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Killer bees.

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  • Killer bees.

    A million bees. Whoa. That would suck.

  • #2
    understatement of the year.


    • #3
      What a horrible death . I distinctly remember that a few years ago there was a case where a bee population was going on a rampage so to say, injuring or killing several hundred villagers in South America IIRC.


      • #4
        Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
        The buzzing busy bee bringing the pollen back to the hive

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        • #5
          Originally posted by uy707
          Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
          The buzzing busy bee bringing the pollen back to the hive

          Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz went the buzzing bee
          Meow Meow Meow went the Kitty Cat
          Woof Woof Woof went the doggie dog
          Hisss Hisss Hisss went the Emu.

          That's all.


          • #6


            • #7
              Thats a crazy way to die. I hate bees, In fact Im allergic to them. I feel sorry for the lady . !!!
              Inactive from May 1 2009.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BA747-436


                • #9
                  What would happen if they didn't stumble out of the car? Maybe the bees would not penetrate the air filters into the car interior?


                  • #10
                    If bees ever attack in your house completely submerge yourself in a bath tub and breathe through a straw. That way your 100% safe from the bees, but make sure the straw hasn't got honey on the end otherwise the bees might block the straw.

                    I watched a movie once called "revenge of the bumble bees" or something like that, that’s how I know that trick of the trade.


                    • #11
                      If you listened to the news around here, you'd think San Francisco was gonna get attacked by killer bee's every year. The attacks are 10 years over due...


                      • #12
                        I had a Fire Ant attack yesterday when i stepped in a nest and didnt realize it till i had about 40-50 of them biting and climbing up my leg .... bastards


                        • #13
                          UUUURG - storm in a frigging teacup - thankyou. This has been blown out of all proportion locally - while it is a terrible thing - the reaction is akin to a great white taking out a surfer. The local authorities are being "blamed for not removing said bee hive from electrical sub station" - so that when friendly motorists who "loose control" of their vehicles and "smash into a substation" wont be stung to death. Man, if those bees were hiving in a tree and the tree got the short end of "lost car control" and the end result was just as 'stinging' - the story would not have even made page 10.

                          Now, if you are thinking of shooting planes at the threshold of FALA's 24R, ask me about the "killer bees" residing in the storm water drain - I have met them on a few occasions and they soon tell you if you are to close to their territory. They send out one or two "messangers" to buzz you, if you dont move, then all of a sudden there are 10 of these buggers giving you the same "sod off" message. Further delay on your part results in the first sting - then you run like hell. Usually after the first visit by a few bees, if you just move back out of "range" they leave you alone.

                          BUT dont ever mess with these guys - they are as agressive as Sean Fitzpatrick on speed.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
                            If bees ever attack in your house completely submerge yourself in a bath tub and breathe through a straw. That way your 100% safe from the bees, but make sure the straw hasn't got honey on the end otherwise the bees might block the straw.

                            I watched a movie once called "revenge of the bumble bees" or something like that, that’s how I know that trick of the trade.
                            But then you have to wait for the bathtub to fill up, that usually takes like 5 minutes. Why the hell did these people crash into a power station?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JordanD
                              But then you have to wait for the bathtub to fill up, that usually takes like 5 minutes. Why the hell did these people crash into a power station?
                              They "lost control of their car" and crashed into an elictrical sub station. The husband of the woman who was stung to death was rushed to hospital (ICU) - today's report is that his condition has deterioated. Hopefully he will pull through. A point to remember, drop for drop bee venom is FAR more potent than snake venom (such as a cobra). The antidote is an anti histamine for a mild attack and adrenaline for a "many sting" attack. The venom causes ones muscles to contract, thereby causing choking - cut off of O2 and you keel over.

