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Is anybody else creeped out by this?

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  • #16
    Anyone affraid of spiders?:

    about the ad: I get the Crazy Frog with souds witch makes the site slow as f|_|ck, on I get it twice
    Suche gut gebaute 18-30 Jährigen zum schlachten.
    - Metzgermeister


    • #17
      Originally posted by c72
      Get a JP Elite membership and they'll go away
      spoken like a true company man!
      In every organization, there will always be one person who knows what's going on. This person must be fired.


      • #18
        A lot of spiders, I like them, they eat all the crapy bugs I don't find them gross at all...

        Originally posted by Excalibur2004
        agreed getting tired of going from page to page and having that little bastard follow me around. forget "kill shao kahn" I'm going to play kill the creators of shao kahn
        Is shao kahn the one with the stupid noise? I hate that when I have music going on my computer...
        Wu Tang Clan: best rap group of all time

        Save hip-hop, bring talent and intelligence back into it


        • #19
          Originally posted by screaming_emu
          pffft, the day I pay to have less hassle when talking to 12 year olds is the day my life hits a new all time low
          ... that hurt

          Nah... just paid for this to get the k00l jp elite banner thing underneath my screen name

          (just kidding... the ads really were killing me and I hang out here A LOT... 12 bucks well spent in my opinion, but I'd love to see Shao Kahn and the spiders someday when the membership ends )


          • #20
            Originally posted by KBOSv2
            A lot of spiders, I like them, they eat all the crapy bugs I don't find them gross at all...

            Is shao kahn the one with the stupid noise? I hate that when I have music going on my computer...

            that would be the one, no matter where you click you don't get the satisfaction of splatting him on the wall
            In every organization, there will always be one person who knows what's going on. This person must be fired.

