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My little buddy

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  • BA747-436
    That reminds me lol. Last week when i was in LA we were sitting out on Clovis's terrace and we saw a rat running along the telegraph wires that connect to the poles. Instinctively i picked up an ice cube (I was making Mojito's so ice was nearby lol ) and threw it in the general direction of this big ass rat. (It was already dark so you could just see its silhouette against the sky). a second later we see the rat fall off the wire and head earthbound disappearing behind the neighbours fence. I dont think ive ever laughed so hard in my life Mainly due to the fact that we were pretty wasted, the distance to the rat was about 25 meters and the likelihood of actually hitting the rat was about 1/10000000 lol.

    Am i evil? ......... probably

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  • pdeboer
    Originally posted by avro_arrow_25206
    That looks like a beaver to me... are there beavers in Europe?
    Believe me, it is really a big brown rat
    There are beavers in Europe, but in the Netherlands they are not that common (nearly extinct, but reintroduced in some areas) and are very timid.

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  • uy707
    At CDG we get small rabbits a plenty, probably too many. When at YYC, it's difficult not to notice the prairie dogs ....

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  • BA747-436
    Originally posted by G-DALE

    He's a cute bunny. There's a huge amount of wildlife around Manchester Airport from badgers to tiny little birds. Oh ask Mr.Valentine about the birds... he hit two of them while driving (by accident may I add) within the space of a week
    Hey its not my fault the stupid little critters cant get out of the way of me doing some cross country ralley driving.

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  • avro_arrow_25206
    Originally posted by pdeboer
    rat :
    That looks like a beaver to me... are there beavers in Europe?

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  • G-DALE
    Originally posted by Simpleboy
    I could show you a photo of some sheep if you want
    Originally posted by jid
    That will only excite the Welsh contingent

    He's a cute bunny. There's a huge amount of wildlife around Manchester Airport from badgers to tiny little birds. Oh ask Mr.Valentine about the birds... he hit two of them while driving (by accident may I add) within the space of a week

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  • Messerschmitt Man

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  • Simpleboy
    I almost got a killer shot of the sheep at CHC, ill need a 17mm lens for it though. They are very used to the noise.

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  • pdeboer
    Originally posted by Alaska Air Rules
    ..@Pdeboer: You have all those animals arounds the airport? I am surprised to see cows. I am surprised they are not scared.
    Cows, or better domestic cows, can be very curious. Especially younger ones tend to be nosy, the often come to see what you are doing. The one I posted was situated with her buddies under the lightpoles of a runway of SPL, they seem to be accostomed to the noise...

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  • ASpilot2be
    Cute. We have two bunnies here.

    @Pdeboer: You have all those animals arounds the airport? I am surprised to see cows. I am surprised they are not scared.

    Around here our only wildlife at the airport is stupid seagulls and eagles.

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  • pdeboer
    Originally posted by exmanx
    Suffice to say I have had to wash my trainers several times!!
    the sacrifices spotters make

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  • exmanx
    Lol, nice one Jid. I won't post the pictures I've taken of the herd of cows that make spotting at the end of the runway at Ronaldsway a hairly business!! Suffice to say I have had to wash my trainers several times!!

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  • jid
    Originally posted by Simpleboy
    I could show you a photo of some sheep if you want.
    That will only excite the Welsh contingent

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  • Tim
    Originally posted by jid
    Well it has probably been done before ... bored while spotting etc
    But here is my little buddy who happily sat near me most of the morning at MAN.
    Nice pic, it reminds me of a few years ago when a whole load of rabbits were living on a round-about on the main road to NZCH, I saw them a lot but then they vanished, I'd say the airport eradicated them (I'd like to say move but here rabbits are a 'pest') although I think they are coming back, I have seen a few on the roadside and a few hopping about in the USAF cargoyard

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  • Simpleboy
    I could show you a photo of some sheep if you want.

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