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One crazy weekend...

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  • One crazy weekend...


    Me and some friends

    Dan and our good friend Krister!

    Our friends, from L->R Lindsay, Amanda, Michelle and Kris...

    Krister getting assaulted by Lindsay and Kris

    Ah yeah...Vodka Redbull

    Krister, His gf and me...

    My photos of Kristina:

    Pool Party stash:

    Mr. Valentine

    More later...

  • #2
    SWEEEEET dude. Nice special effects in the pics too


    • #3
      Nice pics. Lindsay looks a bit wasted in pic 3 though .


      • #4
        Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
        Nice pics. Lindsay looks a bit wasted in pic 3 though .

        Nah...she just likes giving dirty looks.


        • #5
          tongue licking
          Some people in today's society are so thick!


          • #6
            I'd take Lindsay or Amanda


            • #7
              Why is the chick playing records? They went out ages ago when compact disks came in. Was it a 70's disco evening?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
                Why is the chick playing records? They went out ages ago when compact disks came in. Was it a 70's disco evening?

                Because real DJs play vinyl....not plastic.

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                • #9

                  Originally posted by kaddyuk
                  You're not serious are you

                  Jokes aside, why do they go "jigga jigga jigga" with their hand on a record? Why won't they just let people enjoy the song uninterrupted?

                  Imagine playing a nice Elvis Vinyl, in the sun with a cold drink then all of a sudden out of the blue someone sabotages the beautiful tune, let's be honest, it's not on the cards is it?


                  • #10
                    holy crap kaddyuk, that interesting stuff. What preventing CDs from hitting low frequencies though? Also i thought CDs would dish out better bass hands down compared to vinal? What enables vynal to do a better job with bass?


                    • #11
                      Hmm, CDs are capable of accurately reproducing low frequencies as well. It's just that many people use relatively cheap CD players. A high-quality D/A-converter plus output stage is expensive. But then again, so is a good cartridge for a good turntable...


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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kaddyuk
                        You can record lower frequencies on vinyl than you can on a CD.

                        Actually, the same frequency can be recorded on CD, 8-Track, vinyl etc. The difference is that if you look at an analog wave form of any frequency it is continuous, (see above image) whereas a digital recording has to sample the frequency many time a second to get a piece of that wave. The higher the sampling rate, the closer to the original wave without the missing pieces (red spots in below image).

                        A digital recording of an analog sound wave cannot capture and reproduce the exact wave. Instead, it takes snapshots of the sound wave at a certain rate per second, which produces a digital approximation of the analog sound wave. The term "sample" refers to the number of snapshots of a sound wave taken per second. The more snapshots per second, the higher the sound fidelity -- the similarity between the original and the reproduced signal.

                        Sample resolution, measured in bits (bit depth), determines how accurately a range of sound can be reproduced in each sample. The more bits, the more accurate the sound will be. Sound samples usually contain 8, 16, or 24 bits per sample. An 8-bit recording is noisier (less accurate) than a 16-bit or 24-bit recording because the sound wave doesn't record as precisely. An 8-bit recording has a maximum of 256 recording values, a 16-bit recording has a maximum of 65,536 values, and a 24-bit recording has a maximum of 16,777,216 values -- much more precise. The higher bit depths are better for music, which generally has a large dynamic range -- the difference between the loudest and softest sounds.

                        The problem with vinyl is that it is never exactly the same twice as there is a considerable amount of wear induced by the needle dragging through the groves, whereas a cd or dvd will be exactly the same each time it it played.


                        • #13
                          nice info!

                          Leftseat86 I'll get you to tell your fine young female acquaintances that my door is always open to them, so to speak.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kaddyuk
                            If vinyl is taken care of, I wouldnt call it "conciderable" wear...
                            Compared to Zero loss from a CD/DVD, a loss each time it is played could be considered "Considerable" reletively speaking.....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man


                              Jokes aside, why do they go "jigga jigga jigga" with their hand on a record? Why won't they just let people enjoy the song uninterrupted?

                              Imagine playing a nice Elvis Vinyl, in the sun with a cold drink then all of a sudden out of the blue someone sabotages the beautiful tune, let's be honest, it's not on the cards is it?


