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  • #16
    To All Members --> Please Read


    If a bit of common sense is used when addressing subjects, I think issues (some we can do little about) could be discussed more adult-like. And, hold your breathe, even possibly (sp?) produce interesting subject matter for other forums. [img]idea.gif[/img]

    I know opinions are like (you know!), but that's what makes a great aviation forum section.

    Lets face it, if this site goes belly-up, there are not to many choices for use of media equal to, or better than this site. I hope everything works out. Cheers everyone!


    [img]clap.gif[/img] [img]laff.gif[/img] [img]clap.gif[/img] [img]nod.gif[/img] [img]clap.gif[/img]

    [ December 25, 2002 12:36 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by shamrock145hvy ]


    • #17
      To All Members --> Please Read

      << I think its going to be *very* refreshing to have Amy and Chris moderate the boards here.
      The first time I see a post that reads: "What do you expect from American Trash?" and it is retained in the interests of "keeping the conversation intact", I'll know I was wrong. >>


      << so you're suggesting that it will be refreshing to see conversation stiffled to appease a few egos?
      Interesting. >>



      Yes. I am suggesting no one should ever be offended...certainly not you or me anyway [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

      Seriously, I hope not. That would be boring...and certainly not interesting...

      I haven't really seen as the stated reason for deleting of posts being given as "for the reason of stifling conversation" (anywhere) or "suggest stifling of conversation" buttons next to each post (elsewhere).....[don't think I've been a big used of it either..]
      although I have seen posts/threads deleted or locked elsewhere for whatever the reasons may be (flame-bait?)... so it depends on the definition of "conversation" doesn't it? Or, you could be all comes down to everyone's ego. In no small measure the ego of whoever gets to make the call must enter into that equation. And, theres fewer of those egos to appease, than users, isn't there ?

      I'm only suggesting its good to have an alternative. (and that perhaps I'll appreciate it... we'll see..I'm not really going to hold my breath. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] )

      If the goal is to reduce needless bickering..such posts might need rephrasing...and perhaps there is reason for a different editorial direction here. It seemed to be implied in one of Chris' posts. Thats one way this site might not be a "carbon copy", right? Would I be amiss if I suggested the other site might be a bit Eurocentric? Its not an insult -- and I wouldn't mean to suggest it in a way as to sum anyone/entity as nothing more than that... And, its only brought up in the guess it has something to do with Amy's reference to disagreeing with "politics" - (maybe she meant something else entirely, I can't be sure....)

      The statement referenced originally does seem withoout merit...what would one expect of "trash" anywhere? Its content and context. We could just as well have endless "fake" accusation threads run through the photography forum here...and if they were retained for the purposes of "keeping the conversation intact", I'm sure there would be an attempt at "stifling the conversation".
      I realize, of course, everyone pays great lip service to freedom of speech...Maybe thats exactly the way it will be...can't tell yet.

      No big worries either way. ...I'm thinking there will be a difference...and a choice..including choosing *both* choices. And - choosing neither (Non-av or Off-topic.. -probably my choice... [img]laff.gif[/img] )

      Yes, it would be silly if members could not criticize any "sacred cows"...(ie: if no one could express criticism of the USA...).

      Anyway...I realize the topic is played out.
      ..Happy holidays to all and a safe New Year!!!



      • #18
        To All Members --> Please Read

        What amuses me about the complainants is that i've had posts deleted off for no reason other than it set the ferals off. No rules were broken, but the vocal minority went off like the schoolyard bullies they are. You don't see me starting WW2 over it.


        VR? simulators? Is that a course that is run somewhere?

        No makeovers please .....


        • #19
          To All Members --> Please Read

          << What amuses me about the complainants is that i've had posts deleted off for no reason other than it set the ferals off. No rules were broken, but the vocal minority went off like the schoolyard bullies they are.>>

          I had no idea honestly... Can't fault you/anyone for following the rules.. those are baddeletes maybe.. [img]nonono2.gif[/img]

          << You don't see me starting WW2 over it. >>

          no. me either. I don't start those/these threads either.. I'm going to do my part and bow out...
          I bet you could start WW3 though if you wanted to ... [img]uhoh.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

          << Amy,

          VR? simulators? Is that a course that is run somewhere?>>

          I dread flying myself sometimes...


          • #20
            To All Members --> Please Read

            I agree with you 100% AmyB. However, I do have a slight fear that will become a refugee camp for members seeking to take their fights elsewhere. I have to say is extremely friendly in contrast to
            B4e-Forever New Frontiers

            Don't be satisfied with just pushing the envelope, knock over the whole freaking mailbox!

            "Eagles may soar, but weasels are never sucked into jet engines!"


            • #21
              To All Members --> Please Read

              Controversy breeds thought, thought breeds new ideas, new ideas breed concepts and concepts breed change. Without constructive contoversy nothing happens it random "Oh, I'm bored lets say something stupid on the forums an see if anyone cares" The only real controversy these days is: Iraq vs. U.S. , U.S. vs. U.N., U.S. vs. the World and vs. These debates can be eye-opening if conducted well. To have that happen the moderators need to help, Polishair does his fair share of leading ideas to debate and preventing stupidity and close mindedness. It is true that profanity breeds hate and hate kills but sometimes opinions take hold of one's body and fill them with blind rage.


              • #22
                To All Members --> Please Read

                Originally posted by Greg:
                Controversy breeds thought, thought breeds new ideas, new ideas breed concepts and concepts breed change.

                But change breeds fear, and fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Daaark Side...
                I walked across an empty land
                I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
                I felt the earth beneath my feet
                Sat by the river and it made me complete


                • #23
                  To All Members --> Please Read

                  Originally posted by Katamarino:
                  But change breeds fear, and fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Daaark Side...

                  Watching too much television?



                  • #24
                    To All Members --> Please Read

                    Television at uni watch i not...
                    I walked across an empty land
                    I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
                    I felt the earth beneath my feet
                    Sat by the river and it made me complete


                    • #25
                      To All Members --> Please Read

                      null"However, I do have a slight fear that will become a refugee camp for members seeking to take their fights elsewhere. I have to say is extremely friendly in contrast to"

                      Lets hope not.

                      Well, overall, I have no doubt that is a much much more friendly than For all I´ve read since I started posting on, it seems there is a open-minded share-willing spirit amoung members here, and I really hope this site can go on growing this way. That´s what make it special. [img]clap.gif[/img]

                      This site already stands high for itself, for the great stuff on it, and most important for the TRUE FORUMS (yes, you don´t need be on any first, second or third class member crap thing, and pay for sharing your own ideas!).

                      Bruno Pires


                      • #26
                        On a rainy friday I was going throught he old posts and found this. Back when I was a newly minted forumite and half these people were still here. I found it to be completely relevant to the forum now. As the title said this hould be required reading for veryone so that Chris can merely keep us inline and not have to use his authoritative powers to put us back in line. For the sake of prosperity this post is back.


                        • #27
                          ...I was wondering why this thread was so old until I read the last post
                          Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                          • #28
                            Thanks for bringing this up, Greg, or was it pure co-incidende that it was you who brought it up again? When Amy typed her original post it was not really a problem, save a few isolated posts. I still think it is not a problem, as those who were a problem were banned for some days, and after their return became much more civilized, right Greg?

                            I was personally insulted quite a few times for my oppinion, yet I have no intention to stop speaking freely here. I think I can handle personal insults, and personally find it a pity when members are banned for this. It takes away the chance to reply to insults in a civilized way and show the insulters that they are possibly wrong.

                            And I also got a threat of a ban, but not for insults, rather for freely speaking out my oppinion. This would be totally unacceptable, however, as we all have the right of free speech.

                            So my best guess would be that those who arrive at the end of their arguments and are at the edge of becoming insulting would just switch off their computer and leave it as it is. With all others here, however, I look forward to continuing and interesting debates.

                            JP.Net forum is a great place to discuss, so let's keep it as that.



                            • #29
                              I think everyone has insulted someone at some time or the other, but its never really been a very big thing, for me atleast.
                              "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                              -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                              • #30
                                Neither for me. I do not give a d.. s.. on being called an 'asshole', as the caller probably identifies himself with this .


