I find that many of the dreams I have while sleeping involve flying. Usually I'm traveling with friends that I haven't seen in a few years. Sometimes I'm helping them with a problem since I work for an airline. Other times everything goes smoothly. We're always on a 747 or 777. My last one was a couple days ago. I dreamed I was going from IAH to LHR on a BA 744. Now I haven't actually flown BA or been to London since 17 years ago. In my dream I got to the airport about 2 hours early but as I was getting out of my car I realized I forgot my passport! I had time to turn around and go home to get it so I did. But my house in the dream wasn't any house I've ever lived in. It was so weird. No I wasn't stoned or hung over when I fell asleep
So anyways I made it back to the flight in time. I had an aisle seat in the middle of the cabin, in the first for behind the galley. After we got airborne my alarm clock went off. It always goes off before I land!
Does anyone else ever have dreams like this? Try to stay on topic please.

Does anyone else ever have dreams like this? Try to stay on topic please.