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  • #31
    I meant 2000 - i've edited it.
    "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

    -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


    • #32
      Guys, I think Mr. Kilroy clearly stipulated rules of this forum when you all joined and are pretty straight forward -if you read them. No sexually orientated material, no swearing, no offensive behaviour, no ridiculing others et al.

      Come on folks we can do better! Now I'll admit that I'm no angel myself, I too have had a run-in or two but I do my best to stick to the rules.


      • #33


        • #34
          The point of that thread wasn't to see how many posts we could get, rather it was just to have a good time, which I think was accomplished. My personal opinion is the reason has gone down is because people need to learn to accept criticism as something other than a personal attack. Nobody is better than anyone else, and when it comes to cultures, neither is right or wrong, they're just different. went down because of many people whining about stuipd stuff like the sleep thread. Was there really any harm done to anyone on that thread? No. Was the point of that thread to simply take up room? No. Yeah, it got a bit off topic, but that is the name of the forum. I think certain memers here instead of only complaining about the quality of the material posted in these forums, should take it upon themselves to contribute higher quality material. Rather than just pointing a finger and complaining. This is not meant to be offensive to anyone, rather just my opinion which can be noted, or ignored.


          • #35
            Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Richard
              Now I'll admit that I'm no angel myself, I too have had a run-in or two but I do my best to stick to the rules.
              Originally posted by JeffinDEN
              Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


              • #37
                Originally posted by screaming_emu
                The point of that thread wasn't to see how many posts we could get, rather it was just to have a good time, which I think was accomplished.
                Well, we had a lot of fun in the 1500 post thread, too. Cory and I actually became temporary friends ...until the War threads started again
                Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by screaming_emu
         went down because of many people whining about stuipd stuff like the sleep thread. Was there really any harm done to anyone on that thread?
                  Say a community complains about too much graffiti sprayed in their neighbourhood, and then disagreement between the sprayers and the residents causes others to get a bad impression of the community. Whose fault do you think it is? The spray-painters who painted the graffiti or the residents who just want their community clean?
                  Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                  • #39
                    And we learned alot about each other too. Not just Will, and I, but alot of the seasoned forums members

                    I thought it was great fun :P
                    Cory Klimko
                    Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                    • #40
                      well, Kevin, if you agree completely, same question for you:

                      Say a community complains about too much graffiti sprayed in their neighbourhood, and then disagreement between the sprayers and the residents causes others to get a bad impression of the community. Whose fault do you think it is? The spray-painters who painted the graffiti or the residents who just want their community clean?
                      Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                      • #41
                        Bottom line is this.

                        This forum took a dump when all the people came over here. They should have stayed, or went somewhere else. They have been brainwashed into believing Johan's crap, and they come over here and do the same. Plus the off-topic forum used be a great place to chat (Will ) now it's like god darn, these threads suck, I used to post 20-30 times a day, the topics were great, talked about politics and stuff, and there where always two sides, so it made for some nice debating. Now I post maybe 5-8 times a day, just replying to garbage basically.

                        No wonder why that website sucks. :P
                        Cory Klimko
                        Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                        • #42
                          That's a stupid question. Graffiti is illegal.

                          The bad impression should be made in the back side of the kid's head that has the spray can in his hand.

                          You guys probably still wonder don't you?


                          • #43
                            Cory Klimko
                            Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Forum Guidelines
                              You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.
                              Guess it is illegal.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Greg
                                Originally posted by Forum Guidelines
                                You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.
                                Guess it is illegal.
                                You show them Greg!
                                Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!

