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Riots in France

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  • Riots in France

    Have you heard?

  • #2
    Anybody that hasn't been living under a rock for the past week has heard about that.


    • #3
      "Karma"...."Those That Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones"...."What Goes Around, Comes Around", ect.....

      For 30 years, France has always sat itself as a paragon of culture and egaltarinism, a socieity that saw itself as open to all, regardless of color, ethnicity and religion. They got no more joy that when they could point it's finger towards the monster across the North Atlantic with all of it's social ills and racial tensions as an example not to follow. Well, it looks like the big lie has been exposed and that our French friends are not quite what they have been selling themselves low these many decades. After the reaming that the French (and global) media did to the US and the administration following the Katrina debacle one would think that publications like Le Monde, Le Figaro, would be all over this and reporting truthful and accurate information. Sadly most of the French and world's media as a whole are steering well clear of the 'M' word. Indeed while France's attempt at social engineering, seemingly unrestriced immigration, non-assimilation and squalid living conditions is now collapsing before the world's cameras, most do not want acknowledge the possibility that something more sinister and difficult to control 'Radical Islam' may be at play here. While much of the riots are being perputrated by thugs and criminals, one has to acknowledgde that there is very likely an undercurrent of radical Islamist involvement. One story I heard out of Reims (unconfirmed) was that a visiting foreign Imam was giving lessons on how to construct a molotov cocktail in a public park, as the police looked on...WTF?!

      If there ever was a time for France (and Western Europe as a whole) to start looking inward at their own social-economic problems and stop blaming the US for all the world'd ills it is now!



      • #4
        Aldo do you really believe the garbage you wrote here?

        Mud slinging is not required. Simply because France (an a lot of others) do not agree with the U.S. does not make them part of the evil empire.

        The problem in France is also the problem in many other countries that accept immigrants that are visible minorities. No matter how much the government and the majority of people preach tolerance you get those of the majority that discriminate. In the case of France it is large numbers of young unemployed immigrants that are rioting.

        I don't remember France blaming anyone about the problems they are having.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ptbodale
          Aldo do you really believe the garbage you wrote here?

          Mud slinging is not required. Simply because France (an a lot of others) do not agree with the U.S. does not make them part of the evil empire.

          The problem in France is also the problem in many other countries that accept immigrants that are visible minorities. No matter how much the government and the majority of people preach tolerance you get those of the majority that discriminate. In the case of France it is large numbers of young unemployed immigrants that are rioting.

          I don't remember France blaming anyone about the problems they are having.
          Sorry UFO, I have to agree with ptbodale on this one. The immigrants in France are mad because they cannot seem to find enough jobs, and this time they decided to burn cars and buildings as a protest. Nothing to do with the US here...
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          • #6
            Originally posted by herpa2003
            Immigrants in France are mad because they cannot seem to find enough jobs, and this time they decided to burn cars and buildings as a protest.
            There is a civilised way for the immigrant's to voice their concerns. I think because their acting like children they should be rounded up and deported to where they came from.

            I'm don't know too much about the rioting but going my these posts France needs more strict policies on immigrants like New Zealand and Australia. If people applying for residency in NZ are deemed to be a burden on the tax payer they will be turned away, which happened to an American with a heart condition a few months ago.

            I hope the rioting works against the rioter's and France brings in new laws so immigrants won't have trouble finding jobs, because they won't be aloud into the country in the first place.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
              There is a civilised way for the immigrant's to voice their concerns. I think because their acting like children they should be rounded up and deported to where they came from.
              The background is that the immigrants have no chance on a good education and finding proper jobs - they live in poverty and the goverment does not do anything about it.
              The reason why the rioting broke out was that some french minister discribed the immigrants as garbage and similar nice words. Of course burning cars is not the right way to solve their problems but honestly, the goverment would not even listen to them if they tackled the problem in a civilised way.
              Last edited by philip; 2005-11-10, 13:51.


              • #8
                Originally posted by philip
                The background is that the immigrants have no chance on a good education and finding proper jobs - they live in poverty and the goverment does not do anything about it.
                The reason why the rioting broke out was that some french minister discribed the immigrants as garbage and similar nice words. Of course burning cars is not the right way to solve their problems but honestly, the goverment would not even listen to them if they tackled the problem in a civilised way.
                This was enough to the etnichal people of france, Im not saying I support what they are doing, In fact That is wrong, But if the Govt does listen to them This was the only way, and they carried this out. Sad that it has to end this way. Dont know about any losses, they are being locked in right now, Their houses, flats, stores are being searched and secured that they arent being used for storage of "urban weapons" (Read Molotiv coctails etc.) There's this "carfuse" Idk if I spelled that right, anyway this is a wrong way to restrain these folks who set up a car on fire, From midnight to 6 am . Heck who knows the other person and not this dude who did the fire ....Do I make sense ??
                Inactive from May 1 2009.


                • #9
                  From what I've heard, the real reason is that 2 young ciminals where chased down by the police, and locked them selves up in an electricity thingy, and where electrocuted, that made the immigrants mad, and said that the government doesn't do anything about them.
                  Suche gut gebaute 18-30 Jährigen zum schlachten.
                  - Metzgermeister


                  • #10
                    Hmmmm - interesting observations and comments posted here. As you well know, during the apartheid days in S Africa - we never had an "imigrant problem" as nobody immigrated to South Africa. Now, 10 years on - we have a HUUUUGE immigration problem bringing with it the problems experienced in France (and other countries). We cannot cope with the influx of people and of course we have now become a soft target for organised crime (drugs, mostly) - not fun at all.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MaDbOy
                      From what I've heard, the real reason is that 2 young ciminals where chased down by the police, and locked them selves up in an electricity thingy, and where electrocuted, that made the immigrants mad, and said that the government doesn't do anything about them.
                      That was nothing more than a lame excuse. First off, trying to outrun the police is a stupid idea, but trying to hide inside a transformator building is beyond stupid.
                      As far as these riots themselves are concerned, I have my opinion on that, but prefer to keep it to myself.


                      • #12
                        You may call me xenophobic for this, but my point of view is that if the immigrants don't like it in France (or any other country they move to), they can go back to wherever they came. Don't come to my country if you don't want to earn an honest living and abide by our laws.
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PT737SWA
                          You may call me xenophobic for this, but my point of view is that if the immigrants don't like it in France (or any other country they move to), they can go back to wherever they came. Don't come to my country if you don't want to earn an honest living and abide by our laws.
                          Now what would you do...stay in your own country and live in poverty and maybe under a dictatorship or move on and try to start a new life somewhere else just to figure out that people and goverments who could help to improve your situation dont give a shit. Integration is still far from being perfect in all countries. I'm not supporting the violence but when you think about the situation of immigrants (not only in France) your statement does not make me at least.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by philip
                            Now what would you do...stay in your own country and live in poverty and maybe under a dictatorship or move on and try to start a new life somewhere else just to figure out that people and goverments who could help to improve your situation dont give a shit. Integration is still far from being perfect in all countries. I'm not supporting the violence but when you think about the situation of immigrants (not only in France) your statement does not make me at least.
                            I'm not against immigration at all, I just feel people shouldn't move somewhere in expectation of welfare.
                            Follow me on Twitter!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PT737SWA
                              ...shouldn't move somewhere in expectation of welfare.
                              I dont think that is what most immigrants do, hoping for a better life is not welfare. I am almost sure they did not say 'Hey lets leave Africa and burn some cars in France, could be fun!'

