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Screeners in SXM - a few snapshots (photo heavy)

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  • Screeners in SXM - a few snapshots (photo heavy)

    Recently a few of the UK screening crew (and selected mates) decided that we needed a break from screening and decided that there was no better place than sunny St. Maarten.

    Me and Coley travelled out on Air France, whilst Jase, Jid, Chris and Jamo joined us a few hours later having trecked across the US.

    Here's a few select pics of the trip that don't directly involve aircraft:

    One of the first signs that we had arrived:

    10 minutes after chucking our bags in the hotel room we were off down to the Sunset Beach bar, our adopted home for the next 6 days:

    We wasted no time by getting in the first couple of rounds of these babies before the other four joined us:

    A couple of hours later a motely crew were seen running down the road towards us. We thought it was some sort of hit squad, but i don't think they'd make the measure:

    Sun sets on the first day in paradise as the ships (ok, Cat) roll on by:

    Then begun a massive celebratory welcome to SXM style drinking session complete with some amazing food...Jase shows you all about it:

    Jid and Dale:

    Jamo pi$$ed:

    Where's Sharps?

    The morning after the first night...the expression shows it all...

    The legendary arrivals surfboard gets an update:

    Riding the fence was an awesome experience, although a little painful. This was an AA 757:

    We couldn't not make the short hop over to St. we are waiting on the ramp at SXM to be guided to our Winair Islander.

    Coley and Jase sitting on the security fence at SBH:

    We'd been recommended this restaurant and we were not disappointed..apart from my 30mins wait for the food i had actually ordered to turn up, but still a bottle of red helped ease the wait:

    Jaw dropping lunchtime entertainment sent the wanna-be paps into a frenzie. Don't think the poor girl knew what hit her:

    Two for the price of one:

    Meanwhile, later that afternoon out on the beach it was a game of make sure they don't notice us snapping away...Jid...they're behind you!!!

    Guess what Dale's looking at whilst Jase examines the on camera evidence:

    Coley in heaven...cheeseburgers at the SSBB:

    The rain on the last day couldn't dampen our spirits, just meant we started drinking earlier:

    Well that's a quick few for you....we had a wicked time and one that won't be forgotten in a while.

    I can't wait for the return trip whenever that may be.

  • #2

    Brilliant stuff James, summed the week up very well. Brings back plenty of great memories

    Hopefully it won't be too long 'til we all return



    • #3

      Hello!(girl in the background)


      • #4
        Originally posted by JordanD
        Hello!(girl in the background)
        Jid has a great photo of her, I doubt it would be suitable for here though


        • #5
          Eh. PM it to me then!!! Haha. Just kidding.


          • #6
            Originally posted by G-DALE
            Jid has a great photo of her, I doubt it would be suitable for here though


            • #7
              Sweet shots!!!

              Dale.. had a thing for those hamburgers eh?

              Thanks for showing us the pictures james.. nice to see more pictures of you guys.


              • #8
                Originally posted by G-DALE
                Jid has a great photo of her, I doubt it would be suitable for here though
                Indeed he does

                and even

                Happy days....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jid
                  Indeed he does

                  Happy days....
                  That's the one I'm talking about Jid!

                  PM me the original


                  • #10
                    Looks like a good time was had buy all. Good to see people from this site getting together.

                    Everybody was legal drinking age?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ptbodale
                      Looks like a good time was had buy all. Good to see people from this site getting together.

                      Everybody was legal drinking age?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ptbodale
                        Everybody was legal drinking age?
                        Originally posted by B7772ADL
                        Yeah everyone was


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by G-DALE
                          That's the one I'm talking about Jid!

                          PM me the original
                          Jid ,you'll be put away soon if you carry on that
                          Great pics guys i think you might of enjoyed it there


                          • #14
                            [Peter Kay]

                            Jase and jamo...
                            "The dad run, they're running but they dont ACTUALLY move any faster..."

                            And Chris...
                            "June, its gone, bloody sierra... its gone, june... bloody sierra..."

                            [/peter kay]

                            You honestly expect me to belive that the last photo was take on the last day... You're all like a box of daz... Whiter than White!!!

                            Looks like you had fun... The next one will be better, cos I'll be there with you Hehe!!

                            //Goes back to the crew forums...
                            I Rule!


                            • #15
                              awsome pics, looks like you guys sure enjoyed yourselves!

