And another thing is...
Over there they allowed this little child shit, where someone asks what everybody does affter sex. Who the hell gives a damn, I most certainly don't want to know what Johan does after he does. Thats the kind of stuff they talk about over there. IT'S SICK.
So listen up. THIS IS JP.NET not We do things differently, we may have some fights some times, but it's not about who has the longest who no what, but about politics, or something worth everyone's while. That actually has a point.
Nobody wants these stupid threads, nobody cares. Well I most certainly do not. I come here for one reason, to so my photos to the world. And maybe post a little, about aviation, or when I enter the OT forum, something about world affairs, or finance, something that serves a purpose, not this childish, stupid, disturbing, boring crap that Johan allows over there.
Arrogant is clueless and cunning. Arrogant is saying you love us, when you only want to screw us. Arrogant is acting like you care when you don't and insisting you're being above board when you are not. Arrogant is dismissive and deceitful.
And arrogant, guys, is people, who could care less about how they make this site look. You're right, we're not popular, like big, bad But I'll tell you this: At least we're not worms.
Chris did a damn good job starting this site, and keeping it running for so long, and letting people have so much freedom, (ask me), I think we can give him at least a good, mature forum right?
Over there they allowed this little child shit, where someone asks what everybody does affter sex. Who the hell gives a damn, I most certainly don't want to know what Johan does after he does. Thats the kind of stuff they talk about over there. IT'S SICK.
So listen up. THIS IS JP.NET not We do things differently, we may have some fights some times, but it's not about who has the longest who no what, but about politics, or something worth everyone's while. That actually has a point.
Nobody wants these stupid threads, nobody cares. Well I most certainly do not. I come here for one reason, to so my photos to the world. And maybe post a little, about aviation, or when I enter the OT forum, something about world affairs, or finance, something that serves a purpose, not this childish, stupid, disturbing, boring crap that Johan allows over there.
Arrogant is clueless and cunning. Arrogant is saying you love us, when you only want to screw us. Arrogant is acting like you care when you don't and insisting you're being above board when you are not. Arrogant is dismissive and deceitful.
And arrogant, guys, is people, who could care less about how they make this site look. You're right, we're not popular, like big, bad But I'll tell you this: At least we're not worms.
Chris did a damn good job starting this site, and keeping it running for so long, and letting people have so much freedom, (ask me), I think we can give him at least a good, mature forum right?