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i just wased 30 mins of my life

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  • i just wased 30 mins of my life

    first, let me give you some backstory to this. we recently had a prom at my HS(though i did not attend). and in the main hall they set up a stand selling tuxs. but not normal tuxs, "pimp" tuxs as my freind called them. they were white with purple hankerchives and a white tophat and cane, or a black pinstripe with a black tophat and a plat. chain with a "spinner". i grabed the tophat and spinner chain after school(they were letting people try things on) and i went around telling people that i had found my true calling, and was now officialy "pimp". now, this weekend in my speeker class at MIT i soldered up 2 caps and a inductor and made this(my bling). anyway, i wore that to school today and when i got home i talked to a freind of mine...

    [21:53] Freind: hey
    [21:54] Me: yozizzle
    [21:54] Freind: janizzle quizzle
    [21:54] Me: huhizzle?
    [21:54] Freind: biizzzznaaatch
    [21:55] Me: owndizzled
    [21:55] Freind: yazzle
    [21:55] Me: lolzizzle
    [21:56] Freind: haizzle
    [21:57] Me: btwizzle, whatzle youizzle's thoughtizzels on my blingizzle?
    [21:58] Freind: yourizzle blizzle is crunktastic
    [21:58] Me: hell yizzle
    [21:59] Freind: in writing siminar mike renamed mrs. christie crunkatron 5
    [22:00] Me: crunkatron 5? oh , he did nizzle
    [22:00] Me: lol
    [22:00] Friend: yazzle
    [22:00] Me: mike the VDizzle?
    [22:01] Freind: actually it was mike the sturgizzle
    [22:01] Me: ya, the sturgizzle izle teh V.Dizzle
    [22:01] Freind: ohizzle
    [22:02] Me: sturgie soundizles like a venereial disizzle
    [22:02] Me: henceizzle the namizzle
    [22:02] Freind: lolizzle
    [22:02] Me: hell yizzle
    [22:03] Freind: imizzle listeningizzle toizzle the pougesizzle[the pouges]
    [22:03] Me: sweetizzle
    [22:03] Me: in vynizzle?
    [22:03] Me: or CDizzle
    [22:03] Me: or mp thrizzle
    [22:04] Freind: noizzle actuallizzle itizzle mpizzle
    [22:04] Me: *MPthrizzle
    [22:04] Freind: hellizzle yazzle
    [22:04] Me: i am *so* logging thisizzle
    [22:05] Freind: damnizzle straightizzle bizzle
    [22:06] Freind: izzleizzle
    [22:06] Me: lolzizle
    [22:06] Freind: YAZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:08] Freind: izzle thoughtizzle thatizzle my deskizzle ateizzle my knifeizzle buizzle itizzle wasizzle my amplifierizzle thazzle atezzle myzzle knifezzle
    [22:09] Me: what the fizzle?
    [22:09] Me: *WTFizzle
    [22:10] Freind: mizzle dezzle atezzle mizzle hozzle
    [22:10] Me: de crunkified: my desk ate my ___?
    [22:11] Me: *crunkifizzled
    [22:12] Freind: well you see i put my knife in my desk but some how it ended up inside my amp and when i accidently knocked over my amp my knife came out
    [22:13] Me: huhizzle
    [22:13] Freind: im not surizzle howzzle that happenedizzle
    [22:13] Freind: but it is defenately crunkified
    [22:13] Me: correction:crunkizzled
    [22:14] Freind: crunked to da max
    [22:14] Freind: ahzzle
    [22:15] Freind: SWEETIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [22:15] Me: yizzle?
    [22:15] Freind: i just shot a monkey with a banana and won a massage chair
    [22:15] Me: lolzizzle
    [22:16] Freind: or a massagezzle chairizzle
    [22:16] Me: hell yizzle
    [22:16] Freind: funkin awsomeizzle
    [22:16] Me: ofcoarsizzle, its bullshizzle
    [22:17] Freind: whazzle ?zzle
    [22:17] Freind: ohzzle i seezzle
    [22:18] Me: youizzle needizzle to regerzizzle for creditizzle cardizzels and suchizzle
    [22:20] Freind: un crunkedizzled
    [22:20] Me: lolzizzleness
    [22:21] Freind: damnizzle thatzzle apeizzle stolezzle my pointerizzle
    [22:21] Me: what apeizzle? nickizzle?
    [22:21] Me: *samizzle?
    [22:22] Freind: nickizzle? samizzle?
    [22:22] Me: no nickizzle( i was being retardizzled), but didnt samizzle steal your billzizles?
    [22:23] Freind: yazzle thazzle bastardizzle stolezzle mizzle bling bling
    [22:23] Me: fuckizzle
    [22:24] Me: i need to vivisectizzle that bizznatch
    [22:24] Me: with a dullzizzle knifezzle
    [22:25] Freind: useizzle my knifizzle that was eaten by my amp
    [22:25] Me: hell yizzle
    [22:25] Me: danm, i have duct tizzle stuckizzle to my pantzizzles
    [22:26] Me: duct tizzle?
    [22:26] Me: duct tape
    [22:26] Freind: oh i seezzle
    [22:27] Me: shizzle, what did you thinkizzle it wizzle?
    [22:27] Freind: i thought mabyizzle it was a ducks tizzle in yourizzle pantizzles
    [22:27] Me: lolzizzle
    [22:28] Freind: damn straizlle
    [22:29] Freind: fireizzle foxizzle brokeizzle
    [22:29] Me: ah shizzle
    [22:30] Freind: and my pointer/arrow thing disapeared becauseizzle da stupidzzle chimpizzle
    [22:31] Freind: damn chimpsizzles
    [22:32] Me: ya, fucking chimpzizzles
    [22:34] Freind: dude im spreading the language of gansta im talking to other people in it but theyre extremely confusedizzle
    [22:34] Me: huhizzle
    [22:34] Me: thats funnizzle
    [22:35] Freind: im talking in gansta to this girl that rejected me a while ago and now she is really afraid of meizzle
    [22:35] Me: lolzizzle
    [22:35] Me: lookizzle outizzle howeverizzle, **** can be a ass if she wantizzles to izzle
    [22:36] Freind: izzle got to leavizzle cuaseizzle my momizzle is yellizleing at me
    [22:36] Freind: ha?
    [22:36] Me: ha?
    [22:36] Freind: oh i get it now but im not talking to her
    [22:36] Me: samizzle, my momizzle is yellizing
    [22:36] Me: ya, i know
    [22:37] Freind: seezzle yazzle
    [22:37] Me: byeizle
    ^----raveing lunatic

    please excuse my horendus mangeling of the english language, its only my first :P

  • #2
    crunkballa, you care to translate for us?


    • #3
      You're also wasting a space on this forum!


      • #4
        sorry, its only text, i didnt think ited be that big a deel(and its kinda funny)
        ^----raveing lunatic

        please excuse my horendus mangeling of the english language, its only my first :P


        • #5
          I got a headache now. ZzzZzzZ
          Ryan Davis
          Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


          • #6
            Originally posted by c72
            You're also wasting a space on this forum!
            so are about 99% of everyone else that posts here


            • #7
              My foshizzle is no longer on my bizzizzle correctly....


              • #8
                Originally posted by screaming_emu
                so are about 99% of everyone else that posts here
                Yes, and I'm really fed up with it too!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by c72
                  Yes, and I'm really fed up with it too!
                  Relax. Take a chill pizzle.
                  "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                  -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by indian airlines
                    Relax. Take a chill pizzle.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by c72
                      ok, ok, point noted
                      "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                      -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by c72
                        Yes, and I'm really fed up with it too!
                        simma donna


                        • #13
                          Donna Summers! I know her!


                          • #14
                            WOW...that was Crunk...
                            Suche gut gebaute 18-30 Jährigen zum schlachten.
                            - Metzgermeister


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MaDbOy
                              WOW...that was Crunk...

