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I still can't sleep....

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  • I still can't sleep....

    Yes, despite the sleep thread, Kat's great suggestions about "fun things to do in bed", others who suggested reading, music, etc...

    I still can't sleep

    Last night I went to bed at 6am. The night before it was 5:30.

    Tonight isnt looking any better. I'm bored, and my PC is on. Result=I'm glued to my keyboard.

    Any other ideas?


    P.S. After a long and arduous study, I have come to the conclusion that I have the hands-down best signature at

  • #2
    That happens to me on vacations, so I stay all night glued to the keyboard or to the PS2, go to bed at 6 am and wake up at 3 pm repeat the secuence.


    • #3
      Yeah well, I kinda want "out" of this sequence lol.



      • #4
        you got something imparticular on your mind, or just dont feel like going to bed?


        • #5
          I guess I'll to stick to it unless I get a girl.
          Man, where are the "is" of your name?


          • #6
            Originally posted by screaming_emu
            you got something imparticular on your mind, or just dont feel like going to bed?
            Could be a combo



            • #7
              Originally posted by Leftseat86
              Originally posted by screaming_emu
              you got something imparticular on your mind, or just dont feel like going to bed?
              Could be a combo

              mmm....combos *drool*


              • #8
                If you seriously want to go to bed earlier here is the best Medicine:

                Set Your alarm for 8am and GET UP! It don't matter how tired you are, GETTING UP IS WHAT DOES THE TRICK! I was in the pattern of going to bed at 2am and getting up at 12-1pm and it sucks cause you miss the entire morning and everything good about mornings..

                By the end of the day, you should be tired enough to go to bed at a resonable hour. (As long as you have done something during the day: Running, weightlifting, soccer, as long as it makes you sweat, its will help get you tired for bed... Please, No SEX jokes here!

                Good luck Clovis!



                • #9
                  Yes Clovis, we dont need to know all the different words you can think of for masturbation again


                  • #10
                    Yes Clovis, we dont need to know all the different words you can think of for masturbation again

                    What the heck are you talking about?


                    • #11
                      Think back to the other sleep thread.


                      • #12
                        What i do, is sleep as much as i can for about 2 or 3 days then stay up for the next 3 or 4 days. Then repeat the cycle. I only do it over the summer. It works.


                        • #13
                          I got to bed at 5am, and slept until noon. It was ok.



                          • #14
                            Ohhh man I was good two days ago.
                            Yesterday I went to bed at 4 am and just woke up some 30 mins ago (14:40 GMT -5).


                            • #15
                              I can't sleep because I have finals this week that I have to pass. 5 days and it's all over till Aug. 26. So I won't be able to sleep for awhile and then the night ofthe 23rd I'll be too excited to sleep.

