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  • #16
    I'm just saying I don't want this to be another There are reasons why their forum was closed.
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    • #17
      Originally posted by kaddyuk
      Maybe if there is some adult themes in a thread that you cant handle, we should put a warning on the title [May Contain Adult Themes] the title
      Oh no. If the forum can't be read my everybody don't post it, lock the thread, or delete it. Especially with all the kids on this forum. I mean a 14 year old girl just joined and we're going to have adult themes? Thats a first class ticket to a bad reputation as a site.
      Try to catch me flyin dirty...


      • #18
        what are adult themes? its a very interesting point you make, and one that wont ever get solved due to cultural differences. in europe people at that age see nacked people daily on daytime tv in shower gel etc commercials. on the other hand it is probably a death penalty offense in disneland singapore or mormon counties of the usa.
        where do you draw the line? is only "sexually offensive" material adult stuff? or also violence(as seen daily on the news without being questioned in certain countries).

        its a very interesting point that brings out all the cultural differences especially between yurop and the us of a
        aviation chat on irc: #flightsimulation@quakenet


        • #19
          Well if you don't understand the reasons behind that then obviously your not mature enough to realize that an aviation site filled with kids isn't the place for that kind of topic.
          This is evident by your recent thread. I could care less what they do to you because of that but if its kept up the site will loose in the long run.
          Try to catch me flyin dirty...


          • #20
            - you never made a definition of adult content
            - you are in general trying to make certain things that are not ok with you prohibitive because you think certain things dont fit
            - read my posting again, just because in "your community", things are a "no no" doesnt mean it is generally percieved that way. especially on the most international thing that is, the internet, and yes even a forum is very international!

            just an example, if someone posted a manual how to roll the best joints using northern light weed, it would, by forum index definition, fit in off topic, and it would JUST be written text. would that be adult content? or a mixture for some highly acoholic cocktail that someone just created and wants to share with his fellow aviation friends.
            these things might be HIGHLY OFFENSIVE and might even harm in some way or the other some "sheltered" minor from a small farm community somewhere in the midwestern usa, on the other hand some same aged minor from lets say madrid london or amsterdam would surely be able to chip in some comments from his own experience.
            basically my point is, noone here will post "hardcore porn" or whatever, hell i even think it SHOULD NOT be posted here. but on the other hand you cant just ban "adult things" without even pointing out what they are, just because thats your idea of a perfect internet.
            honestly i would suggest that people, no matter their age, to go on the internet anyway.
            i dont like the general idea of people pushing forward the "christian right puritan" ideals, whereever that might be.

            just my 2 cents.
            aviation chat on irc: #flightsimulation@quakenet


            • #21
              Alright I guess I look at things a little differently. It really isn't up to me anyways so I'll just see what happens.
              Try to catch me flyin dirty...


              • #22
                It's not really anyone place to say what is acceptable or not acceptable on these forums except Chris or Peter, but as people mature enough to make decisions we should know what is positive and what is not.


                • #23

                  I'm not offended by that topic. I'm not afraid of "adult themes". And I never said I was.

                  I said that the forum's quality is declining. Which is true! And there are people who agree with me. For example, Joe has vowed not to post in that non-sense thread. I think it'll be deleted like the 1500-Post thread anyways.

                  As a matter of fact, I joke about that kind of stuff with my friends all the time. I just don't think it's very appropriate for an aviation website. I'm sure's forum was great a long time ago, too. But slowly things progressed, and bad came to worse, until they were forced to shut it down! I just don't want it to happen here.

                  And just so you know, almost half the members of this forum are between 13 and 17.

                  But like I said before, I think everyone can deal with those themes, it's just not very appropriate for an aviation website.
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                  • #24
                    The off topic forum is now starting to head the way is, pointless 35 page threads about sleep and other "stuff" hopefully it will get back to the way it use to here

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                    • #25
                      ok, that was my view of it, maybe i should have put "i thought it was pointless"?

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                      • #26
                        I second Joe's views

                        and Kevin, how come you didnt' respond?
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                        • #27
                          This section of the forum was down-hill from the day Will and I, had our little fight.

                          And all the people don't help either. It takers a whiner to make a pathetic wesbite, or should I say forum, the pictures are awesome, their people SUCK, ask
                          Cory Klimko
                          Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by DeltaCappy
                            This section of the forum was down-hill from the day Will and I, had our little fight.

                            "little" lol
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                            • #29
                              Anybody know why the non-av forum at closed down? Ahhhh, rings a bell now, doesn't it.
                              They had the same points there. The members were saying that if somebody doesn't like a particular thread, or the non-av forum, for that matter, he/she shouldnt open the thread/forum. However, there was a flaw - people will still come and see such threads, and they form an impression of the site based on what they see. By people here I mean non members.

                              Kevin, yes, while the 35 page thread was basically pointless, people had fun posting in it. However, lemme remind u of an incident about a month back. There was a 1500 replies thread - which stretched on past 2000 replies. Some members of the forums wanted the thread removed, some did not. One person even got banned in the whole escapade (Pete at Pit). Eventually, the thread was deleted, and Chris made it VERY CLEAR that he would not like to see such threads in the future, and they are an absolute waste of bandwith.

                              If you do want to have that kind of talk/chat - has an excellent chatroom (as I have heard), or there is always msn/aim/yim/icq. Use them! That's what they are for.
                              "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                              -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by indian airlines
                                There was a 1500 replies thread - which stretched on past 200 replies.
                                Everything Tanuj said was correct except for it stretched on past 2000 replies!
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