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Had a Cancer Scare.

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  • Had a Cancer Scare.

    I was talking to Tommy and some others online when my nose had started bleeding non stop. I had thought it was a noseblood but I saw the blood was coming from the side of my nose. I noticed a small bump on there, that did not look normal at all. I tried to get it off, by picking at it or scraping at it. Nothing, it did not itch, or had any pain to it. Quite strange. Luckily the next day I had an appt. to check up on my pimples and acne face problems. I went in, and brought up the incident. She looked at it, and said she was concerned with it. The fact it did not itch or have any pain troubled her. She said there is a chance of it being skin cancer. My heart dropped, and I went oh shit. Ironically enough, my uncle had just survived a scare of his own skin cancer, he had the one that kills you, but he found it early on, and got it removed. Cancer is very high in my family, skin being the 2nd highest. So i was very worried. They said they would like to do an unscheduled biopsy, and cut it off, have me under go laser surgery to mend it, and then they will have the results in a week. Worst case scenario was it was cancer, and it was benign (spelling right?) and it would be removeable within a month. The chance of it being something else was just as likely.

    So i spent a week fretting over it, annoying tommy and Ryan about it haha. Finally today had come to get myself the results of it. I walked in sat in the office, and My mom and I were arguing about what was heavier, a Ton of Chicken feathers or Ton of Gold.... Doctor finally walked in. She said that It was a type of tumor, but it is not cancerous. it was a mock up of a real one, a look alike. but again, not cancerous. She went on to explain the type of bump I had was very very alike to one of the benign ones (cureable one) and the only difference was there was no cell to form. This was basically what we call a dud. I was of course extremely relieved. She also commended me on catching it, and she said next time you see something like this, come in immediatly because the next time, it may be the real thing.

    So, if you spot any difference in your skin changes GET IT CHECKED OUT. Just wanted to share my own experience and scare and glad it all went ok.

    Stop Searching. Start Traveling.

  • #2
    wow....if i thought i was gonna get cancer i would probably have died! Man that must have been a lot of susspense for you, glad it came out ok..........then agian, I rarely get sick what so ever so i feel good about that

    Midwest Airlines - The Best Care In The Air


    • #3
      Glad to see you okay Alex!


      • #4
        Originally posted by AA_MD-80@STL
        My mom and I were arguing about what was heavier, a Ton of Chicken feathers or Ton of Gold....
        Whether they are heavy is irrelevant here. What's important is which is worth more!


        • #5
          told ya so


          • #6
            Good to hear that it's no huge deal. Cancer sucks.


            • #7
              Sadly Alex does have a cancer which he cannot get rid of......Me driving him crazy. Alex your really need to start drinking heavly.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tommyalf
                Sadly Alex does have a cancer which he cannot get rid of......Me driving him crazy. Alex your really need to start drinking heavly.
                You are what drove me to the doctor in the first place

                I was diagnosed with "Tommyalfacitous" very weird cancer.

                it starts with a guy named Tommy Alfano. Stay away from him, its horrible.

                Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tommyalf
                  Alex your really need to start drinking heavly.
                  I think thats where joe comes in.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Crunk415balla
                    I think thats where joe comes in.
                    JOOOOOOOE?!?!?! Where are yoooooouuu??
                    Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AA_MD-80@STL
                      JOOOOOOOE?!?!?! Where are yoooooouuu??
                      unfortunately at home....not drinking...

                      by the way, I dont think I buy Alex's story. I think his nose just bled because he was pickin it and now he's lookin for a cover up


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by screaming_emu
                        unfortunately at home....not drinking...

                        by the way, I dont think I buy Alex's story. I think his nose just bled because he was pickin it and now he's lookin for a cover up
                        *takes finger out of nose*

                        huh? NO IT WASN'T!

                        Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by AA_MD-80@STL
                          *takes finger out of nose*

                          huh? NO IT WASN'T!

                          "my doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there" --Ralph Wiggam


                          • #14
                            I'm glad to hear it was nothing serious Alex. I bet it was the slowest week of your life, waiting for your results.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by screaming_emu
                              unfortunately at home....not drinking...

                              by the way, I dont think I buy Alex's story. I think his nose just bled because he was pickin it and now he's lookin for a cover up
                              Don't be too mean on him, there are other reasons why his nose is bleeding *sniff* .

