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Pyromaniacs unite

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  • #16
    I can see my City in your picture Joe
    Suche gut gebaute 18-30 Jährigen zum schlachten.
    - Metzgermeister


    • #17
      Originally posted by MaDbOy
      I can see my City in your picture Joe
      yeah, you probably are small enough to fit under one of those


      • #18
        Originally posted by screaming_emu
        yeah, you probably are small enough to fit under one of those
        Aaaaah......I meant...nvm....
        Suche gut gebaute 18-30 Jährigen zum schlachten.
        - Metzgermeister


        • #19
          When I was in Boy Scouts, we had a couple of major league pyros in my troop. These guys brought "pyro kits" on campouts. They have stuff like gunpower, matches, breath spray (nice flamethrower to torch ants with), candles, lighters, lighter fluid, and various other sundry flammable things. These guys upped the stakes from the previous pyros. I remember one campout, they threw a couple of pieces of bamboo on the campfire, and one of the assistant scoutmasters thought they had thrown firecrackers in their, and yelled at them. They had some younger guys that tried to be like them but failed. I enjoyed burning stuff to an extent and am pretty good at building campfires, but I never took it past burning and blowing up small things.


          • #20
            This was our Homecoming bonfire this year.... those are forklift pallets and about 10-15 gallons of gasoline- big @$$ fire.

            Click below.



            • #21
              I burned a house once...

