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Oh, the Drama at

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  • Oh, the Drama at

    I just wanted to appologize to Chris and the rest of the Mods on this site for my immature words earlier...

    I agree with Chris now, Lets stop this bickering which is tearing the great forums apart....



  • #2
    You bringing the beer?

    No makeovers please .....


    • #3
      I agree with DeltaASA16 lets all be friends, and I'll bring the beer.

      I also have to apologize...alot.


      • #4
        Damnit if i was only older :P


        • #5
          Who said you had to be 21...

          BYW: how old are you Mr. Captian?



          • #6
            Yeah, you getting the women Delta?


            • #7
              Well that would be illegal wouldnt it? Im 15, im 9 days older than Cory.


              • #8
                In the US, 15 is Illegal... But In europe you can walk into the corner grocerystore and purchase all the wine and Beer you want at age 15. Just not Hard Liquor. (In France, thats all I know) Do you drink booze captian?

                i will bring the beer as soon as I contact one of my "adult friends"



                • #9
                  Nothing is illegal until to get caught.
                  Cory Klimko
                  Click Here to view my aircraft photos at JetPhotos.Net!


                  • #10
                    Last year when I was 16 I walked into a Monoprix market here and bought 2L of Bacardi Superior, a bottle of Smirnoff, and a six pack of beers and they didnt even ask for ID...



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Leftseat86
                      Last year when I was 16 I walked into a Monoprix market here and bought 2L of Bacardi Superior, a bottle of Smirnoff, and a six pack of beers and they didnt even ask for ID...

                      And then he dropped into a Coma for 6 days


                      • #12
                        I guess I shouldn't tell you about the time my cousin taking me drinking when I was 14. My aunt was not impressed. He was legal (18 in Saskatchewan) and we were out with his baseball team. First time I was ever in a bar.


                        • #13
                          Actually it is illegal even if you don't get caught .. but you only get into trouble if you get caught.

                          (ringing your mum up now )
                          No makeovers please .....


                          • #14
                            Emu, friend a mine passed out after like...3 beers...lmao We still make fun of him for that. I had half a bottle of Smirnoff and a few beers, but I was okay. (*note* DRUNK AS F**K...but okay i.e. no pass-out/vomit)



                            • #15
                              Just a reminder for all of you planning on careers in aviation. A reputation as a hard drinker who can hold his liquor well is not going to do anything to advance your flying career.

                              It's a lot more than a matter of not getting caught at it.

                              Back in the early 80s I was part of a study group of pilots for an FAA research project. All of us drank 4 shots of whiskey and then departed on a typical cross country leg including climb to altitude and an ILS approach at the destination. This was done in real aircraft with a safety pilot in the right seat so that all the physiological factors were correct. My performance would have been termed adequate up until the point at which I was given an engine failure while on the ILS. In each attempt I was unable to maintain course after the engine failure and would likely have hit any nearby obstructions if the situation had been real. I also acted in the role of the sober safety pilot on several other days and saw almost identical performance from every pilot tested. The test also included some other flight critical situations such as flap or gear failure. Not one test subject made a successful approach in any of these cases.

                              We also tried the same test by consuming 6 shots of whiskey then waiting the mandatory 8 hours to be legal before departure. The results in that scenario were only slightly better than the first scenario. Most of the approaches were not completed successfully after an in-flight emergency was introduced.

                              Not long afterward I made the decision to stop drinking at any time I didn't have a full 48 hours until my next flight. Before you get in the habit of drinking regularly I recommend that you ask yourself if a beer is a fair trade for your career or your life.

