Date: Nov 10th 2002
Time: 02:37 P.M.
Location: NorthWestern Tarrant County; Texas
Direction of Flight: North/NorthWest
Altitude: FL330 (estimated)
Other: Appeared to be leaving two contrails
Could anyone please supply me with the registration?
I need to log it in my Spotters Handbook.

[ November 10, 2002 04:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by IntheShade ]
Time: 02:37 P.M.
Location: NorthWestern Tarrant County; Texas
Direction of Flight: North/NorthWest
Altitude: FL330 (estimated)
Other: Appeared to be leaving two contrails
Could anyone please supply me with the registration?
I need to log it in my Spotters Handbook.

[ November 10, 2002 04:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by IntheShade ]