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A moment of silence
I used to live in the building in the background of that second picture.
Want even more pain to go with the story?
Most of the load was still good, Molson brought a 'special' machine (not just the bulldozers mentioned) to pick it all up and .......... trash it
"The good news is the young lady that was in the Honda Civic is not seriously injured -- she's in quite good condition considering the damage to her car," OPP Sgt. Cam Wooley said.
Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206There was also meat and cheese to go with the beer
It could have been a kick@$$ barbeque...
This prayer will be at my dinner table:
"Oh heaveny father, beer god, meat god, and cheese god, please take thy lost beer, meat, and cheese to beer, meat, and cheese heaven. They left us too soon and its awful. Even though I cant eat cheese, make sure its short cheesy life will be accepted in cheese heaven. Now we will toast the beer, meat, and cheese and say 'sorry that you didnt make it into my tummy boy!' Amen!"-Kevin