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  • #46
    And another thing is...

    Over there they allowed this little child shit, where someone asks what everybody does affter sex. Who the hell gives a damn, I most certainly don't want to know what Johan does after he does. Thats the kind of stuff they talk about over there. IT'S SICK.

    So listen up. THIS IS JP.NET not We do things differently, we may have some fights some times, but it's not about who has the longest who no what, but about politics, or something worth everyone's while. That actually has a point.

    Nobody wants these stupid threads, nobody cares. Well I most certainly do not. I come here for one reason, to so my photos to the world. And maybe post a little, about aviation, or when I enter the OT forum, something about world affairs, or finance, something that serves a purpose, not this childish, stupid, disturbing, boring crap that Johan allows over there.

    Arrogant is clueless and cunning. Arrogant is saying you love us, when you only want to screw us. Arrogant is acting like you care when you don't and insisting you're being above board when you are not. Arrogant is dismissive and deceitful.

    And arrogant, guys, is people, who could care less about how they make this site look. You're right, we're not popular, like big, bad But I'll tell you this: At least we're not worms.

    Chris did a damn good job starting this site, and keeping it running for so long, and letting people have so much freedom, (ask me), I think we can give him at least a good, mature forum right?
    Cory Klimko
    Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


    • #47
      Originally posted by DeltaCappy
      And another thing is...

      Over there they allowed this little child shit, where someone asks what everybody does affter sex. Who the hell gives a damn, I most certainly don't want to know what Johan does after he does. Thats the kind of stuff they talk about over there. IT'S SICK.

      So listen up. THIS IS JP.NET not We do things differently, we may have some fights some times, but it's not about who has the longest who no what, but about politics, or something worth everyone's while. That actually has a point.

      Nobody wants these stupid threads, nobody cares. Well I most certainly do not. I come here for one reason, to so my photos to the world. And maybe post a little, about aviation, or when I enter the OT forum, something about world affairs, or finance, something that serves a purpose, not this childish, stupid, disturbing, boring crap that Johan allows over there.

      Arrogant is clueless and cunning. Arrogant is saying you love us, when you only want to screw us. Arrogant is acting like you care when you don't and insisting you're being above board when you are not. Arrogant is dismissive and deceitful.

      And arrogant, guys, people, who could care less about how they make this site look. You're right, we're not popular, like big, bad But I'll tell you this: At least we're not worms.

      Chris did a damn good job starting this site, and keeping it running for so long, and letting people have so much freedom, (ask me), I think we can give him at least a good, mature forum right?

      Cory, I was starting to miss your speeches!
      Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


      • #48
        Relax Cory! It's just a silly internet bulletin board. None of this stuff is important if you really think about it. Entertainment........Pure and simple.


        • #49
          Let's just say, I found something to talk about again.
          Cory Klimko
          Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


          • #50
            It's true, now there are less fights...but there's also less threads with a real point!

            Well then why dont you write one?

            Just because you have over 1000 posts doesnt mean you own this forum, people are still free to do as they please. Frankly, this Anet/ bs is getting old. I say look at people for who they are not where ever they may come from.

            I have alot of friends here that I made in the sleep thread, which has been REALLY fun. It had no point, but it was like a giant pot where evryone could mingle and joke and have a laugh while being spontaneous. I know I learned alot about other users there.

            You say the quality has dropped since we got a few people...well shit, I'd rather have funny, pointless threads where everyone gets along and is having a good time, then pointless endless debates where swear words fly every 5 seconds. If I recall right, both AmyB and Kilroy were forced to intervene rather strongly a little while ago...



            • #51
              No Jeff, it isn't an aviation forum.

              It's an Aviation Photography database. That's what I come here for. The forum is what I use when I am uploading my photos. This is a place to really get some useful information about something that people do for fun, and in essence, a career. This is a place to share your "work" with the world. Still images of time, that only happen once. A website of only the few.

              No, a forum it is no. But rather a place to enjoy something that all of us love so much, that's what it is.

              The forum, and it's members reflect on this website as a whole. You cannot act like mature poeple in one, and act child in the other. That doesn't happen.
              Cory Klimko
              Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Leftseat86
                Frankly, this Anet/ bs is getting old.
                This is ironic...seeing all your opinions you had about couple days ago...

                I never said my fight with Cory was good. I apologize for that whole thing again. I still think things were better back then (except for that fight).

                BTW, I never thought I owned this forum. I simply expressed my concern as to the general quality level dropping, which is true!

                Before, in the Off Topic Forum, you saw threads with real points to them:
                - Terrorism
                - War on Iraq
                - Business and Finance
                - Government Bills
                - Other World Issues

                - Masturbation
                - Sex
                - 777 as a giant dildo
                - My 100th Post
                - Funny Animal Sounds
                Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                • #53
         is a pc or two sitting in a room at 72 degrees F. Outside where real people are is where you really live and have some fun. And you know what I have to say about getting your pictures out to the "masses".........


                  • #54
                    Yea it was better.

                    And people say that the more the better. Well when all they are, are weirdos from the other website that post pointless, dumb posts, I would rather have 10 then 100.

                    The forum was way better. Good, strong debates we awesome. When aerpix was here we were debating on everything, from the color red, to Canada's relations with Amerca. (and with the color red, it was not this kiddy funny stuff, good solid points)

                    So don't say that this is better when you have "sex" as a topic in an aviation forum, it seems pretty pathetic.
                    Cory Klimko
                    Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                    • #55
                      No Jeff I don't.

                      What do you say about getting my pictures out to the "masses"
                      Cory Klimko
                      Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                      • #56
                        Before, in the Off Topic Forum, you saw threads with real points to them:
                        - Terrorism
                        - War on Iraq
                        - Business and Finance
                        - Government Bills
                        - Other World Issues

                        - Masturbation
                        - Sex
                        - 777 as a giant dildo
                        - My 100th Post
                        - Funny Animal Sounds
                        Well that about sums it up.

               really HAD some bad members. No wonder they closed that off-topic forum, now we have them all.
                        Cory Klimko
                        Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                        • #57
                          The thing is...we didn't only get members...we got the especially bad ones.

                          The non-avaition forum re-opened, but some people were banned (i wonder why) and came here instead...
                          Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                          • #58
                            My thoughts exactly.

                            Cory Klimko
                            Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                            • #59
                              They aren't that bad, we have users whose only input is emoticons and slanderous statements.


                              • #60
                                Who are you referring to Greg?
                                Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!

