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Obsession with A net

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  • Obsession with A net

    I've only been here a short time and have actually had a good time reading the aviation forum and had a laugh with some of the off topic threads. But one thing baffles me. What is the obsession with The hate coming from some people towards those users who had been at the other site (and still maybe) is amazing.
    To call them "refugees" is totally erroneous. A refugee is someone who has had to leave their home or country (or other airline website) because of war, oppression or economics (or locked out). To come to this site and post your ideas is a personal choice.
    I trust that the ladies and gents who are running this site have the wisdom to cut off any thread that becomes hateful and/or slanderous.
    It is the diversity of the opinions and the topics that makes the postings interesting.
    Just thought I would throw my two cents in.

  • #2
    I am a half refugee. I joined here back in february but really became a member around May 20-21st when Johan, the leader over there decided to make the non-aviation forum accesible only to FC users(Users who pay), lock out the non paying users. Well, I was outraged, voiced my opinion and was permanently "locked out." I was banned with no warning. So, I came here.

    Some users here are really refugees, while others came simply to get away from all the BS over there....

    my 0.02



    • #3
      Thanks ASA16. That gives me some of the background.


      • #4
        I myself have never posted in the forums. So, this is my homeland


        • #5
          Originally posted by SWA733Captain
          I myself have never posted in the forums. So, this is my homeland
          Right with you brother!!!
          Try to catch me flyin dirty...


          • #6
            Refugees ...

            That'd be me .....

            But seriously folks, the major hatred I see is coming from the owner of towards the owner of this site. Banning people from his site for mentioning this one, telling all and sundry that ChrisK loves him and so on and so on and so on (ad nauseum).

            No makeovers please .....


            • #7
              It is obvious that Johan fears Chris and doesn't want to give up his position but he sees no way to keep Chris from taking his business. in 9 months here there have been 80,000+ pictures added. Chris doesn't take out full page ads in Airways magazine either, most people here heard about from somewhere else, i was searching for plane crashes and found and then after a while I realized this site was here and meandered on in. It's easier to catch an opponent then to keep him from rising so is poised and in 5 years who knows...


              • #8
                I was just banned from about five days ago, they said if I petitioned them to reinstate me they would consider it. Petition? Give me a break. I think I have better things to do with my life then petition a couple no-lifes to let me back on an internet message board.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SWA733Captain
                  I myself have never posted in the forums. So, this is my homeland
                  Same Here.
                  "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                  -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                  • #10
                    Yes, it's your homeland but you'll pay attention to the other guy so your country for the sake of economic pride can overtake him.


                    • #11
                      Ad Nauseum! Well said ADG!! BTW, how are you these days? I hope all is well with you Oh, I have been meaning to ask you. What are you favorite kind of Tim Tam?

                      AsI read this thread as well as this other one, it is plane (pun intended) to see that if both sites suffer the same issue of lower quality, and each site's discussions is a function of its users, then perhaps therein lies the problem .

                      We all love aviation. It is appalling though to see that people simply can't be friendly.

                      My only concern for your website is this...and I stated this MONTHS ago..... are your haters ever going ot stop bashing it? I would think you would want this site to remain as so, and not as another (Did I use whinge appropriately?)

                      There is simply no need for the unnecessary animosity I see online.
                      Witness the miracle of flight.
                      Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                      • #12
                        We all love aviation. It is appalling though to see that people simply can't be friendly.
                        Actually, the way I see it is that has become populated with mainly 4 groups of people. Which consequently has made the quality of the forums go down.

                        1) Anti-American lunatics (and most prevalent)-somehow this person will find a way to incorporate an Americans Suck statement into a thread about the winglets on an A321.

                        2) Uppity photographers-If you dont have $10,000 camera, ramp access, or at least 500 pics on, well then, we wont respond to your email, or your posts. I mean, these people take airplane photography WAY TOO SERIOUSLY....They argue every rejected photo even though many of their photos were only accepted to because of their name recognition.

                        3) Armchair CEO 15-year olds: This kid is convinced that he can turn around United, even though he cant even drive a car.

                        4) Pathological liars-Uhhhh yeah, I'm 13 and I am a platinum elite on 3 airlines. Also see: grown men who dress up in a pilots uniforms to show off and attract 13 year old girls (only members will get this one).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JCS17
                          3) Armchair CEO 15-year olds: This kid is convinced that he can turn around United, even though he cant even drive a car.

                          4) Pathological liars-grown men who dress up in a pilots uniforms to show off and attract 13 year old girls (only members will get this one).
                          THIS IS GOLD
                          Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JCS17
                            1) Anti-American lunatics (and most prevalent)-somehow this person will find a way to incorporate an Americans Suck statement into a thread about the winglets on an A321.
                            I hate those the most!!!

                            These are smug Europeans (I apologize to Euros, who are decent people, if they disagree with US politics, they communicate it respectfully) who think they're infinitely superior to Americans, aided by liberal or left-wing Americans who accept Euros' babble as gospel.

                            But then... you've got some idiots pretending to be patriots falling in their trap, looking for a way to discredit America and Americans.

                            sometimes I think of as

                            A Colombian guy moved by the winds of fate to St. Louis, MO


                            • #15
                    , as a website, is awesome. But I CANT stand Johan Lundgren, which is why I will never visit that site again (aside from checking where my Penelope Cruz pic is in the queue :P )


