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Ceosea757 says bye

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  • Ramp Pilot
    Originally posted by IntheShade
    Sure, I'll change the names but this is exactly what I've needed as a generic response to all my critics on these forums.

    I'm even leaving in the misspelled words I like it so much. I feel it adds a certain amount of indignant rage.

    Obviously, you will also have to add some Bold to the response as well.

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  • IntheShade
    Originally posted by Generic

    Amy why don't you take all your bull**** about maturity and crap and stick it up you big fat smelly a** where it came from. What is all this crap your posting about the teenagers in this forum being imature. If you look in the FS discussion you will see where MikeD told VA 14/15 hub managers to get a life, is that being mature. The ITS thinks SWA733Captain is a real SWA pilot because of his screen name. When his sig clearly states he's a VIRTUAL airline hub manager. Thats not just imature but totally moronic. Why don't you just shut the bloddy hell up. We're all f***ing sick of you.

    Finally--this is what I've been waiting for.

    Sure, I'll change the names but this is exactly what I've needed as a generic response to all my critics on these forums.

    I'm even leaving in the misspelled words I like it so much. I feel it adds a certain amount of indignant rage.

    So look out IntheShade critics. I now have my generic response to your outburst.


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  • AmyB
    Originally posted by DeltaASA16
    Ok, I go back to my old feelings. The Mods maturity level must be reconsidered. This disgusted user comes on, says a lot of immature crap and leaves. Then, this is what gets me, ever other Mod and users strikes back with their own immature comments telling him how he is a "loser", "'you are the weakest link...goodbye' Dont let the door hit you on the way out.", "All i can say is - what a loser! We're better off seeing the back of him!", "Paul, I can offer you a 12 month First Class membershipt to, I'm sure you'll feel right at home there with all the other morons, 15 year old know-it-alls, and liars is already full of. [b]BTW, due to the fact you called Penelope Cruz an "ugly bitch" I am now forwarding all my spam mail to your inbox, especially the "Penis Enlargment" ones, as I'm sure you'll be needing those... [b/] -Clovis", and the list goes on!

    Chris and Amy, I believe you made the comment that this was an Adult Site, Yet, The more I come here and read threads like this after you have made your big declaration of Adult quality forums, the more I see your failure!

    To everyone on this site: If someone wants to leave this forum and says some crap while they go out, Don't pride yourself by shouting ugly insults back. Try and keep the maturity level up and move on!



    I definitely give you kudos for remaining diplomatic in your criticism of the way things are run here. And this allows me to bring up a key point: I don't mind criticism...I do mind low blow insults. So no one is going to get "banned" for disagreeing with my statements about maturity...or various other moderating issues...but a very different outcome will occur if a person proceeds to insult me out of total left field instead of talking with me about it in a mature fashion. I might laugh at a PM like that, but the fact remains that it's insulting and rather creepy to find. Actions have consequences...and this was no exception.

    I would agree that some of the comments made by Chris (and perhaps a couple by me) could have been more diplomatically stated and probably should have been.

    But put yourself in our shoes. We come in here to a rat's nest on a daily basis and try to stay calm and business-like even when we are being constantly insulted in the process. This PM was such an un-Godly example of the very immaturity that it was protesting that it was almost laughable...and we are putting in OUR hard work and volunteering OUR time to keep forums running smoothly then, yes, after a long day at work and weeks of seeing the same sorts of patterns, finally putting our foot down, and then being struck at in that fashion...then tempers might rise a bit.

    In other words, there are times when "turning the other cheek" doesn't seem to be having much of an effect anymore. Diplomacy seems lost on a certain age range. And we become frustrated.

    But labling these as examples of "our failures" is quite unfair. As I have stated before, Chris and I are not your hall monitors. We are not here to mold you and twist you the way you should be behaving. We can try our best to stay on top of things but this place and it's content is largely up to YOU. And I refuse to take responsibility for some little 15 year old who decides to be a big, bad, show off and "curse out" the moderator. Give me a break. This is not middle school and we do not have detention hall.

    I think we have a right to get a bit "miffed" on OCCASION when someone pulls a dirty punch. We "take" more punches that you NEVER hear about than you can count. This is a thankless job.

    So quite honestly, much of the back and forth that you see here are largely YOUR failures...not ours. We're just the ones who have to clean up the daily mess. And it sucks.


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  • Leftseat86
    DeltaASA16 do you think I'm really going to waste my time to forward my emails to him? lmao...I was just joking, and most of us were. Paul's insults werte serious, but thats what sets him apart...


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  • DeltaASA16
    Guest replied
    Ok, I go back to my old feelings. The Mods maturity level must be reconsidered. This disgusted user comes on, says a lot of immature crap and leaves. Then, this is what gets me, ever other Mod and users strikes back with their own immature comments telling him how he is a "loser", "'you are the weakest link...goodbye' Dont let the door hit you on the way out.", "All i can say is - what a loser! We're better off seeing the back of him!", "Paul, I can offer you a 12 month First Class membershipt to, I'm sure you'll feel right at home there with all the other morons, 15 year old know-it-alls, and liars is already full of. [b]BTW, due to the fact you called Penelope Cruz an "ugly bitch" I am now forwarding all my spam mail to your inbox, especially the "Penis Enlargment" ones, as I'm sure you'll be needing those... [b/] -Clovis", and the list goes on!

    Chris and Amy, I believe you made the comment that this was an Adult Site, Yet, The more I come here and read threads like this after you have made your big declaration of Adult quality forums, the more I see your failure!

    To everyone on this site: If someone wants to leave this forum and says some crap while they go out, Don't pride yourself by shouting ugly insults back. Try and keep the maturity level up and move on!


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  • MikeD
    Originally posted by SWA733Captain
    If you look in the FS discussion you will see where MikeD told VA 14/15 hub managers to get a life, is that being mature. The ITS thinks SWA733Captain is a real SWA pilot because of his screen name. When his sig clearly states he's a VIRTUAL airline hub manager.
    I did take offence on that post from MikeD. ITS, well, i dont know what to say. I do think its a bit low posting that to the public Chris.
    On that same token, I believe I stood corrected later in that thread.

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  • Leftseat86
    InTheShade, just so you know, my real name (first name) is Clovis. French in origin...but dont mistake me for a frenchie like Kilroy does.. :P


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  • Leftseat86
    Paul, I can offer you a 12 month First Class membershipt to, I'm sure you'll feel right at home there with all the other morons, 15 year old know-it-alls, and liars is already full of.

    BTW, due to the fact you called Penelope Cruz an "ugly bitch" I am now forwarding all my spam mail to your inbox, especially the "Penis Enlargment" ones, as I'm sure you'll be needing those...


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  • Katamarino
    All i can say is - what a loser! We're better off seeing the back of him!

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  • indian airlines
    Keep up the good work although I think a few Aus v USA threads wouldn't be to bad ????
    In that case India is the best! :P

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  • mirrodie
    I can't believe you guys have to deal with that too.

    There is no need for such nasty email.

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  • screaming_emu
    "you are the weakest link...goodbye"

    Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

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  • AmyB
    Amy why don't you take all your bull**** about maturity and crap and stick it up you big fat smelly a** where it came from. What is all this crap your posting about the teenagers in this forum being imature. If you look in the FS discussion you will see where MikeD told VA 14/15 hub managers to get a life, is that being mature. The ITS thinks SWA733Captain is a real SWA pilot because of his screen name. When his sig clearly states he's a VIRTUAL airline hub manager. Thats not just imature but totally moronic. Why don't you just shut the bloddy hell up. We're all f***ing sick of you.

    Actually...I don't think of this as a PM. I think of it as pure art.

    "Amy why don't you take all your bull**** about maturity and crap and stick it up your big fat smelly a** where it came from" pure poetry Ne'er have I seen such beauty in prose. Would make a grown man weep...

    All I really have to say after a note such as this is: The Plaintiff Rests.


    PS: "Bloody" is "b-l-o-o-d-y"...not "bloddy". FYI. To assist you with immature insults in the future. Always good to have a dictionary nearby to insure that your nasty, vile, poetic, prose creates the "bada BING" effect you were going for.

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  • grammo
    holy sh t the drama on here never ceases to amaze me. just when i think it cant get worse this makes the daily soaps i was forced to watch as a kid seem like childs play.

    and ceosea757 i take your insult against this site as a personal insult against me.

    BTW US > AUS

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  • ADG
    Hi Chris ..

    Personally, I think you should have removed the post. I understand your reason for leaving it here, but I wonder if a complete moritorium on the whining might not help in the long run?

    Your site has grown rapidly in popularity unlike it's competitors who have taken the time to grow into what they are you are getting all the "issues" compounded rapidly upon you with little time to mature the forums into what they will eventually become.

    As for his private eMail to AmyB .. well if he didn't want it requoted he shouldn't have sent it, there is no such thing as private emails . His eMail to her was inappropriate and it is a good thing that he has chosen to go, as you really need to settle the Off Topic Forum down a little and the loss of a few trouble makers will not hurt the site.

    Never lose sight of what you're all about though, the forums are secondary to the fantastic database you are building up ...

    Keep up the good work although I think a few Aus v USA threads wouldn't be to bad ????

    (yep, i'm a suckup too ... or is that a Chris Killroy Groupie? )

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