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BBQ/Grilling - Charcoal, Gas or Indoor?

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  • BBQ/Grilling - Charcoal, Gas or Indoor?

    Branching off the other thread, which one do you guys use to BBQ/Grill? Seems like Charcoal grills are supposed to be the best, but Gas grills are more convenient and work out reasonably well.

    Personally I use a Gas Grill, although it the food definitely lacks a smoky flavor when cooked on it. It is much easier to control and clean though.

    What do you guys think?
    "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

    -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'

  • #2

    yakiniku, I think its gas but they also have some wood chunks or somethin like that inside the grill....sooooo goood.


    • #3
      Charcoal is more fun, while gas gets it done quicker. Personally, fun wins over speed.

      by the way, I have started to see quite a few electric barbeques in stores... has anyone tried those?


      • #4
        Nothing, absolutely nothing, matches the taste of charcoal. Just be sure you wait till all the lighter fluid is burned off


        • #5
          I absolutely agree with the other posts. Nothing beats the overall result of charcoal. Yes, you may loose out on speed, but the taste is so much sweeter.

          Luckily I have access to both gas and charcoal. Here in Australia we don't use heat beads. They burn hotter and longer, but does not require lighter fluid for startup.


          • #6
            We use both charcoal and gas
            You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


            • #7
              We used to use charcoal. Now it is all gas and it really pisses me off. The taste of charcoal is such a good thing. I will not be buying my own gas grill.....unless my wife wants one! LOL
              Pop quiz: Which US president said, "Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
              George W. Bush is not correct. It was Bill Clinton in his 1998 State of the Union speech. HMMMMMMMMM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wannabepilot777
                We used to use charcoal. Now it is all gas and it really pisses me off. The taste of charcoal is such a good thing. I will not be buying my own gas grill.....unless my wife wants one! LOL
                dude, you're like 12 and you're already thinkin about a wife?


                • #9
                  Seriously when I move into my college apartment this fall a charcoal grill is one of the first things I'm getting.


                  • #10
                    Be honest everyone, who here likes chicken sausages?

                    Doesn't matter what BBQ it's cocked on, a sausage is a sausage. Ok picture this 2 or 3 chicken sausages right, with some beef Schnitzel, mashed potatoes but with lots of milk for a creamy effect, and then a generous dollop of brown gravy lovingly distributed among the goodness, in other words the gravy's the icing on the cake if you will.


                    • #11
                      I love my George Forman grills. I have both an indoor model and a portable outdoor one that uses a 1L propane cylinder.

                      Charcoal is great though, it's hard to beat that smokey taste......The only thing that beats down charcoal is grilling over a live hickory wood fire, thats simply an amazing taste.

                      Mess.Man: When I was a meat cutter, for over time we'd make chicken sausages

                      Basically, we'd empty the huge containers of chicken breat cages and cartilage, shovel them into 2 huge hoppers, and out comes the sausages any meat was extracted off them while bone went flying out of the sides of the machine.

                      Now you know why sometimes you get hard bits in mass produced sausages from the grocery stores


                      • #12
                        Charcoal, hands down. We have a nice stone grill in our backyard, with its own chimney. There's nothing better than being with your friends, having some sausages, garlic bread, baked potatoes and some fish on the grill, having a nice cold one in your hand and more in the cooler, listening to easy music, and enjoy the sunset...
                        Now if only the weather would be appropriate for such a happening *sigh*.


                        • #13
                          Charcoal, and it has to be Kingsford, all the others suck. Also like to throw some mesquite in there.


                          • #14
                            I have to say Charcoal is the best!! If you use a chimney starter is lieu of fluid, it is even better!!! The only time I use my gas grill is if we are tailgateing at a White Sox or a Bears game.
                            SET LOVE FREE!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
                              fun wins over speed.
                              Yeah, I can think of alot of other things where fun wins.

                              Originally posted by screaming_emu
                              dude, you're like 12 and you're already thinkin about a wife?
                              So very true, I bet he has plans for the house

                              Originally posted by wannabepilot777
                              Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not fait.-Isaiah 40:31
                              Does that have something to do with god and the bible?

