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Sun Showers - (56k)

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  • Sun Showers - (56k)

    Ever get these? I heard some rain on the windows and checked out the sunset

    Took these with my F717 through my window....kinda like the rain there

    and this one

  • #2
    very nice, I really like the second one. Macro shots rule, I need to get an actual macro lens for my camera.


    • #3
      Awesome shots We have been having amazing sunsets lately, along with this 80 degree weather
      You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


      • #4
        Originally posted by Alaska Air Rules
        Awesome shots We have been having amazing sunsets lately, along with this 80 degree weather
        as usual, warmer in Alaska than in North Dakota...I need to get the hell outta here.


        • #5
          Originally posted by screaming_emu
          as usual, warmer in Alaska than in North Dakota...I need to get the hell outta here.
          ERAU 4 U??? :P

          I know I'm not going to ND...I'd rather be warm and be able to fly in this.

          Fort Lauderdale as we cross the coast down to 4,000ft on downwind for 9L.

          and Key West of course . This is from the other side of the island than the airport but the planes were coming right over the boat . Some guy in a Red bi-plane (Waco I'm guessing) was flying around the water and stuff...looked like he was having a fun time

          No this is not a ERAU is better than UND war..(although it is ..Ryan Davis is gonna kill me)


          • #6
            ...............ill just wink and leave it at that .

            Is ERAU gonna teach you how to flare? Mr. MD-80.

            Ryan Davis
            Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


            • #7
              if you wanna pay twice as much and not see a single girl the whole time than be my guest


              • #8
                Originally posted by ExpressJet145
                ...............ill just wink and leave it at that .

                Is ERAU gonna teach you how to flare? Mr. MD-80.

                Hey I'll use that flare someday :P

                can you say....wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too used to FS? lol

                I gotta go do some T&G's when I get the chance


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Crism
                  Hey I'll use that flare someday :P

                  can you say....wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too used to FS? lol

                  I gotta go do some T&G's when I get the chance
                  You cant hold my landings against me either that day.... 14kts with a 30 degree crosswind practicing shorts and softs with your ass in the back.

                  Give me some credit .
                  Ryan Davis
                  Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


                  • #10
                    Ya know Ryan, I did almost the exact same thing you did that day when I was with MATT, SAVANNA, AND TOM. That's 4 people in the Cutlass which already climbs like shit :P.

                    I had a really nice landing the last time around then I killed it coming back to PVD .

                    Your last one at SFZ was a greaser

