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Rate Star Wars Episode III

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  • CPH Aviation
    Well for all your Star Wars fans out there, here is the true movie: remember the sound! Made by Lego and the people behind Star Wars, quite funny

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  • expoITHscohen
    Originally posted by kaddyuk
    Is my name THAT hard to spell right?!?!?!!?!

    Spell it with me...

    K... A... D... D... Y... U... K...

    When did I ever have a "C" betwen the U and K ?

    **Slams Head On Table**

    And yes I would come to the states just to interpol your Ass!!!

    @Messerschmitt Man
    Just because LOTR is done and dusted with, all you sheep loving kiwi's are just jealous that Star Wars is kicking the Sh@t out of LOTR in ratings
    sry dude, but it just sounds better with a C

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  • uy707
    Interesting synopsis, it draws the junction between II and IV.
    Good points :
    Annakin's transition to the dark side, with all the relevant sequences
    The mass murder of the Jedis
    The empire in the beginning first with the execution of the Separatists then Palpatine/Dark Sidious' s coup d'état at the Senate
    Bad points, very few, but
    No detail whatever on how Chewbacca ultimately ends up as a top smuggler and associates with Han Solo.
    But the saga won't in fact never end. Just heard there's now a TV series focusing on Luke's growing up
    Chewie meets and gets associated with Han Solo and more in the pipeline !!!

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  • FlyingPhotog
    Maybe this will make me a nerd...

    The only part the bothered me was the fight scene between Obi Wan and General Grievous. Obi was on that stupid dragon-looking thing and Grievous was on that badass one-wheeled cycle. I just thought Obi should have had his own mechanical transportation.

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  • DAL767-400ER
    Tell you what, IMHO the best thing about SWIII are the commercials, especially the Diet Pepsi one .

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  • Jbrewster1012
    Originally posted by KBOSv2

    I'm gonna see this movie later, but the last 2 totally sucked soooo....
    Yeah they did. This one's not a WHOLE lot better, but a little bit, IMO. The acting still pretty much sucks, (except for one or two scenes) as it always has and the dialogue is still iffy. But even so, I think you'll find it a least a little more enjoyable than I and II.

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  • KBOSv2


    I'm gonna see this movie later, but the last 2 totally sucked soooo....

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  • Messerschmitt Man
    Star Wars is pathetic. I don't know what the big fuss is over it? I'd even go as far to say i'd rather watch the Hansen - mmm bop music video 1000 times over in 1 sitting than watch any "star wars" "movie"

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  • expoITHscohen
    Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
    eh, watch your back. Kaddyuk aka Interpol will getcha
    It's not mine, it was just played on the bus. Also Kaddyuck is in England, is he really gona come over to mess with me??? The Stevenator!!!!! (J/k Kaddyuckkkkk)

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    Originally posted by expoITHscohen
    I got luckey. One of my friends got a Boot legged copy and we got to watch it on the bus ride. I was a little said cause I was waiting to see it on widescreen but I have seen a lot of better stuff from Lucas. I gave it a 2 but would give it a 2 1/2 in real life. I know when I go see it in the thearter it will be a lot better and it will become 3 stars (Maybe 4) handsdown!!
    eh, watch your back. Kaddyuk aka Interpol will getcha

    I just don't see how anikan could have survived sitting in the lava and burning up for so long
    And then when Yoda killed the two clone soldiers that were going to kill him
    Originally posted by PT737SWA

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  • expoITHscohen
    I got luckey. One of my friends got a Boot legged copy and we got to watch it on the bus ride. I was a little said cause I was waiting to see it on widescreen but I have seen a lot of better stuff from Lucas. I gave it a 2 but would give it a 2 1/2 in real life. I know when I go see it in the thearter it will be a lot better and it will become 3 stars (Maybe 4) handsdown!!

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  • Cam
    Originally posted by AA 1818
    Everyone clapped soo loundly when that happened. And then when Yoda killed the two clone soldiers that were going to kill him...everyone was jsut like "Yoda! Yoda!".

    I don't have the heart to tell these people that it's just a movie...

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  • Crunk415balla
    Originally posted by pvsoest
    Weird, why?


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  • pvsoest
    Originally posted by Crunk415balla
    It was really cool. Within the first 30 minutes it seemed like the climax already. Too bad its the last one, if they did this much with this one, imagine what another would be like!
    Back in the eighties, Lucas said he intended to do nine movies. Not only a prequel, but also a sequel trilogy. It would be cool (or perhaps not?) to see Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fischer play Skywalker, Solo and the princess again...

    Originally posted by Crunk415balla
    Kinda off topic, It looked like a convension or something with all the typical sci-fi nerds at the movies. 2 of them, weighing 400 pounds a peice and both with plenty of acne and an interesting lisp started fighting with lightsabers until one of them was slapped across the face. .Anyone else see anything weird in the audiance?
    Weird, why?


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  • AA 1818
    Originally posted by pilotgolfer
    just saw it yesterday afternoon and it is friggin sweet!!!!!!!!! best part was whenever Yoda walked into that room.
    Everyone clapped soo loundly when that happened. And then when Yoda killed the two clone soldiers that were going to kill him...everyone was jsut like "Yoda! Yoda!".

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