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MAN meeting?

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  • #76
    You BORING people!!!
    And Kaz is coming over and everything- you're so.. so EVIL!

    Nah, no worries- it'll be small, but there'll still be people ... and I don't want to see anyone end up in hospital from alchohol poisoning or sheer exhaustion Hope you'll have a great time the 27th- I'll be there to wish you a nice trip home.


    • #77
      Originally posted by BA747-436
      what time train you on gimp boy? I hear from James that you got fleased for Coach class lol
      He got fleeced on the pick and mix...

      [peter kay]
      How much is pick and mix these days? Took mi' gran to the cinema... went to the pick and mix, I said "I'll get these nan, dont worry... Woah Woah Woah... FUDGE?!?!..."

      "...Feel the weight of it before you put it in the bag!!! Marshmellows, flumps... thats what you want, have as many flying saucers as you like... Woah? pear drops? dont go mad..."

      "...She's 82 you theiving b@st@rds!!!, you should wear black and a balaclava..."

      [/peter kay]

      //More lurking **lurk**lurk**lurk**
      I Rule!

