          Wrong. Once alcohol is in the system, no consent can be given.


                          • #14
                            Ok so I don't know much about british law, but in the state of Colorado, once alcohol is present, all consent is null and void (think about that the next time you screw your wife after a glass of wine )


                            • #15
                              what if the girls try to get you drunk... hell i goto the wrong places....

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