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it must sucked to be this guy

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  • it must sucked to be this guy

    a candid camera clip ends bad

    well its funny at the start of the video, but when the last dude pulls ... oh you can see it for yourself !
    Inactive from May 1 2009.

  • #2
    WTF?!? I mean, some of those pranks can be annyoing, but pulling out a gun for f'k sake? I just hope that was either part of the prank, or he wasn't using live ammo.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
      WTF?!? I mean, some of those pranks can be annyoing, but pulling out a gun for f'k sake? I just hope that was either part of the prank, or he wasn't using live ammo.
      when i viewed this, i kinda went silent, was just numb to see that, i agree with you, that guy is crazy !
      Inactive from May 1 2009.


      • #4
        Big-boys has a policy of not showing videos showing the death of people. Therefore I would say that this obviously is a mock-up and not real.

        1. There was no recoil from the pistol,
        2. No spent shell casing was discharged,
        3. The people kept filming with a steady hand (not likely if it were real)
        4. No sound of the bullets dinging around inside the mailbox,
        5. Noone would edit the tape to add a stupid music background showing the death of their friend.

        YBBN - James


        • #5
          ...and typically public mailboxes don't look like that & can't be gotten into lol...
          Click below.



          • #6
            I saw a section of a webpage about this once. It's fake- the guy with the gun was in on the prank I don't have a link though, and searching for "guy in mailbox getting shot" doesn't really show anything

